iPad mini for testing iPhone apps

Tell me please, can I test on Ipad mini apps for iPhone with retina from Xcode? Or it is available only for iPad 3 and 4? I need the best way for testing, but can buy only one device.

由于屏幕尺寸/像素密度,您无法在iPad Mini上测试视网膜。

You can test iOS applications on an iOS simulator on a Mac. You do not need to have any hardware to test the software, but you can only run apps on the hardware they're chose to run on. You cannot run iPad apps on an iPhone but you can run iPhone apps on an iPad.

The iPad mini is non-retina, so no you cannot test the retina graphics on an iPad mini. You can however use the Simulator to test iPad and iPhone retina and non-retina.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95804.html

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