C# DateTimePicker DataBinding Parse event not working

I have a datetimepicker that I am binding with nullable Date/Time column in dataset. I applied Format event successfully for null and not null object value. But, when I uncheck dtp control it does not get set to null in the dataset. This is my code:

dtpBirthdate.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", bsStaff, "birthDate", true));
dtpBirthdate.DataBindings["Value"].Format += new ConvertEventHandler(dtpFormat);
dtpBirthdate.DataBindings["Value"].Parse += new ConvertEventHandler(dtpParse);

Format and Parse events:

private void dtpFormat(object sender, ConvertEventArgs e)
      Binding b = sender as Binding;
      if(b != null)
           DateTimePicker dtp = (b.Control as DateTimePicker);
           if(dtp != null)
                if (e.Value == null || e.Value == DBNull.Value)
                    dtp.Checked = false;
                    dtp.CustomFormat = " ";
                    e.Value = false;
                    dtp.Checked = true;
                    dtp.CustomFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
                    dtp.Value = (DateTime) e.Value;

    private void dtpParse(object sender, ConvertEventArgs e)
        Binding b = sender as Binding;

        if (b != null)
            DateTimePicker dtp = (b.Control as DateTimePicker);
            if (dtp != null)
                if (dtp.Checked == false)
                    e.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    e.Value = dtp.Value; 

After debugging, I found that it goes to infinite loop between parse and format events. What is wrong with my code?

Edit: There is also a datagridview binded to bsStaff bindingsource.

You are casting "Binding b = sender as Binding" before the null check. check if the sender is null before casting and you should be fine.

I noticed that you are using a Databinding event capture for both controls but on your first dtpFormat event handler you don't check for databinding values first.

Imho this line of code:

if (e.Value == null || e.Value == DBNull.Value)

needs to be changed to

if (e.Value == DBNull.Value || e.Value == null)

The issue is you need to set e.Value to something; but if you change it, it will fire parse again. Try setting it to it's original value.

e.Value = dtp.Value;

Here is a link to someone who has ran into this before. They were not using your DbNull.Value, but other than that it is nearly identical to what you are doing.


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95826.html

上一篇: 比较swift中的文字类型失败?

下一篇: C#DateTimePicker DataBinding解析事件不起作用