Close a Scanner linked to

I have a Scanner linked to . Now, after using the Scanner , I should close it, as it is bad coding practice to leave it open. But, if I close the Scanner , I will also be closing ! Can anyone tell me how I can close the Scanner without closing (if there is any way).

One option is to wrap your stream in a CloseShieldInputStream that prevents it from being closed. Your reader would then use the CloseShieldInputStream rather than the raw stream.

Here is the API for the class:

The simplest thing is to not close Scanner if you don't want to close the underlying stream.

Ideally you should create just one Scanner which you use for the life of the program. In any case, it appears you don't have a good reason to close it.

Instead of adding shield classes and stuff like that, just put a nice comment and a


That's good enough. And I don't seem to see a lot of drawbacks to this approach. Don't forget the comment.


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