
我希望有人能够帮助我。 我正在制作一款Sudoku游戏,并且我编写了一个解决整个难题的类(它当然与另一个java文件中的动作按钮相关),并且它运行良好。



public class SudokuSolver {

// set unchangeable number of rows to 9
private static final int ROWS = 9;
// set unchangeable number of columns to 9
private static final int COLUMNS = 9;
// the multidimensional array that will be the solution
private int[][] puzzleSolution;
// the 9x9 solution multidimensional array containing the correct puzzle values
public static int[][] solution = new int[ROWS][COLUMNS];

 * SudokuSolver constructor takes your incomplete puzzle and calls the solver method on it in order to get a
 * completed puzzle. The completed puzzle is stored in a solution multidimensional array.
 * @param puzzle the puzzle you want to solve.
public SudokuSolver(int[][] puzzle) {
    // store puzzle solution into "puzzle" parameter
    puzzleSolution = puzzle;
    // solve the puzzle
    solvePuzzle(puzzleSolution, 0, 0);
} // end SudokuSolver

 * next takes the current position in the puzzle array and moves it forward.
 * next calls upon the solvePuzzle method to continue checking values of the next array location. This is done so
 * if there is a non empty value in the array, we can skip to an empty one.
 * @param puzzle the array that is being moved forward
 * @param row the row position in the array
 * @param column the column position in the array
public void next(int[][] puzzle, int row, int column) {
    // if we are still within the puzzle columns
    if (column < 8) {
        // solve puzzle by filling empty grid squares in columns
        solvePuzzle(puzzle, row, column + 1);
    } else {
        // otherwise, solve the puzzle by filling empty grid squares in rows
        solvePuzzle(puzzle, row + 1, 0);
} // end next

 * solvePuzzle loops through an incomplete sudoku puzzle in order to solve it.
 * It skips already entered 1 to 9 values using the next function, which then calls the updated function with
 * new row and column positioning. If a value doesn't already exist in its respective row, column, or block, solve
 * adds the value to the array and updates the positioning to check for a new value. At the end of the array, the
 * solution is sent to the "solution" array.
 * @param puzzle the incomplete sudoku puzzle being solved.
 * @param row the current row position of the array.
 * @param col the current column position of the array.
public void solvePuzzle(int[][] puzzle, int row, int col) {
    // if the row value is above 8, then every empty value should be solved
    if (row > 8) {
        System.out.println("nThe puzzle has been automatically solved!nSOLUTION APPLIED:");
        // writing the rows
        for (int r = 0; r < ROWS; r++) {
            // writing the columns
            for (int c = 0; c < COLUMNS; c++) {
                // array to hold the solution
                int[][] solutionArray;
                // places the solved array into the solution array
                solutionArray = puzzle;
                // print out the solution puzzle to console
                System.out.print(solutionArray[r][c] + " ");
            } // end writing columns
            // this empty println is needed to print the puzzle line by line in the console
        } // end writing rows
    } else {
        // as long as the value in the array is not zero, skip to zero
        if (puzzle[row][col] != 0) {
            // move to next position of row and column
            next(puzzle, row, col);
        } else {
            /* checks for duplicate values of 1 to 9 in rows, columns and 3x3 blocks, and if there are none, places
             the number in an empty location in the array  */
            for (int index = 1; index <= 9; index++) {
                /* checks that there are no duplicated numbers in the row, column or block, so that we can enter
                 the correct number into the right position in the array */
                if (SudokuChecks.findRowDuplicates(puzzle, row, index) &&
                    SudokuChecks.findColumnDuplicates(puzzle, col, index) &&
                    SudokuChecks.findBlockDuplicates(puzzle, row, col, index)) {
                        // set number at current position to index
                        puzzle[row][col] = index;
                        // move to the next position of row and column
                        next(puzzle, row, col);
            //puzzle[row][col] = 0;
} // end solvePuzzle

 * getSolution is a getter method that will get the values of a solved sudoku.
 * @return will return the correct solution to a solved puzzle

public static int[][] getSolution() {
    // return the solution
    return SudokuSolver.solution;
} // end getSolution

} // end class SudokuSolver

求解器在用户点击求解时在每个相应的正方形中放入正确的值,但我想实现一个提示,只是随机打开一个正方形而不是整个拼图。 难题解决方案始终打印在控制台上,单击“解决”时,该解决方案将写入GUI网格。 如果一个正方形有一个值,它显然会被跳过。 如果一个正方形是空的,它将被填充在控制台中确切位置的数字,从而解决这个难题。

我希望我能够正确地解释自己,并且我希望这个代码足以让某个人帮助我开始解决问题。 非常感谢!


  • 首先,从一开始就解决这个难题,并将解决方案存储在一个内部变量中。
  • 然后,如果点击“提示”按钮,从解决方案中选择一个随机单元格并将其打印出来。 跟踪填充的单元格,不要从任何单元格中选择。
  • 当点击“解决”按钮时,打印出整个解决方案。
  • 更新



    public class SudokuSolver 
        public Coordinates hint(int[][] puzzle, int[][] solved)
            List<Coordinates> availableCells=getAvailableCells(puzzle);
            int chosenIndex=(int)Math.random()*availableCells.size();
            Coordinates chosenCell=availableCells.get(chosenIndex);
            int chosenRow=chosenCell.getRow();
            int choseColumn=chosenCell.getColumn();
            return chosenCell;
        private List<Coordinates> getAvailableCells(int[][] puzzle)
            List<Coordinates> list=new ArrayList<Coordinates>(MAX_ROWS*MAX_COLUMNS);
            // iterate the puzzle and collect every cell ==0
            return list;


    public class Coordinates
        private int row;
        private int column;
        public int getRow() {
            return row;
        public void setRow(int row) {
            this.row = row;
        public int getColumn() {
            return column;
        public void setColumn(int column) {
            this.column = column;

    添加一个可传递给solvePuzzle函数的布尔变量或标志。 在solvePuzzle函数中,如果设置了提示标志,则在第一个解决的框中断开。

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/96169.html

    上一篇: Hint a single value for a Sudoku puzzle

    下一篇: My sudoku solver not working