
我必须为FloodWars(Android上的游戏)编写代码。 到目前为止,我成功地编写了一个minmax和一个材料评估器,这很简单。

我的问题是,在一个特定的桌子上,奇数以上的深度超过9,这是最糟糕的举动。 这里是表格:


颜色被替换为: '@', '#', '+', '.', '*' 。 以下是指定深度的输出:





int minmaxMin(int lvl, board *b)
    if(lvl == 0)
        return evalM(b, g_me, g_he);
    board cpB;
    moves M = getMoves(b, g_me, g_he);
    int score = 1000000;
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)  
        copyBoard(b, &cpB);
        memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
        floodfill_ch(&cpB, g_he.l, g_he.c, b->d[g_he.l][g_he.c], M.m[i]);

        score = min(score, minmaxMax(lvl - 1, &cpB)); 

    return score;

int minmaxMax(int lvl, board *b)
    if(lvl == 0)
        return evalM(b, g_me, g_he);
    board cpB;
    moves M = getMoves(b, g_me, g_he);
    int score = -1000000;

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  
        copyBoard(b, &cpB);
        memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
        floodfill_ch(&cpB, g_me.l, g_me.c, b->d[g_me.l][g_me.c], M.m[i]);

        score = max(score, minmaxMin(lvl - 1, &cpB)); 

    return score;
  • lvl是深度,board是以[MAX_L] [MAX_C] - data和l(行数),c(列数)存储的电路板 - 板的实际大小。
  • 函数floodfill_ch(...)在棋盘上将一组颜色变成另一种颜色,getMoves(...)获得合法移动(所有移动 - 拐角)并且evalM(...)获得董事会(由'我'主导的广场 - 广场由'他'主导)。
  • g_me和g_he是玩家的位置(行和列)。
  • 我交换了evalM的观点, evalM是如何建议的,但没有发生任何事情。 我在stdout上打印了根的孩子的结果,结果(分数)不同,但程序选择了最差的一个。

    scr: 0:
    scr: 0:
    scr: -26:


    scr: 39:
    scr: 26:
    scr: 39:



    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define DEBUG
    #ifndef DEBUG
      #define fin stdin
      #define fout stdout
      FILE *fin, *fout, *tty;
    #define MAX_L 50
    #define MAX_C 50
    typedef struct
      char d[MAX_L][MAX_C];
      int l, c;
    typedef struct
      int l, c;
    typedef struct
      char m[3];
    int max(int a, int b)
      return a > b ? a : b;
    int min(int a, int b)
      return a < b ? a : b;
    void readBoard(FILE *fin, board *b, player* me, player* he);
    void printBoard(FILE *fout, board *b);
    int evalM(board* b, player me, player he);
    int minmaxMin(int lvl, board *b);
    int minmaxMax(int lvl, board *b);
    int negamax(int lvl, board *b, char col);
    int alphabetaMin(int lvl, board *bo, int a, int b);
    int alphabetaMax(int lvl, board *bo, int a, int b);
    void floodfill_ch(board *b, int l, int c, char from, char to);
    player g_me, g_he;
    char was[MAX_L][MAX_C];
    moves getMoves(board *b, player me, player he)
      char pM [] = {'@', '#', '+', '.', '*'};
      moves M;
      int i, j = 0;
      //printf("inside getMoves (%c, %c): ", b->d[me.l][me.c], b->d[he.l][he.c]);
      for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        if(pM[i] != b->d[me.l][me.c] && pM[i] != b->d[he.l][he.c])
          M.m[j++] = pM[i]/*, printf("'%c' ", pM[i])*/;
      return M;
    void copyBoard(board *src, board *dst)
      dst -> l = src -> l;
      dst -> c = src -> c;
      memcpy(dst -> d, src -> d, MAX_C * MAX_L);
    int main()
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fin = fopen("in", "r");
      fout = fopen("out", "w");
      tty = fopen("debugyline", "w");
      board currentState;
      board cpB;
      board winner;
      player me, he;
      int score;
      readBoard(fin, &currentState, &me, &he);
      g_me = me, g_he = he;
      printf("reported: (%d %d) (%d %d)n", me.l, me.c, he.l, he.c);
      printf("reported score: %dn", evalM(&currentState, me, he));
      printBoard(stdout, &currentState);
      moves M = getMoves(&currentState, g_me, g_he);
      printf("possible moves: '%c' '%c' '%c';n", M.m[0], M.m[1], M.m[2]);
      score = -1000000;
      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        copyBoard(&currentState, &cpB);
        memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
        floodfill_ch(&cpB, g_me.l, g_me.c, cpB.d[g_me.l][g_me.c], M.m[i]);
        int x = minmaxMin(10, &cpB);
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stdout, "    scr: %d:n", x, evalM(&cpB, g_he, g_me));
        printBoard(stdout, &cpB);
        fprintf(stdout, "nnnnn");
        if(x > score)
          score = x;
          copyBoard(&cpB, &winner);
      printf("minimax scored at: %dn", score);
      printBoard(stdout, &winner);
      #ifdef DEBUG
      return 0;
    void floodfill_ch(board *b, int l, int c, char from, char to)
      if(l >= 0 && l < b->l && c >= 0 && c < b->c && !was[l][c] && b->d[l][c] == from)
        b->d[l][c] = to;
        was[l][c] = 1;
        char ldir[] = {0,  0, -1, 1},
           cdir[] = {1, -1,  0, 0};
        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
          floodfill_ch(b, l + ldir[i], c + cdir[i], from, to);
    //minmax (mm123)
    int minmaxMin(int lvl, board *b)
      if(lvl == 0)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(tty, "scr = %d: n", evalM(b, g_he, g_me));
        //printBoard(tty, b);
        //fprintf(tty, "nnnnn");
        return evalM(b, g_he, g_me);
      board cpB;
      moves M = getMoves(b, g_me, g_he);
      int score = 1000000;
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        copyBoard(b, &cpB);
        memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
        floodfill_ch(&cpB, g_he.l, g_he.c, b->d[g_he.l][g_he.c], M.m[i]);
        score = min(score, minmaxMax(lvl - 1, &cpB));
      return score;
    int minmaxMax(int lvl, board *b)
      if(lvl == 0)
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(tty, "scr = %d: n", evalM(b, g_he, g_me));
        printBoard(tty, b);
        fprintf(tty, "nnnnn");
        return evalM(b, g_me, g_he);
      board cpB;
      moves M = getMoves(b, g_me, g_he);
      int score = -1000000;
      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        copyBoard(b, &cpB);
        memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
        floodfill_ch(&cpB, g_me.l, g_me.c, b->d[g_me.l][g_me.c], M.m[i]);
        #ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(tty, "%d:n", lvl - 1);
        printBoard(tty, &cpB);
        fprintf(tty, "nnnnn");
        score = max(score, minmaxMin(lvl - 1, &cpB));
      return score;
    // eval (ev456)
    int sum;
    void floodfill(board *b, int l, int c, char src)
      if(l >= 0 && l < b->l && c >= 0 && c < b->c && !was[l][c] && b->d[l][c] == src)
        sum ++;
        was[l][c] = 1;
        char ldir[] = {0,  0, -1, 1},
           cdir[] = {1, -1,  0, 0};
        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
          floodfill(b, l + ldir[i], c + cdir[i], src);
    int evalM(board* b, player me, player he)
      int s_me, s_he;
      sum = 0;
      memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
      floodfill(b, me.l, me.c, b->d[me.l][me.c]);
      s_me = sum;
      sum = 0;
      memset(was, 0, MAX_L * MAX_C);
      floodfill(b, he.l, he.c, b->d[he.l][he.c]);
      s_he = sum;
      return s_me - s_he;
    // I/O => board (iob1234)
    void readBoard(FILE *fin, board *b, player* me, player* he)
        int l, c;
        char ch, t;
      player pJ, pS;
        t = fgetc(fin);
        fscanf(fin," ");
        ch = fgetc(fin);
        l = 0;
        while(ch != EOF && ch != 'n')
            c = 0;
            while(ch != 'n' && ch != ' ' && ch != EOF)
                b->d[l][c] = ch;
                ch = fgetc(fin);
            ch = fgetc(fin);
      b->l = l;
      b->c = c;
      pJ.l = l-1, pJ.c = 0;
      pS.l = 0, pS.c = c-1;
      if(t == 'J')
        *me = pJ, *he = pS;
      else if(t == 'S')
        *me = pS, *he = pJ;
      #ifdef DEBUG
      else printf("debug: (error) type of player broken; exiting...n"), exit(-1);
    void printBoard(FILE *fout, board *b)
      int l, c;
      for(l = 0; l < b->l; l++)
        fprintf(fout, "        ");
        for(c = 0; c < b->c; c++)
          fprintf(fout, "%c", b->d[l][c]);
        fprintf(fout, "n");

    minmax算法的调用是minmaxMin(10, &cpB);

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/9639.html

    上一篇: Minmax algorithm chooses the worst move for some depths

    下一篇: Implementing and using MinMax with four in row (connect4) game