Quiscence search implementation for two player board game

I am trying to implement Quiscence search for a two player board game, similar to candycrush where each player gets points for choosing fruits. My goal is to win the game by scoring more points than my opponent. I have implemented alpha-beta pruning for this and see that it's not as fast as I need it to be. The algorithm is able to search 1k nodes/s for a board of size 20 with 9 types of fruits randomly placed.

My question here is this:
When I try to implement quiscence search, what should be the evaluation function and how can I determine the stand pat value for each state?
Please let me know if more information related to the problem statement is required.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/9646.html

上一篇: 有什么方法可以杀死Python中的线程?

下一篇: 双人棋盘游戏的Quiscence搜索实现