Where does the "exports" define in PhantomJS?
This question already has an answer here:
The phantomJS implemented require
syntax (same as NodeJS
if you want to include external library, that library is injected with module
object and module.exports
is the public object that the require function returns.
var _a = 5; //this is private member of the module
module.exports= {
a : ()=>{
return _a;
setA : newA=>_a=newA;
The require:
var myModule = require('path/to/myModule')
myModule.a() //5
myModule._a //undefined
myModule.setA(6) //_a is now 6
PhantomJS docs example requiring webpage module:
var webPage = require('webpage'); //included the module https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/src/modules/webpage.js
var page = webPage.create();
Included the webPage module, inside this module there's the next code
exports.create = function (opts) {
return decorateNewPage(opts, phantom.createWebPage());
that allows to use webPage.create
function where we used the require