Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android
I want to compile the lame encoder for Android. How can I find the tutorials for Lame and its compiling for Android platform.
There used to be a good blog post on how to compile lame for Android, but for some reason it's been offline for a while and only available on some dodgy Chinese sites.
I'll just copy the content below:
porting compiling lame encoder to Android ARM arch using Android NDK
I was looking for a mp3 encoding application in Android Market, and found very few, the reason I think Android doesn't support mp3 encoding is because mp3 is patented technology. Another reason is I guess people prefer Java programming and Android SDK rather than Android native development kit.
Nevertheless compiling libmp3lame library for Android using Android NDK is very easy actually.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := mp3lame
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := bitstream.c fft.c id3tag.c mpglib_interface.c presets.c quantize.c reservoir.c tables.c util.c VbrTag.c encoder.c gain_analysis.c lame.c newmdct.c psymodel.c quantize_pvt.c set_get.c takehiro.c vbrquantize.c version.c
, libmp3lame_vc8.vcproj
, logoe.ico
, depcomp
, folders i386
, vector
. jni/utils.h
, and replace definition extern ieee754_float32_t fast_log2(ieee754_float32_t x);
with this extern float fast_log2(float x);
and you're done, you'll have
compiled. Also, the following question on SO might be of interest for you, as it deals with some issues after compiling lame for Android:
The above solution worked for me except:
directory from the source directory LOCAL_CFLAGS = -DSTDC_HEADERS