HTML multiple events to trigger the same function
Is there a way to have multiple events (eg oninput, onblur) trigger exactly the same function in the HTML?
This is the HTML that I'm trying to simplify:
<input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" oninput="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)" onblur="toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail)">
I know this is possible in jQuery as explained here, but since I have a lot of different inputs (eg address, postcode, etc.) that need to call different functions (eg toggleSuccessIcon(this, isAddresss), toggleSuccessIcon(this, isPostCode), etc.) I wanted to avoid having a long and messy initialisation in the JavaScript. However, if I am being foolish by doing this in HTML rather than JQuery I'd appreciate an explanation as to the advantage of using JQuery.
Note that isEmail, isAddress, isPostCode, etc. is a function name.
// events and args should be of type Array
function addMultipleListeners(element,events,handler,useCapture,args){
if (!(events instanceof Array)){
throw 'addMultipleListeners: '+
'please supply an array of eventstrings '+
'(like ["onblur","oninput"])';
//create a wrapper for to be able to use additional arguments
var handlerFn = function(e){
handler.apply(this, args && args instanceof Array ? args : []);
for (var i=0;i<events.length;i+=1){
function handler(e) {
// do things
// usage
You can use data
<input class="configurable-events" type="text" data-events="blur focus click" data-function="myFunction" />
<input class="configurable-events" type="password" data-events="blur focus" data-function="myPasswordFunction" />
in jQuery you can use something like:
$(this).on($(this).data('events'), function(){
function myFunction(myInput) {
function myPasswordFunction(myPasswordInput) {
$("input").on( "click blur", toggleSuccessIcon(this, isEmail));
上一篇: 两个事件处理程序(click和mousemove)同时在一个元素上
下一篇: HTML多个事件触发相同的功能