how to apply hover and click event at the same time with jQuery

i want to apply hover and click event at the same time. my hover() is working perfectly but when i clicks on the div it don't shows anything ... i was watching examples on stackoverflow but didn't found. i want when i clicks on the div it show me the same behaviour as it showing me on hover()

fiddle :


  <div class="col-lg-3" id="majic">
        <img src="" style="height:80px; width:80px;">
        <h4>WEB APPLICATIONS</h4>

my JS

  function hoveronImage(id,imageonhover,imageonhoverout){


     $(this).children('img').attr('src',' test/vintage/256/Magic-Wand-icon.png')
     'color':'#eab000 '




    $(this).children('img').attr('src','  content/uploads/2013/02/magic-icon-614x460.png')




i was trying

    $(id).on('mouseover click',function(){

     $(this).children('img').attr('src',' test/vintage/256/Magic-Wand-icon.png')
     'color':'#eab000 '



I've never needed to do this before but knowing jQuery this should work:

$(id).on('mouseover', function(){
   //cool stuff here
}).on('click', function(){
   //other cool stuff here

If it's the same action (which it seems like it is) then assign to a named function.

function coolStuff(){
    //cool stuff here

$(id).on('mouseover', coolStuff).on('click', coolStuff);

Of course, since the action is firing on mouseover first, if you aren't incrementing changes on each event, you probably won't see any difference on click.

You can achieve by simply using :hover and click.

Use a css like

div#majic > h4{
color: "#404040";

div#majic > h4:hover, div#majic > h4.majichover{

Then in your like add the "magichover" class to h4


上一篇: 大小格式提供者

下一篇: 如何使用jQuery同时应用悬停和点击事件