Aurelia binding for button callback function
I want to pass an array of objects that define buttons to a custom element, like this:
<my-panel header="My Title"
view-buttons.bind="[{icon: 'fa-plus', display: 'New', action: onNew}]">
In my custom element, I'm displaying the buttons like this:
<button repeat.for="btn of viewButtons" class="btn btn-default" click.delegate="goButton(btn)">
<i class="fa ${btn.icon} fa-fw"></i> ${btn.display}
The called function in my custom element's view-model is:
goButton(btn) {
if (btn.action) {
The called function in my parent view-model is:
onNew() {
window.alert("HORRAY!!! Now why is this not working?");
console.log("view=", this.view); // should be 'home', but displays 'undefined'
this.view = 'new_view';
The button displays correctly and I get the window.alert
message which means the parent function was called. However, it appears that the scope/context of the function is wrong (it's not seeing or updating the parent's this.view
What am I doing wrong? My guess is that it's related to action: onNew
but I don't know how to fix it. If it were a bound parameter, I think I could use"onNew"
but not in an array of objects. Help!
That's how javascript works. To solve this you can use:
{icon: 'fa-plus', display: 'New', action: this.onNew.bind(this) }
Running example:
Javascript call() & apply() vs bind()?
链接地址:上一篇: 这似乎是一个Javascript事件的类。 它是什么?
下一篇: Aurelia绑定按钮回调函数