Get the name of the directory where a script is executed
I have some script, that uses files in directories around it. It uses
dirname $0
command. It should work from any directory where I run this script, but when I run a symbolic link that points to that script I get the path of symbolic link. So I get the output of dirname rather than the path of the script itself.
Any one know a way to get the path of where the script is run?
if [ -L $0 ] ; then
ME=$(readlink $0)
DIR=$(dirname $ME)
$(dirname $(realpath $0))
Unless I misunderstand you, the problem should be the same as the one in: How do you normalize a file path in Bash?
An option not mentioned there is the following python one-liner:
python2.6 -c "import os,sys; print os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])" "$0"
Finally, remember to use double quotes around "$0".
链接地址:下一篇: 获取执行脚本的目录的名称