How can I write a heredoc to a file in Bash script?


Instead of using cat and I/O redirection it might be useful to use tee instead:

tee newfile <<EOF
line 1
line 2
line 3

It's more concise, plus unlike the redirect operator it can be combined with sudo if you need to write to files with root permissions.


  • the following condenses and organizes other answers in this thread, esp the excellent work of Stefan Lasiewski and Serge Stroobandt
  • Lasiewski and I recommend Ch 19 (Here Documents) in the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
  • The question (how to write a here document (aka heredoc) to a file in a bash script?) has (at least) 3 main independent dimensions or subquestions:

  • Do you want to overwrite an existing file, append to an existing file, or write to a new file?
  • Does your user or another user (eg, root ) own the file?
  • Do you want to write the contents of your heredoc literally, or to have bash interpret variable references inside your heredoc?
  • (There are other dimensions/subquestions which I don't consider important. Consider editing this answer to add them!) Here are some of the more important combinations of the dimensions of the question listed above, with various different delimiting identifiers--there's nothing sacred about EOF , just make sure that the string you use as your delimiting identifier does not occur inside your heredoc:

  • To overwrite an existing file (or write to a new file) that you own, substituting variable references inside the heredoc:

    cat << EOF > /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, with the variable contents substituted.
  • To append an existing file (or write to a new file) that you own, substituting variable references inside the heredoc:

    cat << FOE >> /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, with the variable contents substituted.
  • To overwrite an existing file (or write to a new file) that you own, with the literal contents of the heredoc:

    cat << 'END_OF_FILE' > /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, without the variable contents substituted.
  • To append an existing file (or write to a new file) that you own, with the literal contents of the heredoc:

    cat << 'eof' >> /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, without the variable contents substituted.
  • To overwrite an existing file (or write to a new file) owned by root, substituting variable references inside the heredoc:

    cat << until_it_ends | sudo tee /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, with the variable contents substituted.
  • To append an existing file (or write to a new file) owned by user=foo, with the literal contents of the heredoc:

    cat << 'Screw_you_Foo' | sudo -u foo tee -a /path/to/your/file
    This line will write to the file.
    ${THIS} will also write to the file, without the variable contents substituted.
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    上一篇: 从Android上传MS Word文件到.Net WCF?

    下一篇: 我怎样才能写一个heredoc到Bash脚本中的文件?