Lookup Java enum by string value

Say I have an enum which is just

public enum Blah {
    A, B, C, D

and I would like to find the enum value of a string, for example "A" which would be Blah.A . How would it be possible to do this?

Is the Enum.valueOf() the method I need? If so, how would I use this?

Yes, Blah.valueOf("A") will give you Blah.A .

Note that the name must be an exact match, including case: Blah.valueOf("a") and Blah.valueOf("A ") both throw an IllegalArgumentException .

The static methods valueOf() and values() are created at compile time and do not appear in source code. They do appear in Javadoc, though; for example, Dialog.ModalityType shows both methods.


public enum Blah {

  private String text;

  Blah(String text) {
    this.text = text;

  public String getText() {
    return this.text;

  public static Blah fromString(String text) {
    for (Blah b : Blah.values()) {
      if (b.text.equalsIgnoreCase(text)) {
        return b;
    return null;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/992.html

上一篇: 抽象函数和虚函数之间有什么区别?

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