How does XOR variable swapping work?

Can someone explain to me how XOR swapping of two variables with no temp variable works?

void xorSwap (int *x, int *y)
    if (x != y) {
        *x ^= *y;
        *y ^= *x;
        *x ^= *y;

I understand WHAT it does, but can someone walk me through the logic of how it works?

You can see how it works by doing the substitution:

x1 = x0 xor y0
y2 = x1 xor y0
x2 = x1 xor y2


x1 = x0 xor y0
y2 = (x0 xor y0) xor y0
x2 = (x0 xor y0) xor ((x0 xor y0) xor y0)

Because xor is fully associative and commutative:

y2 = x0 xor (y0 xor y0)
x2 = (x0 xor x0) xor (y0 xor y0) xor y0

Since x xor x == 0 for any x,

y2 = x0 xor 0
x2 = 0 xor 0 xor y0

And since x xor 0 == x for any x,

y2 = x0
x2 = y0

And the swap is done.

Other people have explained it, now I want to explain why it was a good idea, but now isn't.

Back in the day when we had simple single cycle or multi-cycle CPUs, it was cheaper to use this trick to avoid costly memory dereferences or spilling registers to the stack. However, we now have CPUs with massive pipelines instead. The P4's pipeline ranged from having 20 to 31 (or so) stages in their pipelines, where any dependence between reading and writing to a register could cause the whole thing to stall. The xor swap has some very heavy dependencies between A and B that don't actually matter at all but stall the pipeline in practice. A stalled pipeline causes a slow code path, and if this swap's in your inner loop, you're going to be moving very slowly.

In general practice, your compiler can figure out what you really want to do when you do a swap with a temp variable and can compile it to a single XCHG instruction. Using the xor swap makes it much harder for the compiler to guess your intent and therefore much less likely to optimize it correctly. Not to mention code maintenance, etc.

I like to think of it graphically rather than numerically.

Let's say you start with x = 11 and y = 5 In binary (and I'm going to use a hypothetical 4 bit machine), here's x and y

       x: |1|0|1|1|   -> 8 + 2 + 1
       y: |0|1|0|1|   -> 4 + 1

Now to me, XOR is an invert operation and doing it twice is a mirror:

     x^y: |1|1|1|0|
 (x^y)^y: |1|0|1|1|   <- ooh!  Check it out - x came back
 (x^y)^x: |0|1|0|1|   <- ooh!  y came back too!

上一篇: 使用xor运算符进行布尔检查是否是好习惯?

下一篇: XOR变量交换如何工作?