I'd like to know more about the different ways of solving Single Sign-On and their pros and cons. Have you worked with one particular solution, tell me what's good about it and tell me what the limitations or suboptimal parts are. Below are the details of what I'd like to know, or don't understand. SSO is a huge topic, as listed in the wikipedia. The more I learn the more qu
我想更多地了解解决单点登录的不同方式及其利弊。 你是否与一个特定的解决方案合作,告诉我它有什么好处,并告诉我什么是局限性或不理想的部分。 以下是我想知道或不明白的细节。 SSO是一个巨大的主题,如维基百科中所列。 我越学越多的问题。 首先,我不明白需要对CAS进行标记验证,有什么好处? 它更安全吗? 我想它很容易受到像任何人一样的中间人攻击。 客户是否也应该使用ssl? 让我们变得真实,这是我们的需
I successfully created a spring boot Serviceclass in order to write on google sheets, following the Java Quistart Tutorial for Sheets API My problem is that the authorization is not renewing, so after the first successful authentication via browser, after some hours I get 401 unauthorized. How can I automatically renew the token without re-issuing the browser login? Below the code, thanks in
我成功创建了一个Spring引导服务类,以便在Google表格中编写Java Quistart Tutorial for Sheets API 我的问题是,授权不续约,所以在通过浏览器进行首次成功验证之后,几个小时后,我获得了401未经授权的许可。 如何在不重新发布浏览器登录的情况下自动更新令牌? 在代码下面,先谢谢你 import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential; import com.google.api.client.extensions.java6.auth.oauth2.AuthorizationCod
I am trying to set up a web service to query Google Play purchases. We store the order information for customers and this service would call Google Play API to query the subscription details. Every time i try to query a purchase, it gives me the error: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error":{ "errors":[ { "domain":"global", "reason":"invalid",
我正在尝试设置一项网络服务来查询Google Play购买。 我们存储客户的订单信息,此服务会调用Google Play API来查询订阅详细信息。 每次我尝试查询购买时,都会给我错误: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error":{ "errors":[ { "domain":"global", "reason":"invalid", "message":"Invalid Value" } ], "code":400, "message":"Inva
I need to send a date in JSON. The date string should look like this: "2013/5/15" Instead , JSONObject.toString escapes it as follows: "2013 /5 /15" I understand that this is done to allow json strings inside scripts tags, as this question explains: JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? But in my case I don't need it. In fact the server is returning an error.
我需要用JSON发送日期。 日期字符串应该如下所示: “2013年5月15日” 相反, JSONObject.toString转义它如下: “2013 / 5 / 15” 我知道这样做是为了允许json字符串在脚本标签中,正如这个问题所解释的:JSON:为什么正斜杠会逃脱? 但在我的情况下,我不需要它。 事实上,服务器正在返回一个错误。 服务器没有处理这个问题,我无法修复服务器,所以我必须在移动客户端代码中修复它。 序列化后我可以做一个String
I'm processing some Java source code using Java. I'm extracting the string literals and feeding them to a function taking a String. The problem is that I need to pass the unescaped version of the String to the function (ie. this means converting n to a newline, and \ to a single , etc). Is there a function inside the Java API that does this? If not, can I obtain such functionality f
我正在使用Java处理一些Java源代码。 我正在提取字符串文字并将它们提供给一个带有String的函数。 问题是我需要将非转义版本的字符串传递给函数(即,这意味着将n转换为换行符, \转换为单个等)。 Java API中是否有这样的函数? 如果没有,我可以从某个图书馆获得这样的功能吗? 很显然,Java编译器必须进行这种转换。 PS - 如果有人想知道:我试图在反编译的混淆Java文件中混淆字符串文字 编辑:您可以下载我在下面
I'm trying to do a single page application using servlets and jsp pages. For the moment I have the first page, which is simple to do: a servlet that forwards to the corresponding jsp. How should the implementation look when navigating to the second page? I guess it should be an ajax call, the servlet would populate the necessary data, but how to display the second page jsp? JSP is a ser
我正在尝试使用servlet和jsp页面来完成单页应用程序。 目前我有第一页,这很容易做到:一个servlet转发到相应的jsp。 在导航到第二页时,实施应该如何看待? 我猜应该是ajax调用,servlet会填充必要的数据,但是如何显示第二页的jsp? JSP是服务器端的UI技术。 Servlet监听特定的URL并重定向到JSP页面。 JSP被编译成一个类(实际上是另一个servlet),被调用(数据将被添加并且内联脚本将运行),并且输出(即HTML)被发
I have an existing Java web application running through IBM WebSphere (I'm unsure of the version, but could find out if it helps) that I am looking to implement two factor authentication with. The system has a decent user base, and I wanted to distribute hardware tokens to the admin users of the system to ensure strong authentication. Minimal impact to the end user is desirable, but I'
我有一个现有的通过IBM WebSphere运行的Java Web应用程序(我不确定版本,但可能会发现它是否有帮助),我期望实施双因素身份验证。 该系统有一个体面的用户群,我想将硬件令牌分发给系统的管理员用户,以确保强大的身份验证。 对最终用户的影响是最小的,但我希望避免管理员需要通过VPN连接。 有谁知道任何提供Java API的产品可以直接集成到现有的应用程序或其他产品中,从而提供最小的影响? 我已经与RSA SecurID进行了
We are looking for a creative way to measure code coverage on new code separate from existing code. We have a large legacy project and want to start getting 90+% coverage on any new functionality. We would like a way to easily view a report that filters out any older code to make sure the new functionality is meeting our goal. Obviously still looking a increasing overall coverage on the projec
我们正在寻找一种创造性的方式来测量与现有代码分开的新代码的代码覆盖率。 我们有一个大型的遗留项目,并希望开始在任何新功能上获得90%以上的覆盖率。 我们希望能够轻松查看报告,筛选出任何较旧的代码以确保新功能符合我们的目标。 很明显,该项目的整体覆盖面仍在不断增加,但需要非手动方式向我们反馈新的代码活动。 由于我们可以查看源文件的日期,因此我们可以使用静态分析。 由于Cobertura正在分析类文件,因此它
How can I mock the cast operation. I have an cast operation on a dependent object , which will cast to another dependent object like SqlMapClient sqlMapClient; SqlMapClientImpl sqlMapClientImpl = (SqlMapClientImpl) sqlMapClient I'm mocking both the dependent clesses ie SqlMapClient and SqlMapClientImpl .But I need to know how to mock cast using EasyMock. Any help would be appreciated.
我怎样才能嘲笑演员阵容。 我在一个依赖对象上执行了一个强制操作,该操作将转换为另一个依赖对象 SqlMapClient sqlMapClient; SqlMapClientImpl sqlMapClientImpl = (SqlMapClientImpl) sqlMapClient 我嘲笑从属的clesses,即SqlMapClient和SqlMapClientImpl 。但我需要知道如何使用EasyMock模拟投射。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 你不能嘲讽一个强制转换,因为强制转换不会导致该对象的方法调用。 相反,使用EasyMock C
I'd like to know how Reactive Programming is tied to Functional-Programming. Most papers refer "Reactive Programming" as "Functional Reactive Programming". Does Reactive Programming can be implemented outside Functional Programming? Is it easier to write Reactive Programs with Functional Language? I use what I would call Reactive Programming or SEDA (Staged Event D
我想知道Reactive Programming如何与功能编程绑定。 大多数论文将“反应式编程”称为“功能式反应式编程”。 反应式编程是否可以在函数式编程之外实现? 使用功能性语言编写反应式程序更容易吗? 我使用了我称之为无功编程(Reactive Programming)或SEDA(Staged Event Driven Architecture,分阶段事件驱动架构)的方法,但我并没有多少使用函数式编程。 http://www.slideshare.net/PeterLawrey/writing-and-testing-high