I have read through this Process Memory Vs Heap -- JVM and i have the same problem. The jvm process memory usage keeps increasing and never shrinks.I checked by doing a top on the linux server. The application is scheduling jobs to a cluster ( Using Quartz + Sun Java DRMAA API ) The java heap space is staying within the limits during the application life cycle but the jvm process is showing
我已经读过这个进程内存VS堆 - JVM,我也有同样的问题。 jvm进程的内存使用量不断增加,从不缩水。我通过在linux服务器上做了一个顶部检查。 该应用程序将作业调度到集群(使用Quartz + Sun Java DRMAA API) Java堆空间在应用程序生命周期中处于限制范围内,但jvm进程显示内存使用率稳步攀升,并且永远不会下降。 这是内存泄漏吗? 如果是这样,为什么堆空间在限制范围内。 有人可以解释这一点。 更新:当我通过jco
It is not possible to increase the maximum size of Java's heap after the VM has started. What are the technical reasons for this? Do the garbage collection algorithms depend on having a fixed amount of memory to work with? Or is it for security reasons, to prevent a Java application from DOS'ing other applications on the system by consuming all available memory? In Sun's JVM, las
VM启动后无法增加Java堆的最大大小。 这是什么技术原因? 垃圾收集算法是否依赖于具有固定数量的内存来处理? 还是出于安全原因,通过消耗所有可用内存来阻止Java应用程序DOS系统上的其他应用程序? 在Sun的JVM中,最后我知道,整个堆必须分配在一个连续的地址空间中。 我认为,对于大堆值,在启动后添加到地址空间非常困难,同时确保它保持连续。 你可能需要在启动时获得它,或者根本不需要。 因此,它是固定的。 即
I recently began profiling an osgi java application that I am writing using VisualVM. One thing I have noticed is that when the application starts sending data to a client (over JMS), the number of loaded classes starts increasing at a steady rate. The Heap size and the PermGen size remains constant, however. The number of classes never falls, even after it stops sending data. Is this a memor
我最近开始分析我使用VisualVM编写的osgi java应用程序。 我注意到的一件事是,当应用程序开始向客户端发送数据(通过JMS)时,加载类的数量开始以稳定的速度增加。 但是,堆大小和PermGen大小保持不变。 即使停止发送数据,类的数量也不会下降。 这是内存泄漏吗? 我认为是这样,因为加载的类必须存储在某个地方,但即使运行了几个小时的应用程序,堆和permgen也不会增加。 对于我的分析应用程序的屏幕截图去这里 你是
I would like to profile my Spring Web Application that is running on Tomcat and Eclipse. I added VisualVM to the Eclipse and followed below steps to run the application for profiling. Right click on the application name > Run As > Run Configuration > Java Application > 'Selected Project' > Set 'org.apache.catalina.starup.Boostrap' as a value for Main class, also selected Vi
我想介绍一下在Tomcat和Eclipse上运行的Spring Web应用程序。 我将VisualVM添加到Eclipse中,并按照以下步骤运行应用程序以进行分析。 Right click on the application name > Run As > Run Configuration > Java Application > 'Selected Project' > Set 'org.apache.catalina.starup.Boostrap' as a value for Main class, also selected VisualVM as the Launcher > clicked on Run button. Visua
This question is for anyone who's ever tested the "Find leaks" button in the Tomcat manager and got some results like this: The following web applications were stopped (reloaded, undeployed), but their classes from previous runs are still loaded in memory, thus causing a memory leak (use a profiler to confirm): /leaky-app-name I'm assuming this has something to do with tha
这个问题适用于任何曾经测试过Tomcat管理器中的“Find leaks”按钮并获得如下结果的人: 以下Web应用程序已停止(重新加载,未部署),但它们之前运行的类仍然加载到内存中,从而导致内存泄漏(使用分析器进行确认): /漏的应用程序名称 我认为这与您经常通过重新部署获得的“Perm Gen space”错误有关。 所以当我部署时,我在jconsole中看到的是我的加载类从大约2k到5k。 那么你会认为一个解雇会让他们回落到2K,但他们仍
friends, I need help in sqlite query for check whether the data is already exist in table, or to check table is empty or not,let's give queries for it. Thanks in advance. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tableName`; 如果结果为0,表格为空;) REFINED QUERY SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE WHERE ROWNUM=1 另请请阅读关于DatabaseUtils。 /** * checks database if a column has a value in the table * * @param
朋友们,我需要帮助在sqlite查询中检查数据是否已经存在于表中,或者检查表是否为空,让我们来查询它。 提前致谢。 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tableName`; 如果结果为0,表格为空;) 精炼查询 SELECT COUNT(*)FROM TABLE WHERE ROWNUM = 1 另请请阅读关于DatabaseUtils。 /** * checks database if a column has a value in the table * * @param db * @param tableName * @param column * @param value * @param ro
This question already has an answer here: Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite? 10 answers Its slow because you are firing 22000 queries to the database. You should insert in batches. That will fix the problem. Even if a single insert takes 10ms total time is like 3.5 minutes!! A simple insert query with batches of 2 will look like this "INSERT INTO WORD (word) VALUES ("+"'"
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 提高SQLite的每秒插入性能? 10个答案 它缓慢,因为你正在向数据库发出22000个查询。 你应该批量插入。 这将解决问题。 即使单个插入需要10毫秒的总时间就像3.5分钟! 批量为2的简单插入查询将如下所示 "INSERT INTO WORD (word) VALUES ("+"'"+s.get(i)+"'"+"), ("+"'"+s.get(i+1)+"'"+");"; 这会将时间减少一半。 现在您将不得不以编程方式插入更多这些值。
This question already has an answer here: How do I tokenize a string in C++? 34 answers The most elegant way to iterate the words of a string [closed] 74 answers You can use strtok. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strtok/ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> std::vector<std::string> split(std::string str,std::
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在C ++中标记字符串? 34个答案 迭代字符串最优雅的方式[已关闭] 74个答案 你可以使用strtok。 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strtok/ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> std::vector<std::string> split(std::string str,std::string sep){ char* cstr=const_cast<char*>(str.c_st
I have a data table with columns setup and release, both of which hold timestamps. My goal is to create an equivalent of the SQL query below using CriteriaQuery. SQL Query: SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, setup, released)) as sum_duration FROM calls The CriteriaBuilder#diff() function clearly does not work as it requires parameters that are Numbers, so I tried using CriteriaBuilder#function: E
我有一个列设置和释放数据表,其中都包含时间戳。 我的目标是使用CriteriaQuery创建一个等效的SQL查询。 SQL查询: SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, setup, released)) as sum_duration FROM calls CriteriaBuilder#diff()函数显然不起作用,因为它需要数字参数,所以我尝试使用CriteriaBuilder#函数: EntityManager entityManager = emProvider.get(); CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBu
I'm working on a project that uses the Java (not xml) flavour of Spring configuration for wiring up dependencies. It also has profiling logic that should be weaved via AspectJ onto the desired methods (via annotations). The setup is working and I can see classes from my desired package being weaved and profiling information being logged out of them. The problem is that weaving does not wo
我正在研究一个使用Spring配置的Java(而不是xml)风格的项目来连接依赖项。 它还具有应该通过AspectJ编写到所需方法(通过注释)的分析逻辑。 安装程序正在运行,我可以看到正在编译的所需程序包中的类以及将信息从其中注销的配置文件。 问题是编织不适用于@Bean类。 我已经通过以下方式在aop.xml启用了调试: <weaver options="-XnoInline -Xreweavable -verbose -debug -showWeaveInfo"> 而且我可以看到所需包中