I have myThread.wait() that is in synchronzed(myThread) block. And I have Myrunner that implements runnable. I would like to tell notify() from myRunner, but it is not monitor object. Is it possible to get handle of myThread from myRunnable to make notify? Is there any other solution? Extend myRunnable from Thread and run it is not good for some reasons related on my code specific. public c
我有myThread.wait()是synchronzed(myThread)块。 我有Myrunner实现可运行。 我想告诉myRunner的notify() ,但它不是监视器对象。 是否有可能从myRunnable处理myThread来进行通知? 还有其他解决方案吗? 从Thread扩展myRunnable并运行它是不好的,因为我的代码特定相关的一些原因。 public class ThreadMain { public Thread reader; private class SerialReader implements Runnable { public void run()
请用易于理解的语言或某篇文章的链接来解释。 extends is for extending a class. implements is for implementing an interface The difference between an interface and a regular class is that in an interface you can not implement any of the declared methods. Only the class that "implements" the interface can implement the methods. The C++ equivalent of an interface would be an abstract c
请用易于理解的语言或某篇文章的链接来解释。 extends是为了扩展一个类。 implements是为了实现一个接口 接口和常规类的区别在于,在一个接口中,您不能实现任何已声明的方法。 只有“实现”接口的类才能实现这些方法。 一个接口的C ++等价物将是一个抽象类(不完全相同,但非常相似)。 另外java不支持类的多重继承 。 这是通过使用多个接口解决的。 public interface ExampleInterface { public void doAction();
I have a basic question about how ExecutorService works in Java. It is quite hard to see the difference between simply creating Threads to perform some tasks in parallel and assigning each tasks to the ThreadPool . The ExecutorService also looks very simple and efficient to use, so I was wondering why we don't use it all the time. Is it just a matter of one way executing its job faster
我有一个关于ExecutorService如何在Java中工作的基本问题。 很难看出简单创建Threads并行执行一些任务并将每个任务分配给ThreadPool的区别。 ExecutorService看起来非常简单和高效,所以我想知道为什么我们不会一直使用它。 这只是一种方式比另一种更快地执行其工作的问题? 这里有两个非常简单的例子来展示两种方式之间的区别: 使用执行器服务:Hello World(任务) static class HelloTask implements Runnable {
在设计Java中的并发线程时使用Runnable和Callable接口有什么区别,为什么你会选择一个呢? See explanation here. The Callable interface is similar to Runnable, in that both are designed for classes whose instances are potentially executed by another thread. A Runnable, however, does not return a result and cannot throw a checked exception. What are the differences in the applications of Runnable a
在设计Java中的并发线程时使用Runnable和Callable接口有什么区别,为什么你会选择一个呢? 在这里看到解释。 Callable接口类似于Runnable,因为它们都是为其实例可能由另一个线程执行的类设计的。 但是,Runnable不会返回结果,也不会抛出检查的异常。 Runnable和Callable的应用程序有什么区别? 仅与Callable的返回参数有所不同? 基本上,是的。 看到这个问题的答案。 还有Callable的javadoc。 如果Callable可以完
I'm looking for the simplest, most straightforward way to implement the following: The main program instantiates worker threads to do a task. Only n tasks can be running at once. When n is reached, no more workers are started until the count of running threads drops back below n . I think that Executors.newFixedThreadPool fits your requirements. There are a number of different ways t
我正在寻找最简单,最直接的方法来实现以下内容: 主程序实例化工作线程来完成任务。 只有n任务可以一次运行。 当达到n时,直到正在运行的线程的数量回落到n以下,才开始更多的工作人员。 我认为Executors.newFixedThreadPool符合你的要求。 有多种不同的方式可以使用生成的ExecutorService,具体取决于是否要将结果返回给主线程,或者该任务是否完全独立,以及是否有一组任务要事先执行,或者任务是否排队响应某些事件
(Jeopardy-style question, I wish the answer had been online when I had this issue) Using Java 1.4, I have a method that I want to run as a thread some of the time, but not at others. So I declared it as a subclass of Thread, then either called start() or run() depending on what I needed. But I found that my program would leak memory over time. What am I doing wrong? This is a known bug in
(危险的问题,我希望在我遇到这个问题时,答案已经在线) 使用Java 1.4,我有一种方法,我想在某些时候作为线程运行,而不是在其他时间运行。 所以我将它声明为Thread的子类,然后根据我需要的调用start()或run()。 但是我发现我的程序会随着时间流逝而泄漏内存。 我究竟做错了什么? 这是Java 1.4中的一个已知错误:http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do;jsessionid=5869e03fee226ffffffffc40d4fa881a86e3
This question already has an answer here: Java inner class and static nested class 23 answers An inner class, by definition, cannot be static, so I am going to recast your question as "What is the difference between static and non-static nested classes?" A non-static nested class has full access to the members of the class within which it is nested. A static nested class does not
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Java内部类和静态嵌套类23答案 根据定义,内部类不能是静态的,所以我将重新将你的问题重新定义为“静态和非静态嵌套类之间有什么区别?” 非静态嵌套类可以完全访问它所嵌套的类的成员。 静态嵌套类没有对嵌套实例的引用,所以静态嵌套类不能调用非静态方法,也不能访问嵌套类的实例的非静态字段。 让我们来看看这些问题的智慧之源: Joshua Bloch的Effective Java : 从技术上讲,没有
This question already has an answer here: Static nested class has access to private constructor of outer class 1 answer Why can I access the private members of an enclosing class reference 3 answers
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态嵌套类可以访问外部类1答案的私有构造函数 为什么我可以访问封闭类引用的私有成员3个答案
The term inner class is conventionally taken to mean "a nested class which requires an enclosing instance". However, the JLS states as follows: 8.1.3. Inner Classes and Enclosing Instances [...] Inner classes include local (§14.3), anonymous (§15.9.5) and non-static member classes (§8.5). [...] An instance of an inner class whose declaration occurs in a static context has no
术语内部类通常被认为是“需要封闭实例的嵌套类”。 但是,JLS声明如下: 8.1.3。 内部类和封闭实例 [...] 内部类包括本地(§14.3),匿名(§15.9.5)和非静态成员类(§8.5)。 [...] 其声明出现在静态上下文中的内部类的实例不包含词法封闭的实例。 也, 15.9.5。 匿名类声明 [...] 一个匿名类永远是一个内部类(§8.1.3); 它永远不会是static (§8.1.1,§8.5.1)。 众所周知,匿名类可以在静态上下文中
What is the difference between a Hash Map and dictionary ADT. And when to prefer one over another. For my programming assignment my instructor has asked to use one of them but I don't see any difference in between both. The program is supposed to work with a huge no. of strings. Any suggestions? In terms of Java, both the class HashMap and the class Dictionary are implementations of th
哈希映射和字典ADT有什么区别。 何时更喜欢一个而不是另一个。 对于我的编程任务,我的教练要求使用其中的一个,但我没有看到两者之间的差异。 该计划应该与一个巨大的没有。 的字符串。 有什么建议么? 就Java而言,类HashMap和类Dictionary都是“Map”抽象数据类型的实现。 抽象数据类型不是特定于任何一种编程语言的,Map ADT也可以称为哈希,或字典或关联数组(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_array)。