Throwing SAXException

Learning xml parsing with Java, and am working in a test program to try things out as I go. All of the test System.out.println()'s were what I expected in the console except childElement was returning [name: null] and childElement.getNodeValue() was returning null rather than [name: "Branch Name"] and "Branch Name" respectively. In an effort to correct that I started tw


学习使用Java进行xml解析,并且正在测试程序中工作,以便随时进行尝试。 除了childElement返回[name:null]和childElement.getNodeValue()返回null而不是[name:“Branch Name”]和“返回值”之外,所有测试System.out.println()分支名称“。 为了纠正这种情况,我开始进行调整,当然还要进一步破坏程序。 现在,我抛出了一个SAXException(我已经标出了我已经缩小到注释的范围,尽管我没有完全清楚SAXException意味着什么等

SAXException: Content is not allowed in trailing section

This is driving me crazy. I have used this bit of code for lots of different projects but this is the first time it's given me this type of error. This is the whole XML file: <layers> <layer name="Layer 1" h="400" w="272" z="0" y="98" x="268"/> <layer name="Layer 0" h="355" w="600" z="0" y="287" x="631"/> </layers> Here is the operative bit of code in m


这真让我抓狂。 我已经将这些代码用于很多不同的项目,但这是第一次给我这种类型的错误。 这是整个XML文件: <layers> <layer name="Layer 1" h="400" w="272" z="0" y="98" x="268"/> <layer name="Layer 0" h="355" w="600" z="0" y="287" x="631"/> </layers> 这里是我的自制软件Xml类中的代码的有效位,它使用DocumentBuilderFactory来解析提供给它的Xml: public static Xml parse

Java checked exception not in the function's throw specification?

Normally, the Java compiler confirms that all checked exceptions that are thrown are in the throw specification. Does anything special happen when a native function throws a java checked exception that was not in the functions throw specification list, or does is the throw specification list simply ignored at runtime? C++ void function(JNIEnv * env, jclass jc) { jclass newExcCls = env->


通常,Java编译器确认抛出的所有检查的异常都在throw规范中。 当本地函数抛出一个不在函数throw规范列表中的java检查异常,或者在运行时忽略抛出规范列表时,是否会发生任何特殊情况? C ++ void function(JNIEnv * env, jclass jc) { jclass newExcCls = env->FindClass("java/lang/NullPointerException"); env->ThrowNew(newExcCls, "ERROR"); } Java的 public class Tester { static { Syste

Fuzzy interpretation of XmlPullParser.END

I have found twofold treatment of XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT tag in Android's built-in SAX parser. Code is simple: String s; //actually contains XML //blah-blah factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(false); xpp = factory.newPullParser(); StringReader sw=new StringReader(s); xpp.setInput(sw); int eventType = xpp.getEventType()


我在Android的内置SAX解析器中发现了XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT标记的双重处理。 代码很简单: String s; //actually contains XML //blah-blah factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(false); xpp = factory.newPullParser(); StringReader sw=new StringReader(s); xpp.setInput(sw); int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); while (eventType != Xml

Ignoring DTD when parsing XML

How can I ignore the DTD declaration when parsing file with XOM xml library. My file has the following line : <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE BlastOutput PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI BlastOutput/EN" "NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd"> //rest of stuff here And when I try to build() my document I get a filenotfound exception for the DTD file. I know I don't have this file and I don't care abo


如何在使用XOM xml库解析文件时忽略DTD声明。 我的文件有以下行: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE BlastOutput PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI BlastOutput/EN" "NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd"> //rest of stuff here 当我尝试构建()我的文档时,我得到了DTD文件的一个filenotfound异常。 我知道我没有这个文件,我不关心它,所以在使用XOM时如何删除它? 这是一段代码片段: public BlastXMLParser(String filePath) {

Filter \n character from inputstream

I trying to parse xml from an inputstream using the sax parser. The inputstream get incoming xml continously from a socket. 'n' is used as a delimiter between xml data. This is how the xml would look like <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response processor="header" callback="comheader"> <properties> <timezone>Asia%2FBeirut</timezone>

从输入流过滤\ n字符

我尝试使用sax解析器从输入流中解析xml。 输入流从套接字连续获得传入的xml。 ' n'用作xml数据之间的分隔符。 这就是xml的样子 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response processor="header" callback="comheader"> <properties> <timezone>Asia%2FBeirut</timezone> <rawoffset>7200000</rawoffset> <to_date>1319256000000&

How do I create a Java string from the contents of a file?

I've been using the idiom below for some time now. And it seems to be the most wide-spread, at least on the sites I've visited. Is there a better/different way to read a file into a string in Java? private String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader (file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBui


我现在一直在使用下面的习语。 它似乎是最广泛的,至少在我访问的网站上。 有没有更好的/不同的方式来读取文件到Java中的字符串? private String readFile(String file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader (file)); String line = null; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separat

How to setup a Speech Recognition Server?

How to implement Speech recognition at server side (please don't suggest HTML5's x-webkit-speech , javascript etc) ? The program will take an audio file as input and with sufficient accuracy provides the text transcription of audio file. What are the options I can use ? I have tried implementing Sphin4 with Voxforge model but the accuracy is so poor (their may be also some problem in


如何在服务器端实现语音识别(请不要建议HTML5's x-webkit-speech ,javascript等)? 该程序将以音频文件作为输入并以足够的准确度提供音频文件的文本转录。 我可以使用哪些选项? 我已经尝试过使用Voxforge模型实现Sphin4,但准确性很差(他们可能在我的配置中也存在一些问题,我仍然试图学习它)。 在一篇文章中,我读到当我们使用<input name="speech" id="speech" type="text" x

What is the Java equivalent for LINQ?

什么是Java相当于LINQ? 没有什么像Java的LINQ。 There is an alternate solution, Coollection. Coolection has not pretend to be the new lambda, however we're surrounded by old legacy Java projects where this lib will help. It's really simple to use and extend, covering only the most used actions of iteration over collections, like that: from(people).where("name", eq("Arthur")).first(); fr


什么是Java相当于LINQ? 没有什么像Java的LINQ。 有一个替代解决方案,Coollection。 Coolection并没有假装成新的lambda,但是我们被这个lib将帮助的旧的遗留Java项目所包围。 它的使用和扩展非常简单,只覆盖了对集合进行迭代的最常用操作,如下所示: from(people).where("name", eq("Arthur")).first(); from(people).where("age", lessThan(20)).all(); from(people).where("name", not(contains("Francine"))).all();

Achieving JMS/AMQP messaging patterns using Redis

This question arises as I came across some mentions (such as this), about using a Messaging software such as ZeroMQ alongwith Redis, but I keep hearing about Redis itself used a messaging-system. So, if Redis is used along with other messaging systems, does it mean Redis has some serious deficiencies when used as a messaging system by itself ? While the use of Redis for caching and pub/sub is

使用Redis实现JMS / AMQP消息传递模式

这个问题是因为我碰到一些提到(如本),有关使用邮件软件如ZeroMQ 非常久远的Redis,但我不断听到的Redis本身使用的通讯系统。 那么,如果Redis与其他消息传递系统一起使用,这是否意味着Redis本身用作消息传递系统时有一些严重的缺陷? 尽管使用Redis进行缓存和发布/订阅对我来说很明显,但Redis是否可用于取代 JMS,AMQP或ZeroMQ等功能齐全的邮件系统尚不清楚。 单独遵守标准合规性方面,只关注功能/特性,Redis是否支持