what does line mean: var DYN

This question already has an answer here: What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” (assign a variable or an empty object to that variable) mean in Javascript? 7 answers What does “variable = variable || {}” mean in JavaScript [duplicate] 4 answers 如果DYN_WEB不为空,它将采用已经为DYN_WEB设置的值,否则为其分配一个空对象。 This is shorthand for if ( ! DYN_WEB ) { DYN_WEB = {} } or var DYN_WEB

线的含义是什么:var DYN

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是“var FOO = FOO ||” {}“(分配一个变量或一个空对象的变量)意味着在Javascript中? 7个答案 什么是“变量=变量||” {}“的意思是在JavaScript中[重复] 4个答案 如果DYN_WEB不为空,它将采用已经为DYN_WEB设置的值,否则为其分配一个空对象。 这是速记 if ( ! DYN_WEB ) { DYN_WEB = {} } 要么 var DYN_WEB = DYN_WEB ? DYN_WEB : {} 这意味着如果变量DYN_WEB具有一个被评估为二

I don't understand this code

Possible Duplicate: What does "var FOO = FOO || {}" mean in Javascript? I don't understand that : var gapi = window.gapi||{}; Can you explain me? gapi is a bool? It means if the variable gapi exists already, and its value does not evaluate to a boolean false one, assign that to the variable gapi otherwise assign a new object to it. This practice is helpful to avoid overwr


可能重复: Javascript中的“var FOO = FOO || {}”是什么意思? 我不明白这一点: var gapi = window.gapi||{}; 你能解释我吗? gapi是一个布尔? 这意味着如果变量gapi已经存在,并且它的值不计算为布尔型假值,则将其分配给变量gapi否则为其分配新的对象。 这种做法有助于避免覆盖变量。 这些是评估为布尔值为false的JavaScript值: false undefined null 0 NaN 空字符串( "" ) 如果第

{} means in JavaScript?

This question already has an answer here: What does the construct x = x || y mean? 11 answers What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” (assign a variable or an empty object to that variable) mean in Javascript? 7 answers window.google = window.google || {}; 意思是如果window.google没有设置,它会创建一个新的对象。 It initializes the object if the object is not initialized. After creating the obj


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么构造x = x || 你的意思是? 11个答案 什么是“var FOO = FOO ||” {}“(分配一个变量或一个空对象的变量)意味着在Javascript中? 7个答案 window.google = window.google || {}; 意思是如果window.google没有设置,它会创建一个新的对象。 如果对象未初始化,它将初始化对象。 创建对象后,必须先初始化它,因为如果没有init,结果可能是不可预知的...如果没有初始化,值是未定义的

{}" mean in JavaScript

This question already has an answer here: What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” (assign a variable or an empty object to that variable) mean in Javascript? 7 answers That line of code does the following: IF variable is not defined (or has a falsey value) THEN set it to an empty object. ELSE do nothing (technically speaking, variable gets assigned to itself) In other words variable will be c


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是“var FOO = FOO ||” {}“(分配一个变量或一个空对象的变量)意味着在Javascript中? 7个答案 该行代码执行以下操作: IF variable没有被定义(或具有falsey值)THEN将其设置为一个空对象。 ELSE什么也不做(从技术上说, variable被赋值给自己) 换句话说,如果variable是以下任何一个, variable将被转换为空对象: 假 未定义 空值 零 为NaN 一个空的字符串 有关

{}" construct in javascript

Possible Duplicate: What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” mean in Javascript? Javascript - Can you add condition to variable declaration I believe this has to do with scoping, and not redefining scope. I see a lot of this in popular javascript frameworks: var something = something || {}; Is that to do with not accidentally redefining a top-level variable? You are correct. If the variable a


可能重复: 什么是“var FOO = FOO ||” {}“的意思是在Javascript中? Javascript - 你可以添加条件变量声明 我认为这与范围界定有关,而不是重新定义范围。 我在流行的JavaScript框架中看到了很多这样的东西: var something = something || {}; 这是不是意外地重新定义顶级变量? 你是对的。 如果变量已经存在(我们的或不),请不要更改它。 如果它不存在,我们创建一个新的。 var something = something || {}

What does var x = x

This question already has an answer here: What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” (assign a variable or an empty object to that variable) mean in Javascript? 7 answers || is the logical OR . The expression var x = x OR {}; should become more obvious then. If x has a falsy value (like null , undefined , 0 , "" ), we assign x an empty object {} , otherwise just keep the current value.

什么是var x = x

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是“var FOO = FOO ||” {}“(分配一个变量或一个空对象的变量)意味着在Javascript中? 7个答案 || 是逻辑OR 。 表达方式 var x = x OR {}; 应该变得更明显了。 如果x有一个虚假值(如null , undefined , 0 , "" ),我们将x赋给一个空对象{} ,否则只保留当前值。 这个长版本看起来像 var x = x ? x : {}; 如果x未定义(或null或任何其他false值),则它变为空对象

Accordion doesn't work in Bootstrap 4 collapse

https://fiddle.jshell.net/8v72rtxb/ I have the following code. <div class="menu-horizontal container"> <div class="row menu-container" id="menu"> <div class="col-md-3 menu-item"> <a data-toggle="collapse" class="collapsed collapse-toggle" data-parent="#menu" href="#studies-collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"> Stu

手风琴在Bootstrap 4崩溃中不起作用

https://fiddle.jshell.net/8v72rtxb/ 我有以下代码。 <div class="menu-horizontal container"> <div class="row menu-container" id="menu"> <div class="col-md-3 menu-item"> <a data-toggle="collapse" class="collapsed collapse-toggle" data-parent="#menu" href="#studies-collapse" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample"> Studies

Circle Progress Bar Using Bootstrap

Is there any way to create circle with multiple different values: Starting from 0 to 50 - blue color From 50 to 60 - Red color From 60 to 100 color yellow like image below Thanks in Advance Something like below: Dependency: jQuery function sliceSize(dataNum, dataTotal) { return (dataNum / dataTotal) * 360; } function addSlice(sliceSize, pieElement, offset, sliceID, color) { $


有什么方法可以创建具有多个不同值的圆: 从0到50开始 - 蓝色 从50到60 - 红色 从60到100颜色黄色像下面的图像 提前致谢 如下所示: 依赖: jQuery function sliceSize(dataNum, dataTotal) { return (dataNum / dataTotal) * 360; } function addSlice(sliceSize, pieElement, offset, sliceID, color) { $(pieElement).append("<div class='slice "+sliceID+"'><span></span></div&

Is there a "concise" way to do namespacing in JavaScript?

I've frequently encountered sites that put all of their JavaScript inside a namespace structure along the lines of: namespaces = { com : { example: { example.com's data} } However, setting this up safely with respect to other namespaced frameworks seems to require a relatively hefty amount of code (defined as > 2 lines). I was wondering whether anyone knows of a concise way to do this?


我经常遇到一些网站,它们把所有的JavaScript都放在namespace结构中: namespaces = { com : { example: { example.com's data} } 但是,相对于其他名称空间框架安全地设置它似乎需要相对较多的代码(定义为> 2行)。 我想知道是否有人知道一个简洁的方法来做到这一点? 此外,是否有相对标准/一致的方式来构建它? 例如, com命名空间是直接连接到全局对象还是通过命名空间对象连接? [编辑:whoops,显然{com = { ..

AngularJS DOM manipulation using existing directive

I am trying to learn the Angular way of adding a DOM element with data returned from the service passing it to a directive by changing the scope variable from my controller. My service .factory('Poller', function($http,$q){ return { poll : function(api){ var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get(api).then(function (response) {

使用现有指令的AngularJS DOM操作

我正在尝试学习如何使用Angular方法来添加一个DOM元素,其中包含从服务返回的数据,通过从我的控制器中更改范围变量将它传递给指令。 我的服务 .factory('Poller', function($http,$q){ return { poll : function(api){ var deferred = $q.defer(); $http.get(api).then(function (response) { deferred.resolve(response.da