I'm making a personal smart mirror and i'm looking to integrate the spotify API to display my 'currently playing' track. However, I've noticed that in the authorization process, you need to physically click log in and authorize the app in order to get the credentials required to move forward in obtaining your data. Could this be automated/require no user interaction? I am
我正在制作个人智能镜像,我正在整合Spotify API来显示我目前正在播放的曲目。 但是,我注意到,在授权过程中,您需要物理地单击登录并授权应用程序才能获取向前迈进以获取数据所需的凭据。 这可以自动/不需要用户交互? 我指的是api授权指南的第1步。 非常感谢。 如果您将此用于个人智能镜像,您应该没有问题。 您只需点击一次浏览器中的按钮即可进行授权,并且无需点击任何内容即可进行所有API调用。 特别是,在
I use restangular module to make connections to the spotify API and get search results of Albums and artists. When i fetch an album or an artist , it is ok. The problem is when i pass params to restangular in order to search for results. restangular converts the symols & and = to special characters , and that makes the URL not working For example i have the below snippet to search for a
我使用restangular模块连接到Spotify API并获取专辑和艺术家的搜索结果。 当我取得一张专辑或一位艺术家时,这没关系。 问题是当我通过params重新搜索结果。 restangular将symols & and =转换为特殊字符,并且使URL不起作用 例如,我有下面的代码片段来搜索专辑/艺术家: //I pass : https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=album:lo%20artist:lo&type=album,artist const params = "album:lo+artist:lo&type=a
This is more of a general question regarding the spotify API and the different authorization flows– Authorization Code Flow, Client Credentials, and Implicit Grant. I'm looking to build a website that can play tracks on spotify, as well as control playback(play,pause,skip to next track). Particularly, I need the site to play the playlist/tracks of a specific artist as well as have the abil
这更多的是关于spotify API和不同授权流程的一般问题 - 授权码流,客户端凭证和隐式授权。 我期望建立一个网站,可以在spotify上播放曲目,并控制播放(播放,暂停,跳至下一曲目)。 特别是,我需要该网站播放特定艺术家的播放列表/曲目,并且能够将播放列表添加到用户的个人播放列表中。 唯一的方法是获得一个授权令牌,以允许该网站与Spotify API和他们的个人帐户正确通信? 为此建议哪种流量? 您可以使用授权码流或
I'm building a web application on web2py and vue.js that ideally searches through Spotify songs, lists the results, and lets me add a selected result to a playlist stored on my server. I'm currently stuck trying to implement the Spotify search feature. Their documentation is not very thorough and I'm barely a beginner. I would like to be able to input anything in the search (play
我在web2py和vue.js上构建了一个Web应用程序,用于理想地搜索Spotify歌曲,列出结果,并让我将选定结果添加到存储在我的服务器上的播放列表中。 我目前正试图实施Spotify搜索功能。 他们的文档不是很全面,我几乎不是初学者。 我希望能够在搜索(播放按钮,曲目标题,艺术家或专辑)中输入任何内容,获取结果列表并将其显示在我的网站上的表格中(标题,艺术家,专辑,专辑封面,期限,等等..)。 我不知道Spotify API上的
Update: After posting on the TinyMCE forum (something I should have done before offering the bounty) the primary issue may be solved, but I'm still very much open to anything regarding the other issues of how to disable the resizable behavior (number 2 and 3 at the end of the post). I am having trouble saving content with TinyMCE in IE8 (not other versions). In IE, certain elements in the
更新:在发布TinyMCE论坛之后(我在提供赏金之前应该做的事情)之后,主要问题可能会得到解决,但我仍然对任何有关如何禁用可调整行为(第2版在帖子结尾处有3个)。 我无法在IE8中保存TinyMCE的内容(不是其他版本)。 在IE中,编辑器中的某些元素具有处理每个角和可拖动的“边框”,并且当您专注于开始编辑时,可能会出现条纹边框: 问题: 如果我在粗边框仍然可见的情况下提交表单(图像中的状态3),表单将不会保存内
I'm currently using Raphaël JS (open to switching to jQuery SVG) and jQuery UI to try and make a prototype of a board game. It's somewhat similar to Risk in that the board is a map and you can (hopefully soon) drag pieces from one zone on the map to another (say from A to B) and drop them there. Once dropped, it would trigger a callback to do some work. Right now I'm stuck trying
我目前正在使用RaphaëlJS(可以切换到jQuery SVG)和jQuery UI来尝试制作棋盘游戏的原型。 它与Risk有些类似,因为该板是一张地图,您可以(希望很快)将地图上的一个区域中的棋子拖放到另一个区域(比如从A到B),然后将它们放在那里。 一旦下降,它会触发回调做一些工作。 现在我被卡住了试图获得拖放功能。 我想拖动一个html元素(div)并将其放到SVG元素上。 我对SVG并不是很熟悉,但是从我的理解来看,要让HTML和SVG
I'm currently using the very cool app Exportify (https://github.com/watsonbox/exportify) to export Spotify playlists to CSV. My javascript knowledge is terrible but I'm currently trying to include the genre of each track, and I'm having trouble retrieving it. I'm assuming that: I have to get the genre through the artist. The playlist API returns a simple artist object that
我目前使用非常酷的应用程序Exportify(https://github.com/watsonbox/exportify)将Spotify播放列表导出为CSV。 我的JavaScript知识很糟糕,但我目前正试图包含每个曲目的流派,而且我无法检索它。 我假设: 我必须通过艺术家获得流派。 播放列表API返回一个简单的艺术家对象,只能让我获得ID,而不是流派(https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/get-playlists-tracks/) 为了获得该类型,我必须使用艺术家ID进一步
Hey guys I'm working on a Javascript web app which uses Spotify API. I'm trying to return the top 5 albums of a given artist in a table. So far I got the API calls working and they return a table which displays ALL the albums of an artist in no particular order. I'm trying to shrink the table to the top 5 albums based on "popularity" which is the fifth column of the table
嘿家伙我正在使用Spotify API的JavaScript网页应用程序。 我正试图将表中给定艺术家的前五张专辑归还。 到目前为止,我的API调用工作正常,他们返回一张表格,显示一位艺术家的所有专辑,没有特别的顺序。 我试图根据表格中的第五列“流行度”将表格缩小到前5张专辑。 var popsort = new Array(new Array()); var count = 0; $(document).ready(function () { $("#searchbutton").click(function () { se
I have the artist, track, and album from LastFM API stored in a widget. I would like to play a 30 second snippet of the song from Spotify when a user clicks play. Is it possible to do this? I'm struggling to find a way.. Especially without user authentication / permissions. Spotify App API: Play specific track from album This looks promising, but I'm not sure if it's what I'
我拥有存储在小部件中的来自LastFM API的艺术家,曲目和专辑。 当用户点击播放时,我想播放来自Spotify的歌曲的30秒片段。 是否有可能做到这一点? 我正在努力寻找一种方法..尤其是没有用户身份验证/权限。 Spotify App API:播放专辑中的特定曲目 这看起来很有希望,但我不确定这是我在说什么... 如果有人能指出我正确的方向(API调用使用什么),那太棒了! 我可以从那里找出其余的。 在Spotify API文档中,我找到
trying to play around with the spotify metadata API to learn some JavaScript, jQuery and communicate with apis. What I'm trying to do is create a search function where you can type in the uri and it will return metadata information for an album. I basically want a response like this. The service base URL is "http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/". I want my result to be base URL + spo
试图利用spotify元数据API来学习一些JavaScript,jQuery和与apis进行交流。 我想要做的是创建一个搜索功能,您可以在其中输入uri,它将返回专辑的元数据信息。 我基本上想要这样的回应。 服务基地网址是“http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/”。 我希望我的结果成为基本URL + spotify URI +&extras = trackdetail。 示例:http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/.json?uri=spotify:album:6G9fHYDCoyEErUkHrFYfs4&extras=trackdet