I was implementing queue in JS, but the console keeps siplaying Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token var. I used some online debugger and it points error in line 21. This is the code: var queue = function (){ var elements = []; var cur_element = 0; var del_elem = 0; return { size: function() { return cur_element-del_elem; }, empty: function() { return cur_element
我在JS中实现队列,但控制台保持siplaying Uncaught SyntaxError:意外的令牌var。 我使用了一些在线调试器,它在第21行中指出错误。这是代码: var queue = function (){ var elements = []; var cur_element = 0; var del_elem = 0; return { size: function() { return cur_element-del_elem; }, empty: function() { return cur_element == 0; }, front: function() { if(!th
Javascript: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#submit').click(function() { jQuery("#LoadingImage").show(); var imgSrc = 'http://foo.com/gen.php?username1=' + jQuery('input[name=username1]').val() + '&username2='+ jQuery('input[name=username2]').val(); jQuery('#imgRESULT').html('<img id="image1" src="' + imgSrc + '" >'); });
使用Javascript: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#submit').click(function() { jQuery("#LoadingImage").show(); var imgSrc = 'http://foo.com/gen.php?username1=' + jQuery('input[name=username1]').val() + '&username2='+ jQuery('input[name=username2]').val(); jQuery('#imgRESULT').html('<img id="image1" src="' + imgSrc + '" >'); });
Trying to use the following code in a page test.html: <script language = "javascript"> function test() { if (typeof a != "undefined") { document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.write(a); } else { document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.write("a is undefined"); } var a = "a is defined"; document.write("<br><br>");
尝试在页面test.html中使用以下代码: <script language = "javascript"> function test() { if (typeof a != "undefined") { document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.write(a); } else { document.body.innerHTML = ""; document.write("a is undefined"); } var a = "a is defined"; document.write("<br><br>"); document.write("&l
I'm trying to parse string to json object but i always get the same error SyntaxError: unexpected token ' var data = ('{' + fields.productName.toString() + ":" + parseInt(fields.quantity.toString()) + '}' ); I tried few variation of this but nothing works. Best way to avoid issues : var data = {}; data[fields.productName.toString()] = parseInt(fields.quantity.toString()); PS Lev
我试图解析字符串到json对象,但我总是得到相同的错误SyntaxError:意外的标记' var data = ('{' + fields.productName.toString() + ":" + parseInt(fields.quantity.toString()) + '}' ); 我尝试了几个变化,但没有任何作品。 避免问题的最佳途径: var data = {}; data[fields.productName.toString()] = parseInt(fields.quantity.toString()); PS利用JS对象的美丽,不要通过使用字符串构造对象来重新发明轮子
I try to use JSON.parse to return a javascript object of the string below. However, I receive "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token e" . { "__type": "HRIS.oHRData, HRIES, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "TPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]), "DPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]), "TopDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([ new Ajax.
我尝试使用JSON.parse返回下面的字符串的JavaScript对象。 但是,我收到“未捕获的SyntaxError:意外的令牌e”。 { "__type": "HRIS.oHRData, HRIES, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "TPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]), "DPDDListValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([]), "TopDataValue": new Ajax.Web.DataSet([ new Ajax.Web.DataTable([ ["HID","System.St
I have some problem. When I try post json object, I have error: error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character My javascript object: var $arr_data = { title: '', category: '', about: '', sex: 'unisex', accessories: 'no', quantity: [] }; I think that a problem are in this function: function data_quantity($size_input,$quant_input)
我有一些问题。 当我尝试发布json对象时,出现错误:error: SyntaxError:JSON.parse:意外字符 我的JavaScript对象: var $arr_data = { title: '', category: '', about: '', sex: 'unisex', accessories: 'no', quantity: [] }; 我认为这个功能存在一个问题: function data_quantity($size_input,$quant_input) { var $string = "{color:'"+$patte
I have a JSON parse error that I can't debug. Code below: $(document).on('submit', '#confirmreset', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var action_url = $(this).attr("action"); alert_box_register("Resetting password..."); console.log(action_url); var postData = $(this).serializeArray(); console.log(postData); $.post(action_url, postData, function(data) {
我有一个JSON解析错误,我无法调试。 代码如下: $(document).on('submit', '#confirmreset', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var action_url = $(this).attr("action"); alert_box_register("Resetting password..."); console.log(action_url); var postData = $(this).serializeArray(); console.log(postData); $.post(action_url, postData, function(data) { console.
第三行导致这个错误的原因是什么? var products = [{ "name": "Pizza", "price": "10", "quantity": "7" }, { "name": "Cerveja", "price": "12", "quantity": "5" }, { "name": "Hamburguer", "price": "10", "quantity": "2" }, { "name": "Fraldas", "price": "6", "quantity": "2" }]; console.log(products); var b = JSON.parse(products); //unexpected token o products is an
第三行导致这个错误的原因是什么? var products = [{ "name": "Pizza", "price": "10", "quantity": "7" }, { "name": "Cerveja", "price": "12", "quantity": "5" }, { "name": "Hamburguer", "price": "10", "quantity": "2" }, { "name": "Fraldas", "price": "6", "quantity": "2" }]; console.log(products); var b = JSON.parse(products); //unexpected token o products是一
Possible Duplicate: JSON Javascript escape I tested my JSON on jsonlint and it is valid but i got an error when i try to parse it, Here is my JSON and the function to parse : var listVideo = JSON.parse('[{"blobkey":"AMIfv94kAyQziQMwOLOrjqBK-MxqQqeBK96dS4Fh5DgR-yIW4jHq3luUwNvGpTOfUD9qXlFNQUjYXGkYrmmV8_mrZKbiK6MAUJwuSQkhxw-qaQZLVHcpb19gWUEpxiAzh1z4fMyBBBb4","id":41,"linkId":"","price":500,"d
可能重复: JSON Javascript转义 我在jsonlint上测试了我的JSON,它是有效的,但是当我尝试解析它时遇到错误, 这是我的JSON和解析函数: var listVideo = JSON.parse('[{"blobkey":"AMIfv94kAyQziQMwOLOrjqBK-MxqQqeBK96dS4Fh5DgR-yIW4jHq3luUwNvGpTOfUD9qXlFNQUjYXGkYrmmV8_mrZKbiK6MAUJwuSQkhxw-qaQZLVHcpb19gWUEpxiAzh1z4fMyBBBb4","id":41,"linkId":"","price":500,"description":"This building video showcases a l
I am receiving Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL in chrome with this code: var leftMiddleJS = 'function onmouseover() { document.getElementById("background").style.marginTop = "-135px"; document.getElementById("background").style.marginLeft = "0px"; document.getElementById("background").style.width = "760px"; document.getElementById("background").
我正在接收未捕获的SyntaxError:使用此代码的chrome中的意外标记ILLEGAL: var leftMiddleJS = 'function onmouseover() { document.getElementById("background").style.marginTop = "-135px"; document.getElementById("background").style.marginLeft = "0px"; document.getElementById("background").style.width = "760px"; document.getElementById("background").style.height = "5