I have a website where I want to track who has clicked on specific links with GA. Let's say I have this page: /index.php?id=32 On this page I run some query based on the ID variable (in this case: 32), and I get the URL of the 32 id item from the Database to redirect the visitor. I'm using a PHP function: header('Location: http://www.example.com');. Before I'm redirecti
我有一个网站,我想跟踪谁点击了与GA的特定链接。 假设我有这个页面:/index.php?id=32 在这个页面上,我运行了一些基于ID变量的查询(在本例中为32),并从数据库中获取32 id项的URL来重定向访问者。 我正在使用PHP函数:header('Location:http://www.example.com');. 在我重定向用户之前,我希望Google捕获访问者的信息,然后才能重定向到所需的网页。 我试图在重定向之前粘贴GA代码和ECHO,但它不起作用
This question already has an answer here: How do I redirect with JavaScript? [duplicate] 6 answers if (status === "success") { window.location = 'https://google.com'; } Some ways to redirect Page: // Sets the new location of the current window. window.location = "http://www.google.com"; // Sets the new href (URL) for the current window. window.location.href = "http://www.google.com";
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何使用JavaScript重定向? [复制] 6个回答 if (status === "success") { window.location = 'https://google.com'; } 一些重定向页面的方法: //设置当前窗口的新位置。 window.location = "http://www.google.com"; //为当前窗口设置新的href(URL)。 window.location.href = "http://www.google.com"; //为当前窗口分配一个新的URL。 window.location.assign("http://www.google
This question already has an answer here: How to make a redirect in PHP? 27 answers Maybe you can use suggestion from this post: callback when form submitted using submit() method And replace alert("done") with location.reload(); For example: <!-- Import jQuery in your <head> tag --> <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js">&l
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在PHP中进行重定向? 27个答案 也许你可以使用这个帖子的建议:当使用submit()方法提交表单时回调并用location.reload()替换alert(“done”); 例如: <!-- Import jQuery in your <head> tag --> <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- your html source --> &
(I'm sorry if my question title isn't very good, I couldn't think of a better one. Feel free to suggest better options.) I'm trying to create a reusable "property grid" in Angular, where one can bind an object to the grid, but in such a way that presentation of the object can be customized somewhat. This is what the directive template looks like (the form-element isn
(如果我的问题标题不是很好,我很抱歉,我想不出更好的选择。请随时提出更好的选择。) 我正在尝试在Angular中创建一个可重用的“属性网格”,其中可以将对象绑定到网格,但以这种方式可以对对象的呈现进行一些定制。 这就是指令模板的样子( form-element对我的问题并不重要,所以我会放弃它): <div ng-repeat="prop in propertyData({object: propertyObject})"> <div ng-switch on="prop.type">
I'm working through the tutorial for IBM Watson Speech-to-Text, using WebSocket for real time transcription. I'm using Angular. The first 25 lines of code are copied from the API reference. This code successfully connects and initiates a recognition request. Watson sends me a message { "state": "listening" } . I wrote function onClose() that logs when the connec
我正在通过IBM Watson Speech-to-Text教程,使用WebSocket进行实时转录。 我正在使用Angular。 前25行代码是从API参考中复制的。 此代码成功连接并发起识别请求。 沃森给我发了一条消息{ "state": "listening" } 。 我写了function onClose() ,它在连接关闭时记录日志。 我做了一个运行处理程序$scope.startSpeechRecognition的按钮。 这使用getUserMedia()从麦克风传输音频,并使用websocket.se
Here is a jsfiddle of the working code: https://jsfiddle.net/Noitidart/z5dqpe8r/ If I load up the fiddle in Firefox it works perfect. It records the audio, sends it to watson and gets the results. However in Chrome, when it sends it to watson it gets an error. How can I get it to work in Google Chrome? I based it on the code from the documentation here - https://www.ibm.com/watson/develope
这是一个工作代码的jsfiddle:https://jsfiddle.net/Noitidart/z5dqpe8r/ 如果我在Firefox中加载小提琴,它的功能非常完美。 它会记录音频,并将其发送到watson并获取结果。 但是,在Chrome中,当它将其发送到watson时,会出现错误。 我如何才能在Google Chrome中使用它? 我基于这里的文档代码 - https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/doc/speech-to-text/input.html#formats - 在audio/webm部分它有这样的:
I'm trying to create a simple collage creator using jquery. what I need to do is to have a margin of 1% between each element (collage). But at the same time I need the collages to have 0 margin from their container. I hope that makes sense. I've created this FIDDLE so you know what I mean. when you run the code, just click on the button 4 times and you should see the collages be
我正在尝试使用jquery创建一个简单的拼贴创作者。 我需要做的是每个元素(拼贴)之间的边距为1%。 但与此同时,我需要拼贴画从他们的容器中获得零余量。 我希望这是有道理的。 我已经创建了这个FIDDLE,所以你知道我的意思。 当你运行代码时,只需点击4次按钮,你就会看到在容器内部创建的拼贴画完美无缺,但是它们的容器和子元素之间有一个不需要的边界。 有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗? 这是我的代码: $('#co
function fun(){ console.log("Hi"); window.location.href="http://www.google.com"; console.log("Hello, how are you"); alert("I am good"); fun1(); } function fun1(){ console.log("Whats up??"); } If you see the above lines of code the location.href is getting called before console.log("Hello, how are you"), alert and fun1(). when I call the fun() it executes all the s
function fun(){ console.log("Hi"); window.location.href="http://www.google.com"; console.log("Hello, how are you"); alert("I am good"); fun1(); } function fun1(){ console.log("Whats up??"); } 如果你看到上面的代码行,在console.log(“你好,你好吗”),alert和fun1()之前调用了location.href 。 当我调用fun()它执行location.href所有语句,然后重定向到https://www.google.com 。 所
I have 2 producers and two consumers in my project that uses rabbitmq via amqp module in node.js. The code for establishing connection for consumers looks like this: function init_consumers( ) { console.log( 'mq: consumers connection established. Starting to init stuff..' ); global.queue.consumers.connection = con_c; var fq_name = global.queue.fq_name; var aq_name = global.que
我的项目中有2个生产者和两个消费者,它们通过node.js中的amqp模块使用rabbitmq。 用于为消费者建立连接的代码如下所示: function init_consumers( ) { console.log( 'mq: consumers connection established. Starting to init stuff..' ); global.queue.consumers.connection = con_c; var fq_name = global.queue.fq_name; var aq_name = global.queue.aq_name; var q_opts = { durable:true }; v
Background I am making a publish/subscribe typical application where a publisher sends messages to a consumer. The publisher and the consumer are on different machines and the connection between them can break occasionally. Objective The goal here is to make sure that no matter what happens to the connection, or to the machines themselves, a message sent by a publisher is always received
背景 我正在制作发布者/订阅典型应用程序,发布者将消息发送给消费者。 发布者和消费者位于不同的机器上,它们之间的连接偶尔会中断。 目的 这里的目标是确保无论连接发生了什么,或者机器本身如何,发布者发送的消息总是被消费者接收。 消息的排序不是必须的。 问题 根据我的研究,RabbitMQ是此场景的正确选择: Redis将RabbitMQ作为Logstash和elasticsearch之间的数据代理/消息传递系统 然而,尽管RabbitMQ