I'm making a pagination system (sort of like Facebook) where the content loads when the user scrolls to the bottom. I imagine the best way to do that is to find when the user is at the bottom of the page and run an ajax query to load more posts. The only problem is I don't know how to check if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page with jQuery. Any ideas? I need to find a w
我正在制作一个分页系统(有点像Facebook),当用户滚动到底部时,内容加载。 我想最好的方法是找到用户何时位于页面底部并运行ajax查询来加载更多帖子。 唯一的问题是我不知道如何检查用户是否用jQuery滚动到页面底部。 有任何想法吗? 我需要找到一种方法来检查用户何时使用jQuery滚动到页面的底部。 在window上使用.scroll()事件,如下所示: $(window).scroll(function() { if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window)
I'm trying to set up passport for the first time and going with just a single google sign-in option. I registered with google apis so i have all that setup. the relavant code is below, but when my app makes the '/auth/google/' call it just fails with no response or error message. I've switched up the configuration a bunch of ways to no avail. I've also replaced the passpor
我正尝试第一次设置护照,并且只使用一个谷歌登录选项。 我在谷歌apis注册,所以我有所有的设置。 相关代码在下面,但是当我的应用程序进行'/auth/google/'调用时,它只是失败,没有响应或错误消息。 我已经调整了一些配置的方式无济于事。 我还用console.log替换了passport.authenticate('google')和一个匿名函数,以仔细检查我的Web服务是否正常运行。 所以我知道它已经到了passport.authenticate('g
Suppose I create an object factory like so: var newObj=function(x){ var obj=[] obj.x=x obj.add=function(n){ return this.x+n } return obj } Now suppose I create hundreds of instances of this object: var obj1=newObj(1) var obj2=newObj(2) ... Does each obj1,obj2,... store their own copy of obj.add or do they all contain a reference to a single instance of obj.add stored in memory?
假设我创建了一个对象工厂,如下所示: var newObj=function(x){ var obj=[] obj.x=x obj.add=function(n){ return this.x+n } return obj } 现在假设我创建了这个对象的数百个实例: var obj1=newObj(1) var obj2=newObj(2) ... 每个obj1,obj2,...都存储他们自己的obj.add副本,还是都包含对存储在内存中的单个obj.add实例的引用? 谢谢! obj和obj2都会实例化他们自己的obj.add副本。 它们是函数表达
Is there any way that I can check if an element is visible in pure JS (no jQuery) ? So, for example, in this page: Performance Bikes, if you hover over Deals (on the top menu), a window of deals appear, but at the beginning it was not shown. It is in the HTML but it is not visible. So, given a DOM element, how can I check if it is visible or not? I tried: window.getComputedStyle(my_element)
有没有什么办法可以检查一个元素是否在纯JS(没有jQuery)中可见? 因此,例如,在此页面中:Performance Bikes,如果您将鼠标悬停在交易上(顶部菜单上),会出现一个交易窗口,但在开始时并未显示。 它在HTML中,但不可见。 所以,给定一个DOM元素,我该如何检查它是否可见? 我试过: window.getComputedStyle(my_element)['display']); 但它似乎并没有工作。 我不知道应该检查哪些属性。 在我看来: displa
here is my problem I have a code that implement the window.print but the problem is when I close the window print and go back to my page my print button is not working anymore. $(function(){ $('#button1').click(function() { $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url() ?>assets/weekly/style/weekly.css" type="text/css"/>'); var p
这里是我的问题我有一个代码实现window.print,但问题是当我关闭窗口打印并返回到我的页面我的打印按钮不再工作。 $(function(){ $('#button1').click(function() { $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url() ?>assets/weekly/style/weekly.css" type="text/css"/>'); var printContents = document.getElementById('data').innerHTML; v
有谁知道如何在Node.js中打印堆栈跟踪? Any Error object has a stack member that traps the point at which it was constructed. var stack = new Error().stack console.log( stack ) or more simply: console.trace("Here I am!") 现在在控制台上有一个专门的功能: console.trace() As already answered, you can simply use the trace command: console.trace("I am here"); However, if you came to this question
有谁知道如何在Node.js中打印堆栈跟踪? 任何Error对象都有一个stack成员,用于捕获构建它的点。 var stack = new Error().stack console.log( stack ) 或者更简单: console.trace("Here I am!") 现在在控制台上有一个专门的功能: console.trace() 正如已经回答的那样,您可以简单地使用trace命令: console.trace("I am here"); 但是, 如果您遇到了这个问题,并且正在搜索如何记录异常的堆栈跟踪 ,则可以简单地记录Ex
If I throw a JavaScript exception myself (eg, throw "AArrggg" ), how can I get the stack trace (in Firebug or otherwise)? Right now I just get the message. edit : As many people below have posted, it is possible to get a stack trace for a JavaScript exception but I want to get a stack trace for my exceptions. For example: function foo() { bar(2); } function bar(n) { if (n &
如果我自己抛出一个JavaScript异常(例如throw "AArrggg" ),我如何获得堆栈跟踪(以Firebug或其他方式)? 现在我只是收到消息。 编辑 :由于许多人下面已经发布,有可能得到一个JavaScript异常的堆栈跟踪,但我想获得一个堆栈跟踪我的异常。 例如: function foo() { bar(2); } function bar(n) { if (n < 2) throw "Oh no! 'n' is too small!" bar(n-1); } 当调用foo ,我想获得一个
I have a CSS 3D cube that I'm trying to rotate left/right/up/down straight as it appears to user. If I use css rotation functions, then I rotate the axis, not the cube. There are lots of articles on the web about X,Y,Z matrix rotation calculation, but I've spend days now trying to set this thing and none of this information really helps me. The work around to my problem would be a We
我有一个CSS 3D多维数据集,我试图直接向左/右/向上/向下旋转,因为它看起来像用户。 如果我使用css rotation功能,那么我旋转轴,而不是立方体。 网上有很多关于X,Y,Z矩阵旋转计算的文章,但是我花了几天的时间来设置这个东西,这些信息都没有帮助我。 解决我的问题的工作将是一个WebKitCSSMatrix对象,它有自己的旋转功能,可以像魔术一样工作。 小提琴上的一个例子:http://jsfiddle.net/joecritch/tZBDW/。 但是,
I use the Google Maps API (v.3) to show a map with a couple of markers. I recently noticed that the control used to zoom the map is messed up (it wasn't always like this). I have no idea what the cause is. Update This post originally had a link to a page where you could view the issue, but the link is broken now, so I've removed it. Your CSS messed it up. Remove max-width: 100%;
我使用Google Maps API(v.3)显示带有几个标记的地图。 我最近注意到用来缩放地图的控件弄乱了(它并不总是这样)。 我不知道是什么原因。 更新 这篇文章最初有一个链接到一个页面,您可以查看该问题,但链接现在已被破解,因此我已将其删除。 你的CSS搞砸了。 删除max-width: 100%; 在行814和缩放控制将再次看起来不错。 为了避免此类错误,请在CSS中使用更具体的选择器。 #myMap_canvas img { max-width: none
Fairly new to the Google Maps Api. I've got an array of data that I want to cycle through and plot on a map. Seems fairly simple, but all the multi-marker tutorials I have found are quite complex. Let's use the data array from google's site for an example: var locations = [ ['Bondi Beach', -33.890542, 151.274856, 4], ['Coogee Beach', -33.923036, 151.259052, 5], ['Cronulla B
Google Maps Api相当新颖。 我有一系列我想循环访问的数据并绘制在地图上。 看起来相当简单,但我发现的所有多标记教程都非常复杂。 举个例子,我们使用谷歌网站的数据数组: var locations = [ ['Bondi Beach', -33.890542, 151.274856, 4], ['Coogee Beach', -33.923036, 151.259052, 5], ['Cronulla Beach', -34.028249, 151.157507, 3], ['Manly Beach', -33.80010128657071, 151.28747820854187, 2], ['Marou