I don't understand a behavior of javascript. I'm doing a form validation of a jquery ui dialog. It seems then it's a javascript issue, not a jquery issue. For the validation, I execute a function per fields that return true or false and a boolean variable recieve the result of successive && operator. Like this : bValid = checkRegexp(validite, /^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])
我不明白JavaScript的行为。 我正在做一个jQuery UI对话框的表单验证。 这似乎是一个JavaScript问题,而不是一个jQuery的问题。 对于验证,我为每个返回true或false的字段执行一个函数,并且一个布尔变量接收连续&&运算符的结果。 喜欢这个 : bValid = checkRegexp(validite, /^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[/-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[/-]d{4}$/, "Entrez la date de validit350 sous la forme JJ/MM/AAAA." ); bValid =
I have a problem with a very simple piece of code written in Javascript, could you help me please? Here's what I think I have understand so far about javascript and variables: An undefined value is evaluated to false in a boolean operation By using a == operator in a comparation, you're asking if two values are comparable regardless of their types I found an exercise file in a onl
我用JavaScript编写的一段非常简单的代码存在问题,请问您能帮助我吗? 以下是我认为迄今为止关于JavaScript和变量的理解: 未定义的值在布尔操作中评估为false 通过在比较中使用==运算符,您问的是两个值是否可比较,无论它们的类型如何 我在一个在线课程中找到了一个练习文件,我试图做到这一点,但是我没有在课程中得到相同的结果。 主要的问题是我通过“if value == false {...}”来比较值,而解决方案使用“if!value
This question already has an answer here: How do I check if an array includes an object in JavaScript? 40 answers You really don't need jQuery for this. var myarr = ["I", "like", "turtles"]; var arraycontainsturtles = (myarr.indexOf("turtles") > -1); or function arrayContains(needle, arrhaystack) { return (arrhaystack.indexOf(needle) > -1); } It's worth noting that arra
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何检查数组是否包含JavaScript中的对象? 40个答案 你真的不需要这个jQuery。 var myarr = ["I", "like", "turtles"]; var arraycontainsturtles = (myarr.indexOf("turtles") > -1); 要么 function arrayContains(needle, arrhaystack) { return (arrhaystack.indexOf(needle) > -1); } 值得注意的是,在IE <9中不支持array.indexOf(..) ,但jQuery的indexOf(...)函数即
Example string: #ABC ABC@ #ABC@ ABC Example regex: /(?:[^#])(ABC)(?!@)/g (only matches ABC in the example) I need to get a list of matches [[start,end],...] but not include the first group, which is only there because JS regex doesn't support lookbehind. (Note: assume that the captured and uncaptured parts can be of any length, not just 1 or 3 characters like in the example) Unfortuna
示例字符串: #ABC ABC@ #ABC@ ABC 示例正则表达式: /(?:[^#])(ABC)(?!@)/g (仅在示例中与ABC匹配) 我需要得到一个匹配列表[[start,end],...],但不包括第一组,因为JS正则表达式不支持lookbehind。 (注意:假设捕捉和未捕捉的部分可以是任意长度的,不仅仅是例子中的1或3个字符) 不幸的是,没有办法获得在字符串内匹配组的索引。 作为一种解决方法,确保在必要的捕获组/模式部分之前捕获模式的整个部分。 然
I'm struggling with some regex, in javascript which doesn't have a typical lookbehind option, to only match a group if it's not preceded with a string: (^|)(www.[S]+?(?= |[,;:!?]|.( )|$)) so in the following hello http:/www.mytestwebsite.com is awesome I'm trying to detect if the www.mytestwebsite.com is preceeded
我正在努力处理一些正则表达式,在没有典型的lookbehind选项的javascript中,如果它没有以字符串开头,那么只匹配一个组: (^|)(www.[S]+?(?= |[,;:!?]|.( )|$)) 所以在下面 hello http:/www.mytestwebsite.com is awesome 我试图检测www.mytestwebsite.com是否在前 / 如果是我不想匹配的话,否则就赶走。 我试图用前瞻的眼光看,但它看起来与
In Chrome and as for now the Datalist only appears when typing or double clicking on the input element, eg http://jsfiddle.net/r7Y4v/ I'm trying to make the datalist appear sooner. Ideally I would put a little "dropdown arrow" next to the input that when clicked would make the Datalist appear. I'm looking for a webkit solution. I can't find anything in the specificati
在Chrome中,至今只有在输入或双击input元素时才会出现Datalist,例如http://jsfiddle.net/r7Y4v/ 我试图让数据显示更快地出现。 理想情况下,我会在输入旁边放置一个“下拉箭头”,点击时会使Datalist出现。 我正在寻找一个webkit解决方案。 在规范中我找不到任何东西如何做到这一点。 另外我注意到,在当前浏览器中的实现看起来有很大不同(点击vs dbl-click,箭头键,完整与过滤列表以及过滤器如何匹配部分输入等)。
I am writing a very basic JavaScript library that uses the $.ajax() function of jQuery. How should I manage this dependency? Should I instruct users of my library to include jQuery themselves? Should I use something like RequireJS or script tag insertion to load jQuery within the library? If the latter would be better, how do I do this without causing a conflict if the user is already using
我正在编写一个非常基本的JavaScript库,它使用jQuery的$ .ajax()函数。 我应该如何管理这种依赖关系? 我应该指导我的图书馆的用户自己加入jQuery吗? 我是否应该使用诸如RequireJS或脚本标记插入的方式在库中加载jQuery? 如果后者会更好,如果用户已经在使用jQuery,我该如何做到这一点而不会导致冲突? 我认为这有点取决于如果你有更多的依赖,而不是jQuery。 如果jQuery是你唯一的依赖项,并且你的库并不真的需
I'm try to traverse between contenteditable paragraphs using the arrow keys. I can't put a containing div around all paragraphs as the may be divided by other non-editable elements. I need to be able to determine the character length of the first line so that when the up arrow key is pressed when the cursor is on the line then it will jump up to the previous paragraph - hopefully keepi
我尝试使用箭头键在可理解的段落之间进行遍历。 我无法在所有段落中放置包含div,因为可能会被其他不可编辑元素划分。 我需要能够确定第一行的字符长度,以便当光标在行上时按下向上箭头键,它将跳转到上一段 - 希望保持光标相对于行的位置。 我可以通过以下方式获取游标索引: function cursorIndex() { return window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).startOffset; } 并设置它:如在这里找到 - Javascript Contented
I looked it up and found this regarding finding a substring in a larger string in an array. Array.Prototype.includes if (t.title.includes(searchString)) My t is part of a $.each that's iterating through a larger array of objects (each objects got a buttload of info, from strings, dates and such). searchString is whatever the user typed in a box. All this is a simple search function for a
我查了一下,发现这是关于在一个数组中的较大字符串中查找子字符串的。 Array.Prototype.includes if (t.title.includes(searchString)) 我的t是$.each一部分,它遍历更大的对象数组(每个对象从字符串,日期等获取信息的buttload)。 searchString是用户在框中键入的任何内容。 所有这些都是我在页面上列出的一个简单的搜索功能。 这在Chrome中运行得很好。 但是Firefox和IE都出现了错误 TypeError: currentTicket.titl
I'm looking for a function which return boolean value if user has mobile browser or not. I know that I can use navigator.userAgent and write that function by using regex, but user-agents are too various for different platforms. I doubt that match all possible devices would be easy, and I think this problem has been solved before many times so there should be some kind of complete solution
我正在寻找一个函数,如果用户有移动浏览器或不是,那么返回布尔值。 我知道我可以使用navigator.userAgent并使用regex编写该函数,但用户代理对于不同的平台来说太多了。 我怀疑匹配所有可能的设备会很容易,而且我认为这个问题在很多时候已经解决了,所以应该有这种任务的完整解决方案。 我在看这个网站,但遗憾的是这个脚本太神秘了,我不知道如何将它用于我的目的,即创建一个返回true / false的函数。 使用正则表达