I call the same PHP script using $.ajax and $.get and get two different results. $.ajax strips line breaks from data passed through the function while $.get doesn't. I've tried explicitly setting the dataType to text and html with no luck. Most of the parameters for $.get default to the same in $.ajax. http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ Is this a bug? Here is the exact code I u
我使用$ .ajax和$ .get调用相同的PHP脚本,并获得两个不同的结果。 $ .ajax剥离了通过函数传递的数据,而$ .get没有。 我已经明确尝试将dataType设置为text和html,但没有运气。 $ .get的大部分参数在$ .ajax中默认为相同。 http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ 这是一个错误? 这是我使用的确切代码: $.get("lib/ajax_scripts/set-product-value.php", { input_id: input_id, val:value }); $.ajax({
I am trying to modify the CSS of the website http://www.baomoi.com for my grandmother. I'd like to modify the CSS for easier readability for her and to make it more minimalistic. I have tried using a JavaScript bookmarklet: javascript:(function(){if%20(!document.getElementById('someuniqueid')){var%20objHead%20=%20document.getElementsByTagName('head');%20if%20(objHead[0]){if%20(document.cre
我正在尝试为我的祖母修改网站http://www.baomoi.com的CSS。 我想修改CSS以便于阅读,并使其更简约。 我曾尝试使用JavaScript书签: javascript:(function(){if%20(!document.getElementById('someuniqueid')){var%20objHead%20=%20document.getElementsByTagName('head');%20if%20(objHead[0]){if%20(document.createElementNS%20&&%20objHead[0].tagName%20==%20'head')%20var%20objCSS%20=%20objHead[0].appendChil
I'm trying to get a case-insensitive search with two strings in JavaScript working. Normally it would be like this: var string="Stackoverflow is the BEST"; var result= string.search(/best/i); alert(result); The /i flag would be for case-insensitive. But I need to search for a second string; without the flag it works perfect: var string="Stackoverflow is the BEST"; var searchstring="be
我试图在JavaScript中使用两个字符串进行不区分大小写的搜索。 通常情况下会是这样的: var string="Stackoverflow is the BEST"; var result= string.search(/best/i); alert(result); /i标志将用于不区分大小写。 但我需要搜索第二个字符串; 没有旗帜,它的作品完美: var string="Stackoverflow is the BEST"; var searchstring="best"; var result= string.search(searchstring); alert(result); 如果我将/i标志添
我有一个无限循环使用这个jQuery代码,我知道为什么,但我不知道如何解决这个问题: <form id="submitme"> <input value="" name="n1" id="n1" type="text"/> <input value="Send" type="button"/> </form> <script> $('#submitme').bind( 'submit', function() { $.post( 'validate.php', 'value=' + $('#n1').val(), function (data) { if (data == "true")
我有一个无限循环使用这个jQuery代码,我知道为什么,但我不知道如何解决这个问题: <form id="submitme"> <input value="" name="n1" id="n1" type="text"/> <input value="Send" type="button"/> </form> <script> $('#submitme').bind( 'submit', function() { $.post( 'validate.php', 'value=' + $('#n1').val(), function (data) { if (data == "true")
I am trying to upload a csv file with spring boot 1.2.0 REST controller and jQuery ajax. When I send the post request, I keep getting 415:Unsupported Media type error. Here is my form: <form id="upload_form"> <div id="message"> </div> <br/> <div class="row" id="upload-file-div" style="display: none"> <div class='col-sm-3'>
我试图用spring boot 1.2.0 REST控制器和jQuery ajax上传一个csv文件。 当我发送帖子请求时,我一直得到415:不支持的媒体类型错误。 这是我的表格: <form id="upload_form"> <div id="message"> </div> <br/> <div class="row" id="upload-file-div" style="display: none"> <div class='col-sm-3'> <label>Select File</label
Probably, a simple question, which I can't seem to find a solid answer to. Why would one choose JSON2 over jquery-json plugin ( http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/)? Given that a web application is using jQuery to begin with. Everyone's writing about how great it is that JSON2 falls back on the native implementation... Well, so does jquery-json. I welcome links to blogs, articles
可能是一个简单的问题,我似乎无法找到一个可靠的答案。 为什么选择JSON2而不是jQuery-json插件(http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/)? 鉴于Web应用程序使用jQuery开始。 每个人都在谈论JSON2在原生实现方面的优劣......嗯,jquery-json也是如此。 我欢迎链接到博客,文章和例子。 然而,我正在寻找一个强有力的答案,哪一个更好用,为什么。 谢谢! 两者之间的一个重要区别是JSON2的api与本地api完全相同,而j
This question already has an answer here: Parse JSON in JavaScript? [duplicate] 16 answers Assuming the file resides along with your html and css files. You would first need to get it into your current page with the <script> tag. Also if you want to be able to access all the objects in the .json file then it would be easier to wrap the entire file content in a variable either as an a
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在JavaScript中解析JSON? [复制] 16个回答 假设该文件与您的html和css文件一起驻留。 您首先需要使用<script>标签将其放入当前页面。 另外,如果您希望能够访问.json文件中的所有对象,则将整个文件内容作为数组(如下所示)或父对象包装到变量中会更容易, var myObj = [ { "number": "001", "name": "Jill", "date": "2014. January 01." },
Possible Duplicate: How to parse JSON in JavaScript If you have JSON formatted like this: { "id": 10, "user": { "email": "example.com" } } What is the standard way of parsing that into a JSON object in JavaScript? The use case is if a user is entering JSON into a textarea, parsing that out. I started doing this but don't want to go down this road if there's already a ro
可能重复: 如何在JavaScript中解析JSON 如果您的JSON格式如下所示: { "id": 10, "user": { "email": "example.com" } } 在JavaScript中将这些解析成JSON对象的标准方式是什么? 用例是如果用户将JSON输入到textarea中,则将其解析出来。 我开始这样做,但如果已经有一个强大的/标准的解决方案,不想走这条路: JSON.parse($('#the-textarea').val().replace(/^s+/mg, '').replace(/n/g, '')); // not quite
This question already has an answer here: Parse JSON in JavaScript? [duplicate] 16 answers If you add dataType: "json" to the call the response will be made a json object: $.ajax({ url: 'buildings.php', data: "building=" + building, dataType: "json", complete: function (response) { alert(response.name); } }); Edit: so it appears that for whatever reaso
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在JavaScript中解析JSON? [复制] 16个回答 如果将dataType: "json"添加到调用中,则响应将成为json对象: $.ajax({ url: 'buildings.php', data: "building=" + building, dataType: "json", complete: function (response) { alert(response.name); } }); 编辑:所以看来,无论出于什么原因jQuery不能自动解析它,但JSON.parse(response.responseT
Possible Duplicate: how to parse json in javascript I need to parse this JSON in JavaScript or jQuery. Please help me in getting the list of product in the below JSON. To get the list of product { "main": { "ProductsData": { "Product": { "AdjustmentTypeID": "0", "BrandID": "4", "BrandName": "Joseph Joseph",
可能重复: 如何在javascript中解析json 我需要在JavaScript或jQuery中解析这个JSON。 请帮助我在下面的JSON中获取产品列表。 获取产品清单 { "main": { "ProductsData": { "Product": { "AdjustmentTypeID": "0", "BrandID": "4", "BrandName": "Joseph Joseph", "ChildrenGenerated": "False", "Cost": "8.5