What's the most efficient way in jQuery to extend/inherit CSS properties from one element to another? Desired effect $('#blah').extendCSSTo('#me') // Is there a plugin or a good way to do this? $('#me').css({ background: 'blue' }); #me will now have all the CSS of #blah and also background CSS: #blah { padding: 5px; width: 200px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #333;
jQuery中用于将CSS属性从一个元素扩展/继承到另一个元素的最有效方法是什么? 期望的效果 $('#blah').extendCSSTo('#me') // Is there a plugin or a good way to do this? $('#me').css({ background: 'blue' }); #me现在拥有的所有的CSS #blah还background CSS: #blah { padding: 5px; width: 200px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #333; font-family: "Verdana"; } #me { position: absol
Is there any way to create a modal 'scope' for jQuery dialogs? As a somewhat contrived example, I've got a page: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Console</title> <link href="console.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link
有什么办法可以为jQuery对话框创建一个模态“范围”? 作为一个有点人为的例子,我有一个页面: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Console</title> <link href="console.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="libs/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.13
I am implementing Algorithm W (the Hindley-Milner type system) in JavaScript: The function which implements the above rules is typecheck and it has the following signature: typecheck :: (Context, Expr) -> Monotype It is defined as follows: function typecheck(context, expression) { switch (expression.type) { case "Var": var name = expression.name; var type = context
我正在JavaScript中实现算法W(Hindley-Milner类型系统): 实现上述规则的函数是typecheck ,它有以下签名: typecheck :: (Context, Expr) -> Monotype 它被定义如下: function typecheck(context, expression) { switch (expression.type) { case "Var": var name = expression.name; var type = context[name]; return inst(type); case "App": var fun = typecheck(co
I have seen several solutions which determine when an element is visible in the viewport whilst scrolling the page, but I haven't seen any which do this for elements that are contained in a scrolling container div as in the example here. How would I detect the items as they scroll into view via the scrolling div? And by contrast how would I detect them if they fell out of view. In all cas
我已经看到了几个解决方案,这些解决方案在滚动页面时确定元素在视口中何时可见,但我还没有看到任何这样做的内容在滚动容器div中包含的元素,如本例中所示。 当他们通过滚动div滚动到视图中时,我将如何检测这些项目? 而相比之下,如果他们掉在视线之外,我会如何发现他们。 在任何情况下,溢流元件都不会在一开始就隐藏起来。 HTML <div id="mainContainer" class="main"> <div id="scrollContain
This question already has an answer here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? 50 answers There are a lot of tools around though they seem overkill for what you have to do. I think your best bet would be to take those files and copy paste them into one single file. If you want to use a tool, since you require it (and its complexity :D) then I would recommend try
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 50个答案 尽管他们看起来有点过度,但仍有很多工具需要处理。 我认为你最好的选择是将这些文件复制并粘贴到一个文件中。 如果你想使用一个工具,因为你需要它(以及它的复杂性:D),那么我会建议尝试一下grunt,它很容易设置,如果你需要扩展它以适应更多的需求,它将会是几乎无忧无虑,例如,连接: grunt.initConfig({ concat: {
This question already has an answer here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? 50 answers How to include js file in another js file? [duplicate] 4 answers 尝试这个: var fileref=document.createElement('script'); fileref.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); fileref.setAttribute("src", "https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"); I'm a little fuzzy on this my
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 50个答案 如何将js文件包含在另一个js文件中? [复制] 4个答案 尝试这个: var fileref=document.createElement('script'); fileref.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); fileref.setAttribute("src", "https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"); 我自己对此有点模糊,但我似乎记得脚本不能轻易地从其他域调用脚本,以避免违反“
This question already has an answer here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? 50 answers You cannot directly link a .js file from a .js file Check this: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? It clearly says what can you do to link a .js in a .js file Solution from about.com: In your testing.js file create this function: function ad
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 50个答案 您不能直接链接.js文件中的.js文件 选中此项:如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 它清楚地说明了如何将.js链接到.js文件中 来自about.com的解决方案: 在你的testing.js文件中创建这个函数: function addJavascript(jsname,pos) { var th = document.getElementsByTagName(pos)[0]; var s = document.cr
Possible Duplicate: Include JavaScript file inside JavaScript file? Is there any way to simply import a JavaScript library into a JavaScript file? In Python, you can simply do this: import math Is there anything similar in JavaScript? In today's vanilla javascript, no, you can't do that. But in a future version, a similar feature will probably be available. Modules are discus
可能重复: 在JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 有什么方法可以简单地将JavaScript库导入到JavaScript文件中? 在Python中,你可以简单地做到这一点: import math JavaScript中有类似的东西吗? 在今天的香草javascript中,不,你不能那样做。 但在未来的版本中,可能会有类似的功能。 模块从很长一段时间来讨论。 作为一名Python程序员,您也可能会对这篇文章感兴趣。 今天你可以 使用支持这种导入的许
This question already has an answer here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? 50 answers You will have to write code to detect when a dynamically loaded script is loaded and unfortunately, it works slightly different in some older browsers so it isn't as simple as it could be. Here's a good reference article on how to do that: http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/1
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 50个答案 您将不得不编写代码来检测何时加载了动态加载的脚本,不幸的是,它在某些旧版浏览器中的工作方式稍有不同,因此它不像以前那么简单。 这里有一篇很好的参考文章,介绍如何做到这一点:http://www.ejeliot.com/blog/109 以下是该文章的一些代码: function loadScript(sScriptSrc, oCallback) { var oHead = document.getE
This question already has an answer here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? 50 answers Using javascript: var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = '/js/script'; document.head.appendChild(script); Using jQuery: //you need to change your path $.getScript('/js/script.js', function() { // script is imported }); Here is a synchronous version
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在另一个JavaScript文件中包含JavaScript文件? 50个答案 使用javascript: var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = '/js/script'; document.head.appendChild(script); 使用jQuery: //you need to change your path $.getScript('/js/script.js', function() { // script is imported }); 这是一个同步版本: function myRequire( url ) { var ajax