After failing to find a way to hide ONLY events on calendar, I was thinking about deleting all events once the user clicks the "month" button. How would I implement that?` $scope.uiConfig = { calendar: { height: 450, editable: false, selectable: true, header: { left: 'title', center: '', right: 'month today prev,n
在未能找到隐藏日历上的唯一事件的方法后,我一直在考虑在用户单击“月”按钮后删除所有事件。 我将如何实施?` $scope.uiConfig = { calendar: { height: 450, editable: false, selectable: true, header: { left: 'title', center: '', right: 'month today prev,next' }, eventClick: $scope.alertOnEventClick, eventDrop
I am using FullCalendar to display some events on a web page. The calendar is created like this $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, allDayDefault: false, selectable: true, selectHelper: true, editable: true,
我正在使用FullCalendar在网页上显示一些事件。 日历是这样创建的 $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, allDayDefault: false, selectable: true, selectHelper: true, editable: true, eventLimit: true, // allow "more"
I am new to using full calendar and was wondering if it is possible to show the day view (specifically the date of) the event which has been clicked on. This would need to take place if the event is clicked in the Year or month view. Another thing that I would also like to know if possible can a lightbox (div that is shown above everything else) be shown when an event is clicked in the day vie
我是使用完整日历的新手,并且想知道是否可以显示已点击的日程视图(特别是日期)。 如果在年或月视图中点击该事件,则需要进行此操作。 另一件事,我也想知道如果可能的话,可以在日视图中点击一个事件时显示一个灯箱(显示在其他地方的div)。 我已经对这些问题进行了2天的研究,尽管我发现 - dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', date); }, 我无法适应或
I've searched StackOverflow for the past 2 days and haven't found a solution to this. I'm trying to do something extremely basic but WordPress has me pulling my hair out. I have a JavaScript file called 'test.js' which in in a folder called scripts inside my Child Theme folder. This file has the following code: function myFunc() { alert('hi'); } I have followed the best
我搜索了过去2天的StackOverflow,并没有找到解决方案。 我试图做一些非常基本的事情,但WordPress让我把头发拉出来。 我有一个名为'test.js'的JavaScript文件,它位于我的Child Theme文件夹内的脚本文件夹中。 该文件具有以下代码: function myFunc() { alert('hi'); } 我遵循了在Wordpress中加载JavaScript的最佳做法,并且在我的Child Theme文件夹的functions.php文件中包含了以下功能。 function add_my_scr
This question already has an answer here: How to break out of jQuery each Loop 5 answers According to the documentation you can simply return false; to break: $(xml).find("strengths").each(function() { if (iWantToBreak) return false; }); Return false from the anonymous function: $(xml).find("strengths").each(function() { // Code // To escape from this block based on a con
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何摆脱每个循环5回答jQuery 根据文档,您可以简单地return false; 打破: $(xml).find("strengths").each(function() { if (iWantToBreak) return false; }); 从匿名函数返回false: $(xml).find("strengths").each(function() { // Code // To escape from this block based on a condition: if (something) return false; }); 从每种方法的文档: 在每个函数中
Does python have any equivalent to JavaScript's Array.prototype.some / every? Trivial JavaScript example: var arr = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; arr.some(function (element, index) { console.log("index: " + index + ", element: " + element) if(element === "b"){ return true; } }); Will output: index: 0, element: a index: 1, element: b The below python seems to be functionally equ
python是否与JavaScript的Array.prototype.some / every有相同之处? 简单的JavaScript示例: var arr = [ "a", "b", "c" ]; arr.some(function (element, index) { console.log("index: " + index + ", element: " + element) if(element === "b"){ return true; } }); 会输出: index: 0, element: a index: 1, element: b 下面的python似乎在功能上是等价的,但我不知道是否有更多的“pythonic”方法
I was poking around the source code of a website when I came across some code like this: $($('#newForm_step1')).hide("slide", { direction: "left" }, 0); and this: $($($('.breadcrumbs')[0]).children().last()).html("..."); I've never seen the $ ( jQuery ) function used this way, and I was wondering if there'd be any practical reason to do something like this? To the best of my knowledg
当我遇到这样的代码时,我正在浏览网站的源代码: $($('#newForm_step1')).hide("slide", { direction: "left" }, 0); 和这个: $($($('.breadcrumbs')[0]).children().last()).html("..."); 我从来没有见过以这种方式使用$ ( jQuery )函数,我想知道是否有任何实际的理由来做这样的事情? 据我所知,用$调用包装一个jQuery对象只需要为同一个选择器返回一个jQuery对象,并且jQuery对象上的方法返回this ,所以我不明白为
This question already has an answer here: What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript? 21 answers Google "Immediately Invoked Function Expression" or "IIFE". The general syntax looks like this: (function(){ // do something here })(): Sometimes you'll see arguments passed in as well. It's basically used to wrap your code so none of your variables l
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: JavaScript中的(function(){})()构造是什么? 21个答案 Google“立即调用函数表达式”或“IIFE”。 一般的语法如下所示: (function(){ // do something here })(): 有时你会看到传入的参数。 它基本上用来包装你的代码,所以你的任何变量都不会泄漏到全局名称空间中。
I just came across this line of code in javascript: Math.round(someVariable*100) Shouldn't that be simply: Math.round(someVariable*100) I checked and both seem to give me the same results. Can you thing of any reason why it was coded with a back slash? Unless that line is somehow surrounded with /* and */ , that's not valid Javascript :-) The ECMAScript specification only mention
我刚刚在javascript中遇到了这一行代码: Math.round(someVariable*100) 这不应该是简单的: Math.round(someVariable*100) 我查了一下,都似乎给了我相同的结果。 你有什么理由为什么它用反斜杠编码? 除非该行以某种方式被/*和*/包围,否则这不是有效的Javascript :-) ECMAScript规范仅在字符串(包括JSONStrings)和正则表达式的上下文中提到了反斜杠。 如果您使用以下HTML文件: <!DOCTYPE html> <html&g
Many people seem to have run into this exception in jQuery.extend: Message: Invalid argument. Line: 4618 Char: 4 Code: 0 URI: https://windev/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js My issue is that within our dev team we are all running IE8 but only my machine has this js error. The same code is running on all machines. If the error showed up on all of the machines I would apply one of the solutions that
很多人似乎在jQuery.extend中遇到了这个异常: 消息:无效的参数。 行:4618 char:4代码:0 URI:https://windev/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js 我的问题是,在我们的开发团队,我们都在运行IE8,但只有我的机器有这个JS错误。 所有机器上都运行相同的代码。 如果在所有机器上显示错误,我将应用已发布的解决方案之一。 由于它只在组中的一台机器上,所以我想知道是否有人发现IE设置或添加,这可能会导致此异常,并解释为什