R Shiny (only alt text)

Using the code below, I am only getting the alt text to appear. Any suggestions on what may be the problem? From server.R: output$face <- renderImage({ list(src = "http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/yco/GGE/ycoGGEacE.png", filetype = "image/png", alt = "YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!") }, deleteFile = FALSE) From ui.R: imageOutput("face") Thanks, Chad Adding to the explanation of the prob


使用下面的代码,我只能得到替代文字出现。 关于可能是什么问题的任何建议? 从server.R: output$face <- renderImage({ list(src = "http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/yco/GGE/ycoGGEacE.png", filetype = "image/png", alt = "YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!") }, deleteFile = FALSE) 来自ui.R: imageOutput("face") 谢谢, 乍得 添加到问题的解释 - 我不只是试图显示图像。 相反,我试图使其成为被动 - 并根

Distributing GPL code with non

I've written a package for R which includes the source code for a program, ttf2pt1, which is compiled on installation. The program is not linked to; the code I've written invokes this program with a function called system2() , which is basically like invoking it from the command line. The entire source code for this program is in its own directory, and I haven't modified it at all.


我为R编写了一个包,其中包含一个程序的源代码ttf2pt1,它在安装时编译。 该计划没有链接到; 我写的代码用一个叫system2()的函数调用这个程序,这基本上就像从命令行调用它一样。 这个程序的整个源代码都在它自己的目录中,我根本没有修改它。 我想在某些版本的GPL下分发这个软件包,但是我不清楚这是否可行。 如果没有,我可以使用另一个免费软件许可证。 这个程序有一个许可的LICENSE文件,但基本上需要包括: 具体

Display the knitr code chunk source in document

I'm trying to output the source of a knitr chunk onto a beamer slide. For example, I would like the following code chunk to be displayed as is in the .Rnw: <<code-chunk, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>= @ I've attempted to recreate this behavior using: <<out-first-code-chunk, echo=FALSE, comment=NA>>= cat(paste("<<example-code-chunk, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>=


我试图将一个针织大块的来源输出到投影仪幻灯片上。 例如,我想要在.Rnw中显示下面的代码块: <<code-chunk, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>= @ 我试图重新使用以下行为: <<out-first-code-chunk, echo=FALSE, comment=NA>>= cat(paste("<<example-code-chunk, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE>>=","@",sep="n")) @ 这个代码是合法的,因为R的控制台中的cat命令给出了: > cat('<<example-co

grid.layout doesn't like respect and compound units

Using unit.pmax as the default comparison of widths/heights in gtable is proving harder than I'd hoped; after several hours of head scratching I've narrowed it down to this situation: library(grid) w <- list(unit(1,"null"), unit(1,"null")) class(w) <- c("unit.list", "unit") h <- unit(1, "in") gl1 <- grid.layout(1, 2, widths = w, heights = h, respect = TR


使用unit.pmax作为unit.pmax中宽度/高度的默认比较比我希望的要难得多; 经过几个小时的头部划伤,我缩小了这种情况: library(grid) w <- list(unit(1,"null"), unit(1,"null")) class(w) <- c("unit.list", "unit") h <- unit(1, "in") gl1 <- grid.layout(1, 2, widths = w, heights = h, respect = TRUE) grid.newpage() grid.show.layout(gl1) # fine w2 <- w w2[[1]] <- unit.pma

Find K nearest neighbors, starting from a distance matrix

I'm looking for a well-optimized function that accepts an n X n distance matrix and returns an n X k matrix with the indices of the k nearest neighbors of the ith datapoint in the ith row. I find a gazillion different R packages that let you do KNN, but they all seem to include the distance computations along with the sorting algorithm within the same function. In particular, for most rout


我正在寻找一个良好优化的函数,它接受一个n X n距离矩阵,并返回一个n X k矩阵,其中第i行中第i个数据点的k最近邻居的索引。 我发现了一个gazillion不同的R包,可以让你做KNN,但它们似乎都包含了同一个函数内的排序算法和距离计算。 特别是,对于大多数例程来说,主要参数是原始数据矩阵,而不是距离矩阵。 就我而言,我在混合变量类型上使用非标准距离,所以我需要将距离计算中的排序问题分开。 这并不是一个令人生畏的

Preserving aspect ratio in R's grid graphics

To draw a "crossed" rectangle of height 2 times larger than its width using the low-level graphics package facilities I call: xlim <- c(0, 500) ylim <- c(0, 1000) plot.new() plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp=1) rect(xlim[1], ylim[1], xlim[2], ylim[2]) lines(c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), c(ylim[1], ylim[2])) lines(c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), c(ylim[2], ylim[1])) The figure has a nice feature: the aspe


要使用我所称的低级graphics包装工具绘制比其宽度大2倍的“交叉”矩形: xlim <- c(0, 500) ylim <- c(0, 1000) plot.new() plot.window(xlim, ylim, asp=1) rect(xlim[1], ylim[1], xlim[2], ylim[2]) lines(c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), c(ylim[1], ylim[2])) lines(c(xlim[1], xlim[2]), c(ylim[2], ylim[1])) 这个图有一个很好的特点:高宽比保留下来,如果我改变绘图窗口的大小,我会得到相同的高宽比。 我怎样才能获得与g

Do comments slow down R?

Do comments slow down R ? This question has been asked twice on StackOverflow regarding python: Do comments slow down an interpreted language? Will excessive commenting of code slow execution? For python the answer appears to be 'no'. I do not know enough about the differences between the two languages to know how relevant those answers are for R . Here is a similar question abo


请评论减慢R ? 这个问题已经在StackOverflow上关于python两次提出: 评论是否会减慢解释型语言? 代码的过度评论会减慢执行速度吗? 对于python ,答案似乎是“否”。 我对这两种语言之间的差异了解不多,不知道这些答案与R有多相关。 这里是关于R空白的类似问题。 答案似乎是'不'。 白色空间减慢处理 对于R来说,答案似乎是'是',除非我在下面的某个地方犯了错误。 # Time difference of 21.84725

How to fix prettytable to display chinese character properly

from prettytable import PrettyTable header="乘客姓名,性别,出生日期".split(",") x = PrettyTable(header) x.align["乘客姓名"]="l" table='''HuangTianhui,男,1948/05/28 姜翠云,女,1952/03/27 李红晶,女,1994/12/09 LuiChing,女,1969/08/02 宋飞飞,男,1982/03/01 唐旭东,男,1983/08/03 YangJiabao,女,1988/08/25 买买提江·阿布拉,男,1979/07/10 安文兰,女,1949/10/20 胡偲婠(婴儿),女,2011/02/25 (有待确定姓名),男,1985/07/


from prettytable import PrettyTable header="乘客姓名,性别,出生日期".split(",") x = PrettyTable(header) x.align["乘客姓名"]="l" table='''HuangTianhui,男,1948/05/28 姜翠云,女,1952/03/27 李红晶,女,1994/12/09 LuiChing,女,1969/08/02 宋飞飞,男,1982/03/01 唐旭东,男,1983/08/03 YangJiabao,女,1988/08/25 买买提江·阿布拉,男,1979/07/10 安文兰,女,1949/10/20 胡偲婠(婴儿),女,2011/02/25 (有待确定姓名),男,1985/07/

Reference category in regression table

I've got results from a linear regression model with a factor variable in R that I would like pretty up and then output into LaTeX. Ideally the factor variable would be presented in the table via a row that gives the name of the variable and the reference category but is otherwise blank and then rows with indented text below that give the levels of the factor together with the corresponding


我得到了一个线性回归模型的结果,在R中有一个因子变量,我希望得到它,然后输出到LaTeX中。 理想情况下,因子变量将通过提供变量名称和参考类别的行显示在表格中,但在其他情况下是空白的,然后是具有下面缩进文本的行,从而给出该因子的级别以及相应的估计值。 我很久以来就用stargazer软件包从R到LaTeX的回归结果,但看不到我想要的结果。 一个例子: library(ggplot2) library(stargazer) levels(diamonds$cut) option

rCharts plot won't appear in shiny app using dimple.js

I came along with this problem, that rCharts plot won't show in my shiny app. I found this example which perfectly suits my needs. Even though this chart works perfectly while just plotting in R, in shiny it is an blank page. I am not sure what is wrong with it. Firstly, I am not sure if I am choosing right library in showOuput() , but I didn't find any better solution. I am trying


我遇到这个问题,rCharts情节不会显示在我的闪亮应用中。 我发现这个例子非常适合我的需求。 即使这张图表完美地工作,而只是在R中绘制,闪亮的它是一个空白页面。 我不确定它有什么问题。 首先,我不确定我是否在showOuput()选择了正确的库,但是我没有找到更好的解决方案。 我试图绘制更复杂的应用程序,但是,我在服务器下方复制了我的简单应用程序代码: server.R library(rCharts) library(reshape2) options(RCHAR