This question already has an answer here: C# code to validate email address 34 answers .NET可以为你做到这一点: try { var eMailValidator = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(""); } catch (FormatException ex) { // wrong e-mail address } 检查Mailadress课程 var test = new MailAddress("emailadres"); If you'
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 验证电子邮件地址的C#代码34个答案 .NET可以为你做到这一点: try { var eMailValidator = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(""); } catch (FormatException ex) { // wrong e-mail address } 检查Mailadress课程 var test = new MailAddress("emailadres"); 如果你正在开发一个web应用程序,现
I have a text that I am going to find matchs within that text and after that putting the results on array . when I tried to make string array and string variables I found that it's really confusing to change from MatchCollection type to String type . and I get the error cannot convert . what type of array and variables should I use ? and what is the need for string type . I was just us
我有一段文字,我将在该文本中查找匹配,然后将结果放在数组中。 当我试图创建字符串数组和字符串变量时,我发现将MatchCollection类型更改为字符串类型确实令人困惑。 我得到的错误不能转换。 我应该使用什么类型的数组和变量? 什么是字符串类型的需要。 我正在使用它,因为我处理字符串。 我想注意到,我将在数组之间进行比较以找出常见匹配 这里是我的完整代码到目前为止c#正则表达式数组或列表和哪个类型的字符
i need to create an multidimensional array from this regex result MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(input, @"( +|)[( +|)PC( +|)(( +|)name( +|)=" + ""(.*)"( +|),( +|)ip( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)subnet( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)gateway( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"" + @")]"); that regex will catch this string [PC(name="PC1", ip="", subnet="", gateway="")] and what i
我需要从这个正则表达式结果创建一个多维数组 MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(input, @"( +|)[( +|)PC( +|)(( +|)name( +|)=" + ""(.*)"( +|),( +|)ip( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)subnet( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)gateway( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"" + @")]"); 该正则表达式会捕获这个字符串 [PC(name="PC1", ip="", subnet="", gateway="")] 我需要的是创建像这样的多维数组 [0]PC
I am trying to remove all the vowels from a string except for the first and last character. I have tried with 2 expressions and using 2 ways but in vain. I have described them below. Does anybody has a regular expression for this? eg original string -- source = apeaple after regex -- source_modified = apple (this is what is expected) I tried the expression ([a-zA-Z])[aeiouAEIOU]([a-zA-
我试图从字符串中除去第一个和最后一个字符的所有元音。 我用2个表达式尝试了两种方法,但徒劳无益。 我在下面描述了它们。 有人有这样的正则表达式吗? 例如 原始字符串 - 来源= apeaple 正则表达式后 - source_modified =苹果(这是预期的) 我尝试了表达式([a-zA-Z])[aeiouAEIOU]([a-zA-Z])但是这个表达式也删除了重复的字符。 所以,当我应用上述表达式时发生以下情况 使用的代码 - Regex reg = new Regex(
I'm just beginning to use Regex so bear with my terminology. I have a regex pattern that is working properly on a string. The string could be in the format "text [pattern] text". Therefore, I also have a regex pattern that negates the first pattern. If I print out the results from each of the matches everything is shown correctly. The problem I'm having is I want to add te
我刚刚开始使用正则表达式,所以忍受我的术语。 我有一个在字符串上正常工作的正则表达式模式。 该字符串可以是格式“text [pattern] text”。 因此,我也有一个否定第一种模式的正则表达式模式。 如果我打印出每场比赛的结果,所有内容都能正确显示。 我遇到的问题是我想将文本添加到字符串中,它会更改正则表达式MatchCollection中匹配的索引。 例如,如果我想在“td”匹配“/ td”“标签中包含找到的匹配项,我有以下代码: R
I'm having a hard time trying to migrate from regular Windows desktop development to ASP.NET Core MVC. One issue I'm coming across is to create my solution. I would like to remove everything that is not UI related from the default project that ships with VS 2015 and put into a separated project. I noticed that ASP MVC Core references to .NETCoreApp and the Class Library project refere
我很难尝试从常规Windows桌面开发迁移到ASP.NET Core MVC。 我遇到的一个问题是创建我的解决方案。 我想从VS 2015随附的默认项目中移除与UI无关的所有内容,并将其放入单独的项目中。 我注意到ASP MVC Core引用了.NETCoreApp ,而类库引用了.NETStandard 。 我的问题是我需要在类库中使用动态keyworkd,但它不支持它。 MVC项目支持没有任何问题。 我想这是因为不同的.NET版本。 NETStandard和NETCoreApp有什么区别?
I got a good email vaidation regex from: Email regular expression public static void Main(string[] args) { string value = @"cvcvcvcvvcvvcvcvcvcvcvvcvcvcvcvcvvccvcvcvc"; var regex = new Regex( @"^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-w]*[0-9a-zA-Z].)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$", RegexOptions.Compiled); var x = regex.Match(value); // Hangs here
我从电子邮件正则表达式中获得了一个很好的email vaidation正则表达式 public static void Main(string[] args) { string value = @"cvcvcvcvvcvvcvcvcvcvcvvcvcvcvcvcvvccvcvcvc"; var regex = new Regex( @"^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-w]*[0-9a-zA-Z].)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$", RegexOptions.Compiled); var x = regex.Match(value); // Hangs here
so i have this piece of code and what i need help with is: i need it to not allow spaces (eg user = invalid) i need it to allow all characters except the ! character. i need the domain (after . ) that if more than 2 characters long, must be validated by a supplied file which i have here. the country codes are. AERO, BIZ, COM, COOP, EDU, GOV, INFO, INT, MIL, MUSEUM, NAME,
所以我有这段代码,我需要帮助的是: 我需要它不允许空格(例如user =无效) 我需要它来允许除了! 字符。 我需要的域(后. ),如果超过2个字符长,必须通过我提供的文件进行验证。 国家代码是。 AERO,BIZ,COM,COOP,EDU,GOV,INFO,INT,MIL,MUSEUM,NAME,NET,ORG,PRO 当前代码。 private void validateBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Regex email = new Regex(@"[a-zA-Z0-9
Need regular expression to validate email address also if user don't have email, user able to type 'No Email'. such that regular expression should validate 'No Email' as a valid string. @"^(([w.-]+)@([w-]+)((.(w){2,3})+)|(No Email))$" You can combine your regex with an or expression | var regex = "(.+@.+..+|No Email)" The validation part need so
需要正则表达式来验证电子邮件地址,如果用户没有电子邮件,用户可以键入“无电子邮件”。 这样正则表达式应该将“无电子邮件”验证为有效的字符串。 @"^(([w.-]+)@([w-]+)((.(w){2,3})+)|(No Email))$" 你可以将你的正则表达式与一个或表达式|相结合 var regex = "(.+@.+..+|No Email)" 验证部分需要一些改进(不符合RFC),但你明白了。
I need to validate email addresses which can be single or several comma-separated ones. Before I was using in a regular expression validator an expression like: string exp = @"((w+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*)*([,])*)*"; and it was validating multiple or one single email address. But same expression is not valdiating in C#? It says valid to invalid addresses as well. Please correc
我需要验证可以是单个或多个逗号分隔的电子邮件地址。 在我使用正则表达式验证器之前,我需要一个表达式: string exp = @"((w+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*)*([,])*)*"; 它正在验证多个或一个电子邮件地址。 但是同样的表达式在C#中是不会起作用的? 它对有效地址也是有效的。 请纠正我或建议我使用表达式来验证电子邮件地址。 请提供更多细节。 哪些地址被认定为有效,但应该是无效的? 你如何调用正则