This question already has an answer here: Cast int to enum in C# 21 answers How do I enumerate an enum? 26 answers This will return an IEnumerable<SomeEnum> of all the values of an Enum. Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnum)).Cast<SomeEnum>(); If you want that to be a List<SomeEnum> , just add .ToList() after .Cast<SomeEnum>() . To use the Cast function on an Array yo
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在int C中枚举21枚答案 我如何列举一个枚举? 26个答案 这将返回Enum的所有值的IEnumerable<SomeEnum> 。 Enum.GetValues(typeof(SomeEnum)).Cast<SomeEnum>(); 如果你希望这是一个List<SomeEnum> ,只需在.Cast<SomeEnum>()之后添加.ToList() .Cast<SomeEnum>() 。 要在阵列上使用Cast函数,您需要在使用部分中包含System.Linq 。 更简单的方法: Enum.
This question already has an answer here: Can you loop through all enum values? [duplicate] 8 answers 你的意思是这样吗? class Program { static void Main() { foreach (var field in typeof(TableName).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) { ProcessField(field); } } static void ProcessFiel
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你可以遍历所有的枚举值? [复制] 8个答案 你的意思是这样吗? class Program { static void Main() { foreach (var field in typeof(TableName).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)) { ProcessField(field); } } static void ProcessField(FieldInfo field) {
This question already has an answer here: How do I enumerate an enum? 26 answers Can you loop through all enum values? [duplicate] 8 answers 尝试foreach(var base in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Base)).Cast<Base>()) { doc = vircurex.get_lowest_ask(base) }
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何列举一个枚举? 26个答案 你可以遍历所有的枚举值? [复制] 8个答案 尝试foreach(var base in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Base)).Cast<Base>()) { doc = vircurex.get_lowest_ask(base) }
This question already has an answer here: How do I enumerate an enum? 26 answers Can you loop through all enum values? [duplicate] 8 answers
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何列举一个枚举? 26个答案 你可以遍历所有的枚举值? [复制] 8个答案
Possible Duplicate: Is a GUID unique 100% of the time? After reading all posts on Guid, still I am unclear about one simple thing: Guids generated by different machines also maintain their Uniqueness or not. I have read about guid uniqueness on single machine,but I still don't know about uniqueness with different machines GUID are "practically" universally unique. A GUID
可能重复: 100%的时间内GUID是唯一的吗? 在阅读关于Guid的所有文章后,我还不清楚一件简单的事情: 不同机器产生的Guids也保持其独特性。 我已经阅读过有关单机上guid的独特性,但我仍然不知道不同机器的独特性 GUID是“实际上” 普遍独特的。 GUID是一个128位整数(16字节),可以在需要唯一标识符的所有计算机和网络上使用。 这样的标识符被复制的可能性非常低。 来自MSDN 一般认为,新的随机GUID将始终是唯
I need to communicate a Guid that was generated in .NET to a Java application. I use Guid.ToByteArray() to store it on disk as a byte[] , then read it into Java and convert it to a UUID. For this purpose I copied the implementation of the (private) constructor of UUID that takes a byte[] : private UUID(byte[] data) { long msb = 0; long lsb = 0; assert data.length == 16; for (in
我需要将.NET中生成的Guid传递给Java应用程序。 我使用Guid.ToByteArray()将其作为byte[]存储在磁盘上,然后将其读取到Java中并将其转换为UUID。 为此,我复制了需要一个byte[]的UUID的(专用)构造函数的实现: private UUID(byte[] data) { long msb = 0; long lsb = 0; assert data.length == 16; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) msb = (msb << 8) | (data[i] & 0xff); for (int i=8; i
In our application we are creating Xml files with an attribute that has a Guid value. This value needed to be consistent between file upgrades. So even if everything else in the file changes, the guid value for the attribute should remain the same. One obvious solution was to create a static dictionary with the filename and the Guids to be used for them. Then whenever we generate the file, w
在我们的应用程序中,我们正在创建具有Guid值的属性的Xml文件。 这个值需要在文件升级之间保持一致。 因此,即使文件中的其他内容发生更改,该属性的guid值也应保持不变。 一个明显的解决方案是创建一个带有文件名和Guid的静态字典用于他们。 然后,无论何时生成文件,我们都会查找字典中的文件名并使用相应的guid。 但这是不可行的,因为我们可能扩展到100个文件,并且不想维护大量的guid。 所以另一种方法是根据文件的
Having a bit of experience with C# and SQL , I've recently discovered that GUIDs are a much better datatype for IDs than integers are. Therefore we're changing alot of our code to start using GUIDs instead of ints, which will hopefully solve alot of referential problems we encounter in our database design. At the same time, we are exploring the possibility of having a database system o
在C#和SQL方面有一些经验,我最近发现GUID比ID是一个好得多的数据类型。 因此,我们正在改变很多代码,以开始使用GUID而不是int,这将有望解决我们在数据库设计中遇到的大量参考问题。 同时,我们正在探索在android手机上使用数据库系统的可能性。 既然GUID和Java对我来说都是全新的,我想知道在java中是否有某种等效的数据类型? (我对Android的C#编译器不感兴趣)。 任何想法将不胜感激。 Java等价物是UUID。 请参
I am having a problem generating a GUID for a string - for example: Guid g = New Guid("Mehar"); How can I compute a GUID for "Mehar" ? I am getting an exception. Quite old this thread but this is how we solved this problem: Since Guid's from the .NET framework are arbitrary 16bytes, or respectively 128bits, you can calculate a Guid from arbitrary strings by applying any hash
我在为字符串生成GUID时遇到问题 - 例如: Guid g = New Guid("Mehar"); 我如何计算"Mehar"的GUID? 我收到一个例外。 这个线程相当老,但这是我们如何解决这个问题: 由于.NET框架中的Guid是任意16字节或128位,因此可以通过将任何散列函数应用于生成16字节散列的字符串并随后将结果传递给Guid构造函数,从而计算任意字符串的Guid。 我们决定使用MD5哈希函数,示例代码如下所示: string input = "a
I have the following simplified code for pulling existing 8x10 PDFs from multiple locations, rotating them if need be (almost all need to be), then writing them to a single 11x17 PDF page by page... while (Page < StackOne.Length) { Files++; using (var strm = new FileStream(RenderPath + "Test_" + Page + ".pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) { using (va
我有以下简化的代码,用于从多个位置提取现有的8x10 PDF文件,并在需要时旋转它们(几乎都需要),然后将它们一次写入一个11x17 PDF页面中... while (Page < StackOne.Length) { Files++; using (var strm = new FileStream(RenderPath + "Test_" + Page + ".pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) { using (var MasterReport = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.Page