This question already has an answer here: How to post JSON to the server? 11 answers You can use the HttpClient instead of the WebClient and HttpWebRequest . It's a newer implementation. string myJson = "{'Username': 'myusername','Password':'pass'}"; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.PostAsync( "http://yourUrl", new StringContent(
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何发布JSON到服务器? 11个答案 您可以使用HttpClient而不是WebClient和HttpWebRequest 。 这是一个更新的实现。 string myJson = "{'Username': 'myusername','Password':'pass'}"; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.PostAsync( "http://yourUrl", new StringContent(myJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); } 你可以
I am developing a custom Web Interface Browser for Subversion Repositories with C#/ASP.NET and SVNKit (Converted to .NET assemblies using IKVM.NET). Is there any clean way to locally add a new subversion user (that is added by the administrator) using C# code? I can't offer C#, but I doubt the implementation language has any impact on things. All you need to do is read / write to a text f
我正在用C#/ ASP.NET和SVNKit(使用IKVM.NET转换为.NET程序集)为Subversion存储库开发自定义Web界面浏览器。 有没有干净的方式来使用C#代码在本地添加新的Subversion用户(由管理员添加)? 我无法提供C#,但我怀疑实现语言对事物有任何影响。 您只需读取/写入文本文件即可。 配置文件的变化立即发生(不像Apache)。 这非常复杂。 如果你弹出存储库中的conf文件夹(不是你的工作副本),你会发现三个文件: 的svn
I want to draw a line with thickness in j2me. This can easily be achieved in desktop java by setting Pen width as thickness value. However in j2me, Pen class does not support width. My idea is to generate a polygon from the line I have, that resembles the line with thickness i want to draw. In picture, on the left is what I have, a line with points. On the right is what I want, a polygon tha
我想在j2me中画一条粗细的线。 通过将笔宽设置为厚度值,可以很容易地在桌面Java中实现这一点。 但是在j2me中,Pen类不支持宽度。 我的想法是从我有的线生成一个多边形,类似于我想绘制的线条的粗细。 在图片中,左边是我所拥有的,一条点。 在右边是我想要的,一个多边形,当填充时,一条厚度的线。 任何人都可以知道如何从线生成多边形? 替代文字 啊,如果
This arose from a question earlier today on the subject of bignum libraries and gcc specific hacks to the C language. Specifically, these two declarations were used: typedef unsigned int dword_t __attribute__((mode(DI))); On 32 bit systems and typedef unsigned int dword_t __attribute__((mode(TI))); On 64-bit systems. I assume given this is an extension to the C language that there exists n
这起源于今天早些时候关于C语言的高贵图书馆和gcc特定黑客问题。 具体来说,使用了这两个声明: typedef unsigned int dword_t __attribute__((mode(DI))); 在32位系统上 typedef unsigned int dword_t __attribute__((mode(TI))); 在64位系统上。 我假设这是对C语言的扩展,无法达到目前(C99)标准所达到的目标。 所以我的问题很简单:这个假设是否正确? 这些语句对底层内存有什么作用? 我认为结果是我有2*sizeof
I have a little game in C# which uses mainly fixed sprites (bitmaps loaded from disk) and some videos. Now our current approach is Loading: texture.ID = GL.GenTexture(); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.ID); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, w, h, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero); GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Textur
我在C#中有一个小游戏,主要使用固定的精灵(从磁盘加载的位图)和一些视频。 现在我们目前的做法是 加载: texture.ID = GL.GenTexture(); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texture.ID); GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, w, h, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero); GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, 0, 0, w, h, PixelFormat.Bgra,
Since I heard about BDD(Behaviour driven development) I have been wondering if it complements TDD? Is it actually useful in web development? As a busy .net web developer is it worth spending time on BDD as well as TDD? When I have gone through it I found it quite interesting but I am confused about how it is useful for us! I have come across this quote, but what does it actually mean? Alth
自从我听说BDD(行为驱动开发)以来,我一直在想它是否补充了TDD? 它在Web开发中有用吗? 作为一个繁忙的.net Web开发人员,值得花时间在BDD以及TDD上吗? 当我经历它时,我发现它很有趣,但我很困惑它对我们有什么用处! 我遇到了这个引用,但它实际上意味着什么? 虽然这些工具通常是专门为BDD项目开发的,但它们可以被视为支持测试驱动开发的特定工具形式。 这些工具有助于为无处不在的语言添加自动化功能,这是BDD
I have concerns on the way that we returns errors to client. Do we return error immediately by throwing HttpResponseException when we get an error: public void Post(Customer customer) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Name)) { throw new HttpResponseException("Customer Name cannot be empty", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) } if (customer.Accounts.Count == 0) {
我担心我们将错误返回给客户端的方式。 当出现错误时,是否通过抛出HttpResponseException立即返回错误: public void Post(Customer customer) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Name)) { throw new HttpResponseException("Customer Name cannot be empty", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) } if (customer.Accounts.Count == 0) { throw new HttpResponseException("Customer does n
If I have an object that lazy loads an association with very large objects, is there a way I can do processing at the time the lazy load occurs? I thought I could use AssociateWith or LoadWith from DataLoadOptions, but there are very, very specific restrictions on what you can do in those. Basically I need to be notified when an EntitySet<> decides it's time to load the associated obj
如果我有一个懒惰的对象加载与非常大的对象的关联,有没有一种方法可以在延迟加载时进行处理? 我以为我可以使用DataLoadOptions中的AssociateWith或LoadWith,但是在这些方面你可以做什么有非常非常特殊的限制。 基本上我需要在EntitySet <>决定是时候加载关联对象时得到通知,所以我可以捕获该事件并对加载的对象执行一些处理。 当我加载父对象时,我不想简单地遍历EntitySet,因为这会强制加载所有惰性加载的项目(
Is there a quick way to determine (and display) the icon in use for a particular user, and display it on an MVC3 page? eg All my users will be on Win (XP/Vista/7) and I will restrict mime types for uploaded files to: "text/plain" (for csv), "application/pdf", "application/msword" and "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document&qu
是否有快速确定(并显示)特定用户使用的图标的方法,并将其显示在MVC3页面上? 例如 我的所有用户都将在Win(XP / Vista / 7)上运行,我将限制上传文件的MIME类型为:“text / plain”(用于csv),“application / pdf”,“application / msword”和“application / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document” 但是,如果显示给用户的图标与他们用来查看文件的应用程序相匹配,那将是“很好”。 这可能吗
I am reading .docx file in a buffer and writing it to a new file successfully. (Using fread and fwrite in C) However now I want to enhance the scope of this project for the purpose of encryption. For which I want to be able to manipulate the buffer, then write it in new file. Now one question might be, what manipulation do I need? It could be anything really, like I'd write character
我正在读取缓冲区中的.docx文件并成功将其写入新文件。 (在C中使用fread和fwrite)但是现在我想为了加密的目的而增强此项目的范围。 我希望能够操作缓冲区,然后将其写入新文件。 现在有一个问题可能是,我需要什么操作? 它可以是任何真正的东西,就像我在缓冲区的位置15写入字符'一样。然后写下这个新缓冲区(在位置15有字符',但缓冲区的其余部分保持不变)新的.docx文件。 buffer[15] = 's'; 当我这样做时,