I am building a site in which i would like to create a file client side from the value of a textarea element. I have the code in place to do this, but i am getting this error HTTP Error 404.15 - Not Found The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long. Is there a way to override this so that I am able to process requests of any size? If not
我正在建立一个网站,我想从textarea元素的值创建一个文件客户端。 我有代码来做到这一点,但我得到这个错误 HTTP错误404.15 - 未找到请求过滤模块配置为拒绝查询字符串过长的请求。 有没有办法来覆盖这个,以便我能够处理任何大小的请求? 如果没有,是否有办法生成文件客户端而不使用filesystem / active x对象? 谢谢 将以下内容添加到您的web.config中: <system.webServer> <security> <
I want to do something like: MyObject myObj = GetMyObj(); // Create and fill a new object MyObject newObj = myObj.Clone(); And then make changes to the new object that are not reflected in the original object. I don't often need this functionality, so when it's been necessary, I've resorted to creating a new object and then copying each property individually, but it always leaves
我想要做一些事情: MyObject myObj = GetMyObj(); // Create and fill a new object MyObject newObj = myObj.Clone(); 然后对未反映在原始对象中的新对象进行更改。 我不经常需要这个功能,所以当有必要的时候,我已经采取了创建一个新的对象,然后单独复制每个属性,但它总是让我感觉有一种更好或更优雅的处理方式情况。 如何克隆或深度复制对象,以便可以修改克隆的对象,而不会在原始对象中反映任何更改? 虽然标准
两者的意义都不见了。 A declaration introduces an identifier and describes its type, be it a type, object, or function. A declaration is what the compiler needs to accept references to that identifier. These are declarations: extern int bar; extern int g(int, int); double f(int, double); // extern can be omitted for function declarations class foo; // no extern allowed for type declarations A
两者的意义都不见了。 一个声明引入一个标识符并描述它的类型,无论它是一个类型,对象还是函数。 声明是编译器需要接受对该标识符的引用。 这些是声明: extern int bar; extern int g(int, int); double f(int, double); // extern can be omitted for function declarations class foo; // no extern allowed for type declarations 定义实际上实例化/实现了这个标识符。 这是链接器为了将引用链接到这些实体所需要的。
I'm struggling with the final part of getting my first bit of code working with the AWS - I have got this far, I attached the web reference in VS and this have this amazon.AWSECommerceService service = new amazon.AWSECommerceService(); // prepare an ItemSearch request amazon.ItemSearchRequest request = new amazon.ItemSearchRequest(); request.SearchIndex = "DVD"; request.Title = "scream"; re
我正在努力获得我的第一个代码与AWS工作的最后一部分 - 我有这么多,我附加VS的Web引用,这有这个 amazon.AWSECommerceService service = new amazon.AWSECommerceService(); // prepare an ItemSearch request amazon.ItemSearchRequest request = new amazon.ItemSearchRequest(); request.SearchIndex = "DVD"; request.Title = "scream"; request.ResponseGroup = new string[] { "Small" }; amazon.ItemSearch itemSearch
I'm trying to get a window handle on a child window in my process and the only information I have is the window class name. Are there any win32 functions I can use for that? I'm doing this from C#. A bit more detail: This is a Visual Studio plugin, written in C#. So my process is visual studio, which has lots of windows. One of them has a window class "VsTipWindow". I don
我试图在我的流程中的子窗口上获得一个窗口句柄,我唯一的信息是窗口类的名称。 有没有我可以使用的win32函数? 我正在从C#做这个。 详细一点:这是一个Visual Studio插件,用C#编写。 所以我的过程是视觉工作室,它有很多窗口。 其中之一有一个窗口类“VsTipWindow”。 我不知道那个窗口的直接父窗口,我拥有的是类名。 有没有什么办法可以让我从窗户把手中解脱出来?
What is the difference between an abstract function and a virtual function? In which cases is it recommended to use virtual or abstract? Which is the more correct approach? An abstract function cannot have functionality. You're basically saying, any child class MUST give their own version of this method, however it's too general to even try to implement in the parent class. A virtu
抽象函数和虚函数之间有什么区别? 在哪些情况下,建议使用虚拟还是抽象? 哪种方法更为正确? 抽象函数不能具有功能。 你基本上说,任何子类都必须给出它们自己的这个方法,但是它太笼统了,甚至不能尝试在父类中实现。 虚拟功能 ,基本上是说看,这里的功能可能会或可能不足以满足孩子的需求。 所以,如果它足够好,使用这种方法,如果没有,然后覆盖我,并提供自己的功能。 抽象函数没有实现,只能在抽象类中声明。
In another question, Stephen C says: A second concern is that there are runtime overheads with using weak references. The obvious costs are those of creating weak references and calling get on them. A less obvious cost is that significant extra work needs to be done each time the GC runs. So what exactly is the cost to the GC of a weak ref? What extra work does it need to do, and how big o
另一个问题,斯蒂芬C说: 第二个问题是使用弱引用会导致运行时开销。 明显的成本是创建弱引用和调用它们的成本。 不太明显的成本是每次GC运行时都需要完成大量的额外工作。 那么,弱裁判队的GC的成本究竟是什么? 它需要做些什么额外的工作,以及这笔交易有多大? 我可以做出一些有教育意义的猜测,但对实际机制感兴趣。 请检查Jeffrey Richter关于.NET中内存管理的文章,它必须澄清一些事情。
This question already has an answer here: How is if-statement and bitwise operations same in this example? 4 answers It first converts the comparison to subtraction with 128. Then the sign of the result (whether subtracting went below 128) is expanded to either all zeroes or all ones, which is and ed to the value being added, zeroing it out if the result of the subtraction was negative.
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在这个例子中,if语句和按位操作是如何相同的? 4个答案 它首先将比较转换为128的减法。 然后将结果的(减去是否变为低于128)的符号被扩展为任一全零或全一,这是and被添加到编辑的值,回零出来,如果减法的结果为阴性。
In c# 2008, I'm trying to copy a file to a destination path (for example newserverdestinationFolder), that can be in another domain or using a different username/password than the current user. How can I specify these new network credentials before doing the File.Copy(...) ? Thank you! Good question but I dont think this is possible. I believe this type of file copy from one domain to a
在C#2008中,我试图将文件复制到目标路径(例如 newserver destinationFolder),该目标路径可以位于另一个域中或使用与当前用户不同的用户名/密码。 如何在执行File.Copy(...)之前指定这些新的网络凭证? 谢谢! 好问题,但我不认为这是可能的。 我相信这种类型的文件从一个域复制到另一个域(没有建立信任关系)将被视为安全漏洞。 一些选项: 建立域之间的信任关系并赋予当前用户权限 你可以尝试一个Shell执
My coworker and I are debugging an issue in a WCF service he's working on where a string's length isn't being evaluated correctly. He is running this method to unit test a method in his WCF service: // Unit test method public void RemoveAppGroupTest() { string addGroup = "TestGroup"; string status = string.Empty; string message = string.Empty; appActiveDirectoryServ
我的同事和我正在调试他正在处理的WCF服务中的一个问题,其中字符串的长度未被正确评估。 他正在运行这个方法来在他的WCF服务中单元测试一个方法: // Unit test method public void RemoveAppGroupTest() { string addGroup = "TestGroup"; string status = string.Empty; string message = string.Empty; appActiveDirectoryServicesClient.RemoveAppGroup("AOD", addGroup, ref status, ref message); }