At the risk of stepping into holy war territory, What are the strengths and weaknesses of these popular DI/IoC frameworks, and could one easily be considered the best? ..: Ninject Unity Castle.Windsor Autofac StructureMap Are there any other DI/IoC Frameworks for C# that I haven't listed here? In context of my use case, I'm building a client WPF app, and a WCF/SQL services
冒着进入圣战领域的风险,这些流行的DI / IoC框架的优点和弱点是什么?可以轻易认为是最好的吗? ..: Ninject 统一 Castle.Windsor Autofac StructureMap 是否还有其他针对C#的DI / IoC框架,我没有在这里列出? 在我的使用案例中,我构建了一个客户端WPF应用程序和一个WCF / SQL服务基础架构,易用性(特别是语法清晰简洁),一致的文档,良好的社区支持和性能都是重要的因素在我的选择。 更新: 所引用的
It has been well documented, how to inject dependencies into a controller's constructor or in its action methods (via FromServices attribute). Question: But is it possible to have the system's DI mechanism automatically inject a service in a method ("parameter injection") that is not an action? Sidenote: In PHP-Symfony this pattern is called setter injection. Example: Say
它已被很好的记录,如何将依赖关系注入控制器的构造函数或其操作方法(通过FromServices属性)。 问题:但是否有可能让系统的DI机制在一个不是动作的方法(“参数注入”)中自动注入服务? 旁注:在PHP-Symfony中,这个模式被称为setter注入。 示例:假设我的项目中的所有控制器都有一个通用的MyBaseController类,并且我希望将一个服务(例如UserManager服务)注入到MyBaseController ,以后可以在所有子控制器中访问该服务
I am creating an Azure Service Fabric service and relying on the native .NET framework for dependency injection through constructors. The problem is: one of the constructors has as parameter a value type (specifically System.TimeSpan). How should/can I register such type with the dependency injection framework? To clarify: I am trying to follow the examples shown here:
我正在创建一个Azure服务结构服务,并依靠通过构造函数进行依赖注入的本机.NET框架。 问题是:其中一个构造函数的参数值类型(特别是System.TimeSpan)。 我应该如何使用依赖注入框架注册这种类型? 澄清:我试图按照这里显示的示例: 如果可能,请考虑添加一个类似IDurationProvider的接口,
public Boolean isAdminUser() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var user = User.Identity; ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext(); var UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context)); var s = UserManager.GetRoles(user.GetUserId()); if (s[0].ToStr
public Boolean isAdminUser() { if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var user = User.Identity; ApplicationDbContext context = new ApplicationDbContext(); var UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context)); var s = UserManager.GetRoles(user.GetUserId()); if (s[0].ToStr
How do you create simple Dependency Resolver, with out using any built in or library such as Autofac, Ninject, etc. This was my interview question. I wrote this simple code and they said it does not look good. Its like very hard coded idea. public interface IRepository { } interface IDataProvider { List<string> GetData(); } public class SQLDataProvider : IDataProvider { privat
如何创建简单的依赖关系解析器,无需使用任何内置或库,如Autofac,Ninject等。 这是我的面试问题。 我写了这个简单的代码,他们说这看起来不太好。 它像非常硬编码的想法。 public interface IRepository { } interface IDataProvider { List<string> GetData(); } public class SQLDataProvider : IDataProvider { private readonly IRepository _repository { get; set; } public SQLDataProvider(IRe
I have some code that is calling Rotativa, which calls wkhtml2pdf. I suspect from the behavior that I'm seeing that wkhtml2pdf.exe is causing a Corrupted State Exception (CSE) to be thrown. I want to catch and log a CSE if thrown, so I can track down where it is happening. When I leave the app running overnight in the debugger, when I come back VS has shutdown. Sometimes it has restarted
我有一些调用Rotativa的代码,它调用wkhtml2pdf。 我怀疑从行为,我看到wkhtml2pdf.exe导致损坏的状态异常(CSE)被抛出。 如果抛出CSE,我想捕获并记录CSE,所以我可以追踪它发生的位置。 当我在调试器中一夜之间离开应用程序时,当我回来时VS已经关闭。 有时会重启,有时不会。 怀疑内存腐败我开始研究和无意中处理CSE。 我正在做这样的事情: [HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] void DoStuff() { try
I upgraded ReSharper and seeing an error that I was not present previously. I checked around, but found nothing about the error or the underlying issue it is flagging. ** Edit **: as pointed out below, it is actually the 'Heap Allocation Viewer' plugin, not ReSharper itself that is marking it as an error -- though that doesn't change the question itself. Slow delegate creation: f
我升级了ReSharper,并看到一个我以前不在的错误。 我检查了一下,但没有发现有关错误或标记的潜在问题。 **编辑**:正如下面指出的那样,它实际上是'堆分配查看器'插件,而不是ReSharper本身,它将它标记为错误 - 尽管这不会改变问题本身。 慢代理创建:从接口'IPluginHandler'方法 这发生在为事件聚合器上的事件订阅插件处理程序期间发生。 public void Subscribe(IPluginHandler subscriber) { Exec
class TableObj1 { public string Id {get; set;} public string Name {get; set;} } class TableObj2 { public string Id {get; set;} public string Email {get; set;} } class MergeObj { public TableObj1 Obj1 {get; set;} public TableObj2 Obj2 {get; set;} } My question is how to return a list of MergeObj when joining the two tables. I tried: public IEnumerable<MergeObj> Qu
class TableObj1 { public string Id {get; set;} public string Name {get; set;} } class TableObj2 { public string Id {get; set;} public string Email {get; set;} } class MergeObj { public TableObj1 Obj1 {get; set;} public TableObj2 Obj2 {get; set;} } 我的问题是如何在加入两个表时返回MergeObj的列表。 我试过了: public IEnumerable<MergeObj> QueryJoin() { return (
I'm trying to navigate the black hole that is the custom implementation of Identity Membership. My goal right now is simply to get this line from my ApiController to correctly retrieve my UserManager: public IHttpActionResult Index() { var manager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<UserManager<MyUser,int>>(); //manager is null } Here's my setup.
我正在尝试浏览黑洞,这是Identity Membership的自定义实现。 我现在的目标是简单地从我的ApiController获取这一行来正确检索我的UserManager: public IHttpActionResult Index() { var manager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<UserManager<MyUser,int>>(); //manager is null } 这是我的设置。 在我的Startup的配置中,我设置了WebApi并添加了我的OwinContext: app.CreatePe
This question already has an answer here: .NET Standard vs .NET Core 6 answers .NET Standard is a specification. A library compiled for a specific .NET Standard version can be used in different .NET Standard implementations. The concept of cross-platform is not strictly bound to .NET Standard, but is inherent of the frameworks that implements it in a specific version. A platform is gener
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: .NET标准与.NET Core 6的答案 .NET标准是一个规范。 为特定.NET标准版本编译的库可用于不同的.NET标准实现。 跨平台的概念并不严格地绑定到.NET标准,但它是以特定版本实现它的框架的固有特性。 一个平台通常是以下组合: OS(Windows,Linux,Android,iOS) 运行时(.NET Framework,.NET Core,JavaVM等) 架构(x86,x64,ARM等) 所以.NET标准和其实现一样是跨平台的。 看