I haven't used regular expressions at all, so I'm having difficulty troubleshooting. I want the regex to match only when the contained string is all numbers; but with the two examples below it is matching a string that contains all numbers plus an equals sign like "1234=4321". I'm sure there's a way to change this behavior, but as I said, I've never really done mu
我根本没有使用正则表达式,所以我遇到了疑难解答。 我只想在包含的字符串是数字时才匹配正则表达式; 但通过下面的两个例子,它匹配一个包含所有数字的字符串加上一个等号“1234 = 4321”。 我确信有一种方法可以改变这种行为,但正如我所说,我从来没有真正使用过正则表达式。 string compare = "1234=4321"; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[d]"); if (regex.IsMatch(compare)) { //true } regex = new Regex("[0-9]"); i
Below is a snippet from Joe Duffy's book (Concurrent Programming on Windows) followed by the piece of code to which that paragraph relates to. That piece of code is meant to work in concurrent environment (used by many threads) where this LazyInit<T> class is used to create am object that is initialized only when the value (of type T) is really needed to be used within the code. I wo
以下是Joe Duffy的书(Windows上的并行编程)一书的片段,后面跟着该段涉及的那段代码。 这段代码的意图是在并发环境(由许多线程使用)中工作,其中这个LazyInit<T>类用于创建一个只有当值(类型T)真的需要在码。 我很感激,如果有人能详细说明这种逐步的方案,那么无序的负载到负载可能会产生问题。 也就是说,如果两个或多个线程使用该类并将引用及其字段分配给变量可能会成为问题,如果每个线程的加载顺序先加载
we need to Login Facebook,Twitter,Gmail from our desktop application we have OAuth tokens such as 1.Consumer key, 2.Consumer Secret, 3.Token, 4.Token secret. We have these detail.. And In our desktop application we embedded Web browser.. So we need to open the Facebook,Twitter,Gmail in the embedded web browser(Without asking Login Credentials) from our desktop app.. We need a URL that autom
我们需要从我们的桌面应用程序登录Facebook,Twitter,Gmail OAuth令牌,如1.Consumer密钥,2.Consumer Secret,3.Token,4.Token秘密。 我们有这些细节..并且在我们的桌面应用程序中,我们嵌入了Web浏览器..因此,我们需要在桌面应用程序中打开嵌入式Web浏览器中的Facebook,Twitter和Gmail(无需询问登录凭证)。 我们需要一个自动登录到浏览器中指定应用程序(Twitter,Facebook ..等)的URL 这不可能。 几乎所有的
I m working on a Facebook App. Not a website. I am trying to use Facebook C# SDK and trying to get Current User and Query Current User info. How do i do that? Also, When i try to use an app it s asking for Adding the app, requesting permission to access data, how do i do that also? Is there a comprehensive examples of these things? 如果你坚持使用.NET 3.5,这将工作: var facebookClient =
我正在开发Facebook应用程序。 不是一个网站。 我正在尝试使用Facebook C#SDK并尝试获取当前用户和查询当前用户信息。 我怎么做? 此外,当我尝试使用应用程序时,它要求添加应用程序,请求访问数据的权限,我该怎么做呢? 有没有这些东西的综合例子? 如果你坚持使用.NET 3.5,这将工作: var facebookClient = new FacebookClient(FacebookAccessToken); var me = facebookClient.Get("me") as JsonObject; var uid =
I have a generic class in my project with derived classes. public class GenericClass<T> : GenericInterface<T> { } public class Test : GenericClass<SomeType> { } Is there any way to find out if a Type object is derived from GenericClass ? t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GenericClass<>)) does not work. 试试这个代码static bool IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(Type generic, Type toCheck) {
我在派生类的项目中有一个泛型类。 public class GenericClass<T> : GenericInterface<T> { } public class Test : GenericClass<SomeType> { } 有没有什么方法可以找出Type对象是否是从GenericClass派生的? t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GenericClass<>)) 不起作用。 试试这个代码static bool IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(Type generic, Type toCheck) { while (toCheck != null && toCheck !=
What i want to do is create a simple windows application that will hook itself onto NotePad and then simulate a keystroke. I have the process of opening up NotePad, bringing it to the foreground and then simulate the number 1 being pressed. However, if I click off of notepad, whatever is active becomes what is being typed in. How do I bind this application to notepad, so that I can click and
我想要做的是创建一个简单的Windows应用程序,将自己挂接到记事本上,然后模拟按键。 我有打开记事本的过程,将它带到前台,然后模拟被按下的数字1。 但是,如果我点击记事本,则任何活动都会变成正在输入的内容。 如何将此应用程序绑定到记事本,以便我可以单击并输入任何内容,并且此应用程序仍将命令推入记事本中? 这是我用来模拟按键的DLL: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; usi
I am currently porting the IAudioVolumeDuckNotification to C#. But there is one problem with the declaration of the OnVolumeUnduckNotification method. Msdn tells me this: and my "audiopolicy.h" header file tells me this: As you can see, in the msdn-version there is a second parameter. I am quite confused. Which one is the right one? Which one should I use and where can I report
我目前正在将IAudioVolumeDuckNotification移植到C#。 但是, OnVolumeUnduckNotification方法的声明存在一个问题。 Msdn告诉我这一点: 和我的“audiopolicy.h”头文件告诉我这一点: 如你所见,在msdn版本中有第二个参数。 我很困惑。 哪一个是正确的? 我应该使用哪一个,我可以在哪里报告该错误? 按要求链接到msdn页面:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd371012(v=vs.85).aspx SDK始
I'm trying to execute the method Listen in Oracle AQ , but I have 2 situations that happens: 1) When I connect on the queue, and already has message in the queue, I can Dequeue messages normally, but when I finish to dequeue, and stop at Listen method, and then Enqueue new message, the my Listen methods doesn't unblock, like it don't see that have a new message in queue. 2) When I
我试图在Oracle AQ中执行Listen方法,但我遇到了两种情况: 1)当我在队列上连接,并且队列中已经有消息时,我可以正常出队消息,但是当我完成出队并停在Listen方法,然后入队新消息时,我的Listen方法不会取消阻止,就像它没有看到队列中有新消息一样。 2)当我在队列上连接并且没有消息时,我尝试执行Listen方法,但它捕获到一个Oracle异常: ORA25306 - 无法连接到缓冲队列的所有者实例。 我的队列是单消费者,在我
command = "INSERT INTO clients VALUES(" + NameTB.Text +")"; objCtx.SaveChanges(); List<Client> clients = new List<Client>(); clients = objCtx.ExecuteStoreQuery<Client>("Select * from clients").ToList(); string x = ""; for (int i = 0; i < clients.Count; i++) x += clients[i].Name.ToString();//exception here MessageBox.Show(x); I just start to work with EF and have no id
command = "INSERT INTO clients VALUES(" + NameTB.Text +")"; objCtx.SaveChanges(); List<Client> clients = new List<Client>(); clients = objCtx.ExecuteStoreQuery<Client>("Select * from clients").ToList(); string x = ""; for (int i = 0; i < clients.Count; i++) x += clients[i].Name.ToString();//exception here MessageBox.Show(x); 我刚开始与EF合作,不知道如何解决这个问题。
Is there a way in Java to get a method to lock (mutex) the object which it is in? I know this sounds confusing but basically I wan't an equivelent to this snippet of C# but in Java. lock(this) { // Some code here... } I've been tasked with reimplementing an API written in .Net into Java, and I've been asked to keep the Java version as similar to the .Net version as humanly pos
Java中有没有办法让方法锁定(互斥)它所在的对象? 我知道这听起来令人困惑,但基本上我不想与这个C#代码片段相等,而是使用Java。 lock(this) { // Some code here... } 我的任务是将以.Net编写的API重新实现为Java,并且我被要求保持Java版本与.Net版本类似于人类可能的版本。 这并不是因为.Net版本看起来像是从我无法访问的C ++版本转录而来的。 无论如何,上面的行出现在C#版本中,我需要一些在Java中做相同的