VB linq to sql isnull

I want make this in linq to sql select isnull(x.COD, '1') as 'NCOD' from table x I have tried this. From x In table select NCOD = x.COD ?? '1'; I'm using LINQPad 4 and VB Expression. but LINQPAd says that I can't use ? expression (No se puede usar aquí el carácter '?' in Spanish) Any idea? PD: sorry for my English. If your value type is string, you can use following ex

VB LINQ到SQL isnull

我想要在LINQ到SQL select isnull(x.COD, '1') as 'NCOD' from table x 我试过这个。 From x In table select NCOD = x.COD ?? '1'; 我正在使用LINQPad 4和VB Expression。 但LINQPAd说我不能使用? 表达方式(西班牙语中没有使用西班牙语) 任何想法? PD:对不起我的英文。 如果你的值类型是字符串,你可以使用下面的表达式: result = from x in values select IF(String.IsNullOrEmpty(x),"No value",x); 如果

Npgsql parameters with NULL value, vb.net

I'm running through a loop adding parameters, when I get to a NULL, the program punts. My statement looks like this: mysql = "Insert into TABLE (field1) VALUES (:Col1)" mycomm = New NpgsqlCommand (mySQL, conn) myComm.Parameters.Add("Col" & cCnt, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Double).Value = Obj.value myComm.ExecuteNonQuery() This works fine if Obj.value is not empty, but if Obj.value is


我正在运行一个循环添加参数,当我到达一个NULL时,程序会出现。 我的发言如下所示: mysql = "Insert into TABLE (field1) VALUES (:Col1)" mycomm = New NpgsqlCommand (mySQL, conn) myComm.Parameters.Add("Col" & cCnt, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Double).Value = Obj.value myComm.ExecuteNonQuery() 这工作正常,如果Obj.value不是空的,但如果Obj.value是什么都没有,我的执行语句失败。 我想只在数据库中插

How to handle Null column values elegantly

I'm using an SQLDataReader to retrieve values from a database which may be null. I've worked out how to handle Null string values but can't get the same trick to work with integers or booleans: Using cmd As DbCommand = store.GetStoredProcCommand("RetrievePOCO") store.AddInParameter(cmd, "ID", DbType.Int32, ID) Using reader As IDataReader = store.ExecuteReader(cmd) If


我正在使用SQLDataReader从数据库中检索可能为空的值。 我已经制定了如何处理空字符串值,但无法获得与整数或布尔值一起使用的相同技巧: Using cmd As DbCommand = store.GetStoredProcCommand("RetrievePOCO") store.AddInParameter(cmd, "ID", DbType.Int32, ID) Using reader As IDataReader = store.ExecuteReader(cmd) If reader.Read() = True Then Dim newPOCO As New POCO()

Nullable DateTime and Ternary Operator

I'm having problems with a Nullable DateTime in VB.NET (VS 2010). Method 1 If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) Then gauge.LastCalibrationDate = Nothing Else gauge.LastCalibrationDate = DateTime.Parse(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) End If Method 2 gauge.LastCalibrationDate = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text), Nothing, DateTime.Parse(La


我在VB.NET中遇到Nullable DateTime问题(VS 2010)。 方法1 If String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) Then gauge.LastCalibrationDate = Nothing Else gauge.LastCalibrationDate = DateTime.Parse(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text) End If 方法2 gauge.LastCalibrationDate = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.Text), Nothing, DateTime.Parse(LastCalibrationDateTextBox.

Make An Integer Null

I have an update function that updates an sql server db table through a dataset. One of the fields in the table is an integer and accepts null values. So when I am populating the update function I need a way to enter a null in when the function wants an integer. I tried to do it this way but _intDLocation = "" throws an exception Dim _dLocation As String = udDefaultLocationTextEdit


我有一个更新函数,通过数据集更新一个sql server数据库表。 表中的一个字段是一个整数并接受空值。 所以当我填充更新函数时,我需要一种在函数需要一个整数时输入null的方法。 我试图这样做,但_intDLocation = ""引发异常 Dim _dLocation As String = udDefaultLocationTextEdit.Text Dim _intDLocation As Integer If _dLocation <> "" Then _intDLocation = Integer.Parse(udDefaultLoc

One line if in VB .NET

Is it possible to do one line if statement in VB .NET? If so, how? Use IF(). It is a short-circuiting ternary operator. Dim Result = IF(expression,<true return>,<false return>) SEE ALSO: IIF becomes If, and a true ternary operator Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET? Orcas introduces the IF operator - a new and improved IIF The Ternary Operator in VB.NET

一行,如果在VB .NET中

是否有可能在VB .NET中执行一行语句? 如果是这样,怎么样? 使用IF()。 这是一个短路的三元操作符。 Dim Result = IF(expression,<true return>,<false return>) 也可以看看: IIF成为If和一个真正的三元运算符 VB.NET中是否有条件的三元运算符? 奥卡斯介绍了IF运营商 - 一种新的改进的IIF VB.NET中的三元运算符 这其实很简单.. If CONDITION Then ..INSERT CODE HERE.. 在由purest和c#程序员

hand way to define a string based on a boolean expression

This question already has an answer here: Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET? 8 answers outcome = If(success,"succeeded","failed")


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: VB.NET中是否有条件的三元运算符? 8个答案 outcome = If(success,"succeeded","failed")

Coalesce operator and Conditional operator in VB.NET

Possible Duplicate: Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET? Hi guys, Can we use Coalesce operator(??) and conditional ternary operator(:) in VB.NET as in C#? 我想你可以使用内联if语句来关闭它: //C# int x = a ? b : c; 'VB.Net Dim x as Integer = If(a, b, c) Sub Main() Dim x, z As Object Dim y As Nullable(Of Integer) z = "1243" Dim c As Object = Coalesce(x, y, z) En


可能重复: VB.NET中是否有条件的三元运算符? 嗨,大家好,我们可以在C#中使用VB.NET中的Coalesce运算符(??)和条件三元运算符(:)吗? 我想你可以使用内联if语句来关闭它: //C# int x = a ? b : c; 'VB.Net Dim x as Integer = If(a, b, c) Sub Main() Dim x, z As Object Dim y As Nullable(Of Integer) z = "1243" Dim c As Object = Coalesce(x, y, z) End Sub Private Function Coalesce(ByVal

"Response received is incomplete"

So I reversed the syntax of this send sms code from c# to vb net so I can reuse it. The code works sometimes, but for some reason it would often give me the "response received is incomplete" exception. I was thinking perhaps my code is processing commands faster than my GSM device, could handle, so I tried increasing the timeout response for the serial port, still ends up with this ex


所以我将这个发送sms代码的语法从c#转换为vb net,这样我就可以重用它。 代码有时会起作用,但由于某些原因,它通常会给我“收到的响应不完整”异常。 我想也许我的代码处理命令比我的GSM设备更快,可以处理,所以我试图增加串口的超时响应,但仍然以此异常结束。 你认为什么是问题,你会推荐我做什么来解决它? Public Class SmsHelper Public receiveNow As AutoResetEvent #Region "Open and Close Ports" 'Open Po

Syntax error in UPDATE statement vb.net in access database

i'm getting an error when i'm trying to update my database Syntax error in UPDATE statement item:In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user. error code: -2147217900 errors: {System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection} Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Ubah_Password Dim kns As New OleDbConnect


当我试图更新我的数据库时出现错误 UPDATE语句项中的语法错误:为了评估索引属性,该属性必须是限定的,并且参数必须由用户明确提供。 错误代码:-2147217900 错误:{System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection} 导入System.Data.OleDb 公共类Ubah_Password Dim kns As New OleDbConnection(“provider = microsoft.ace.oledb.15.0; data source =”&Application.StartupPath&“ database.accdb”)Dim da As New OleDbDat