NullPointerException in Java Table Selecting rows

I am planning to have a table where there is a column that the user will be typing on (the user should enter a number) and everytime he types a number , it will be deducted on the column next to it, say: if I type 2, and the original number is 5, then the column should have 3. But I am having an error. So the first step i thought is to get the selected row.: this is my FULL exception: at jav


我打算有一个表格,用户可以输入一列(用户应该输入一个数字),每当他输入一个数字时,就会在它旁边的列上扣除,例如:如果我输入2,原始数字是5,那么该列应该有3个。但是我有一个错误。 所以我认为的第一步是获得选定的行。 这是我的完全例外: java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)在java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)在java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)在

automatically change org.mysql to org.sqlite

Connection Class: public class ConectaSiscart { static Connection connection = null; Statement stm = null; static String serverName = ""; //caminho do servidor do BD static String mydatabase ="risabel"; //nome do seu banco de dados static String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName + "/" + mydatabase; static String usern


连接等级: public class ConectaSiscart { static Connection connection = null; Statement stm = null; static String serverName = ""; //caminho do servidor do BD static String mydatabase ="risabel"; //nome do seu banco de dados static String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName + "/" + mydatabase; static String username = "

MouseAdapter class

I have problem when want to get mouse click count using mouse adapter class and having an error like this : Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException: Conversion = c, Flags = at java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.failMismatch(Unknown Source) at java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.checkBadFlags(Unknown Source) at java.util.Formatter$Form


当我想使用鼠标适配器类获得鼠标点击计数并出现如下错误时,我遇到了问题: 线程“AWT-EventQueue-0”中的异常java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException:Conversion = c,Flags = java.util.Formatter上的$ FormatSpecifier.failMismatch(Unknown Source)java.util.Formatter上的$ FormatSpecifier.checkBadFlags(Unknown Source)$ java.util.Formatter上的$ FormatSpecifier.checkCharacter(Unknown Source)$

Fill textbox input in db?

I am coding a CRUD app and want to fill my textbox input into the db, but I get an exception: Here is my method: public void create(Produkt p) { if(p==null) { log.error("Erstellen von null-Objekt in DB nicht möglich"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Erstellen von null-Objekten in der DB nicht möglich"); } if(p.getName().length()>30) { log.error("Prod


我正在编写一个CRUD应用程序,并且想要将我的文本框输入填充到数据库中,但我得到一个异常: 这是我的方法: public void create(Produkt p) { if(p==null) { log.error("Erstellen von null-Objekt in DB nicht möglich"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Erstellen von null-Objekten in der DB nicht möglich"); } if(p.getName().length()>30) { log.error("Produktname zu

Profiling a Java Web Start application

这里有很多java分析器,对于哪些最适合分析正在部署到战争中的glassfish的java web start应用程序的建议? Well, the traditional answers for such a question are VisualVM and/or Yourkit (if you have money). If you go for VisualVM, this thread will help you to configure your Webstart application for JMX. If you go for Yourkit, have a look at this discussion. Here's a quick-and-dirty but simple,

分析Java Web Start应用程序

这里有很多java分析器,对于哪些最适合分析正在部署到战争中的glassfish的java web start应用程序的建议? 那么,这样一个问题的传统答案是VisualVM和/或Yourkit(如果你有钱)。 如果你使用VisualVM,这个线程将帮助你为JMX配置你的Webstart应用程序。 如果你去找你的东西,看看这个讨论。 这是一个快速而又简单,但简单,自由和有效的方式。 这是语言不可知的,它的工作方式在这里解释。

Method has the same erasure as another method in type

Why is it not legal to have those two methods in the same class? class Test{ void add(Set<Integer> ii){} void add(Set<String> ss){} } I get the compilation error Method add(Set) has the same erasure add(Set) as another method in type Test. while I can work around it, I was wondering why javac doesn't like this. I can see that in many cases, the logic of those two met


为什么在同一个班级中使用这两种方法是不合法的? class Test{ void add(Set<Integer> ii){} void add(Set<String> ss){} } 我收到compilation error 方法add(Set)与Test类型中的另一种方法具有相同的擦除添加(Set)。 虽然我可以解决它,但我想知道为什么javac不喜欢这样。 我可以看到,在很多情况下,这两种方法的逻辑非常相似,可以用一个单一的方法取代 public void add(Set<?> set){}

when and what happens

I read about Java's type erasure on Oracle's website. When does type erasure occur? At compile time / runtime? When the class is loaded / runtime? When the class is instantiated? A lot of sites (including the Sun tutorial mentioned above) say type erasure occurs at compile time. If the type information is completely removed at compile time, how does the JDK check type compatibilit


我在Oracle的网站上阅读了关于Java的类型删除。 类型擦除何时发生? 在编译时/运行时? 当类加载/运行时? 当类被实例化时? 很多站点(包括上面提到的Sun教程)都说编译时会发生类型擦除。 如果类型信息在编译时被完全删除,那么当调用没有类型信息或错误类型信息的使用泛型的方法时,JDK检查类型兼容性如何。 考虑下面的例子:说A类有一个方法,为empty(Box<? extends Number> b) 。 我们编译A.java并获取类

XML parsing. How can I get child's child?

I'm trying to parse this XML in Java: <entities> <entity name="product_section" id="1"> <product_type>3</product_type> <section_type>1</section_type> <name>Empresa</name> <description>d</description> <position>1</position> <align>left</align> <files section_id="1"> &

XML解析。 我怎样才能得到孩子的孩子?

我试图用Java解析这个XML: <entities> <entity name="product_section" id="1"> <product_type>3</product_type> <section_type>1</section_type> <name>Empresa</name> <description>d</description> <position>1</position> <align>left</align> <files section_id="1"> <ico id="ico_1

Operator precedence, which result is correct?

Possible Duplicate: Undefined behavior and sequence points What is the value of x after this code? int x = 5; x = ++x + x++; In Java, the result is 12, but in C++, the result is 13. I googled the operator precedence of both Java and C++, and they look the same. So why are the results different? Is it because of the compiler? In Java it's defined to evaluate to 12. It evaluates lik


可能重复: 未定义的行为和顺序点 此代码后x的值是多少? int x = 5; x = ++x + x++; 在Java中,结果是12,但在C ++中,结果是13。 我搜索了Java和C ++的运算符优先级,他们看起来一样。 那么为什么结果不同呢? 是因为编译器吗? 在Java中,它被定义为评估为12.它的评估如下所示: x = ++x + x++; x = 6 + x++; // x is now 6 x = 6 + 6; // x is now 7 x = 12 // x is now 12 由于评估左手操作数优先, + (++ x

Operator overloading in Java

Please can you tell me if it is possible to overload operators in Java? If it is used anywhere in Java could you please tell me about it. No, Java doesn't support user-defined operator overloading. The only aspect of Java which comes close to "custom" operator overloading is the handling of + for strings, which either results in compile-time concatenation of constants or executi


请你能告诉我是否有可能在Java中重载运算符? 如果它在Java的任何地方都可以使用,请告诉我。 不,Java不支持用户定义的运算符重载。 接近“自定义”操作符重载的Java的唯一方面是处理字符串的+,这可以导致使用StringBuilder / StringBuffer进行常量的编译时串联或执行时串联。 你不能定义你自己的操作符,但它们的行为方式相同。 对于支持运算符重载的类Java(和基于JVM的)语言,您可以看看Groovy。 或者,您可能会发现