If I omit the -Xmxn option from the Java command line a default value is used. According to Java documentation "the default value is chosen at runtime based on system configuration". What system configuration settings influence the default value? On Windows systems, you can use the following command to find out the defaults on the system where your applications runs. java -XX:+Pr
如果我从Java命令行省略-Xmxn选项,则使用默认值。 根据Java文档“默认值是在运行时根据系统配置选择的”。 哪些系统配置设置影响默认值? 在Windows系统上,可以使用以下命令找出运行应用程序的系统的默认值。 java -XX:+ PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr HeapSize 为-Xms查找选项MaxHeapSize (对于-Xmx )和InitialHeapSize 。 在Unix / Linux系统上,你可以做 java -XX:+ PrintFlagsFinal -version | gre
I have JUnit tests for REST web services. Now I think that JUnit is not the best tool for that, since these tests are integration tests but not unit tests. So I probably need a Java library, which helps to send HTTP requests, verify HTTP responses, create reports and do that in parallel. On the other hand maybe I am mistaken and Junit (with HTTPUnit etc.) is good enough and I don't need o
我有REST Web服务的JUnit测试。 现在我认为JUnit不是最好的工具,因为这些测试是集成测试,但不是单元测试。 所以我可能需要一个Java库,它有助于发送HTTP请求,验证HTTP响应,创建报告并且并行执行。 另一方面也许我错了, Junit (使用HTTPUnit等)已经足够好了,我不需要其他工具。 你会建议什么? 我也面临着类似的问题......并开始环顾四周并试验。 我发现这是其他的stackoverflow问题:单元测试JAX-RS Web服务?
I'm new to Intellij IDEA and I wrote the following code but it cannot be compiled successfully (Integers and Strings can't be passed to the method with Object parameters). What is strange is that this code works in Eclipse with JDK1.8. I really can't figure out where the problem is. Does it have something to do with the Intellij setting? Error: Error: (12, 18) java: incompatibl
我是Intellij IDEA的新手,我编写了下面的代码,但无法成功编译(整数和字符串不能通过Object参数传递给方法)。 奇怪的是,这段代码在Eclipse中使用JDK1.8。 我真的不知道问题出在哪里。 它与Intellij设置有什么关系? 错误: Error: (12, 18) java: incompatible type: int cannot be converted to java.lang.Object 码: public static void func(Object obj){ System.out.print(obj.toString()); } public stati
I'm using the latest JDK and everywhere from project creation to now everything is set to Java8 or SDK 8. Still, intelliJ gives me this issue: The red lamp tells me to change to Java7. This is my project settings: and this is the Modules section: As you can see; I specifically changed it from the SDK default to java 8 when I got the error, but no result. The compiler settings loo
我正在使用最新的JDK,并且从项目创建到现在,所有内容都设置为Java8或SDK 8。 不过,intelliJ给了我这个问题: 红灯告诉我改为Java7。 这是我的项目设置: 这是模块部分: 如你看到的; 当我遇到错误时,我特意将它从SDK默认更改为了java 8,但没有结果。 编译器设置如下所示: 我在MacBook上,而intelliJ是社区版本。 有谁知道为什么会发生这种情况,我怎么解决它? 尝试运行该项目,如果这是您的错误消息:
Update: Not sure why this is marked as a duplicate. I had already linked to the other post stating that none of the suggestions / answers work for me. In addition, their question seems to be related to an issue using Windows VMs via Mac, which is irrelevant for me. I am using IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3. I have selected the 'Java Hello World' sample. When I try and run the program I receiv
更新:不知道为什么这被标记为重复。 我已经与另一篇文章联系起来,指出没有任何建议/答案适用于我。 另外,他们的问题似乎与通过Mac使用Windows VM的问题有关,这与我无关。 我正在使用IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3。 我选择了“Java Hello World”示例。 当我尝试运行该程序时,收到错误:“错误:java:找不到模块'Deliverable4'的JDK'1.8'。但仍然无法工作。任何帮助将不胜感激。 去: File =>项目结构
I'm having a problem where IntelliJ 13.1.4, when running a unit test, can't find a ServiceLoader file in the src/test/resources directory of my module. Please note before answering that I've done all of the following: The module is a Gradle project, and if I run gradle test the unit test runs fine. I've run this unit test successfully in IntelliJ in the past, and it found th
我遇到了一个问题,IntelliJ 13.1.4在运行单元测试时无法在模块的src/test/resources目录中找到ServiceLoader文件。 请在回答之前注意我已经完成了以下所有内容: 该模块是一个Gradle项目,如果我运行gradle test ,单元测试运行良好。 我已经在IntelliJ中成功运行了这个单元测试,并且找到了这个模块。 (也许是早期版本的IntelliJ?) 我已经检查过IntelliJ模块设置, src/test/resources目录被标记为测试资源目录。
I've installed the plugin for intellij idea(lombok-plugin-0.8.6-13). Added lombok.jar into classpath I can find getters and setters in the window of structure. And Intellij shows no error. Setting - Lombok plugin - Verified Intellij configuration for lombok, it shows that "configuration of IntelliJ seems to be ok". It seems everything is OK. But when I compile a test, erro
我已经安装了intellij idea的插件(lombok-plugin-0.8.6-13)。 将lombok.jar添加到classpath中 我可以在结构窗口中找到getter和setter。 而Intellij显示没有错误。 设置 - Lombok插件 - 为lombok验证了Intellij配置,它显示“IntelliJ的配置似乎没问题”。 看起来一切都好。 但是当我编译测试时,出现错误:无法找到方法getXXX和setXXX。 我用IntelliJ打开了.class文件,发现没有setXXX和getXXX方法。 有人能告诉
I was reading this article: http://www.java-tips.org/java-se-tips-100019/120-javax-sound/917-capturing-audio-with-java-sound-api.html I don't want to write all Code from before article... I need to clarify my understand and I need explanation about uses of ByteArrayInputStream and ByteArrayOutputStream... Based on Complete code: In the captureAudio() method focusing on the loop while w
我正在阅读这篇文章:http://www.java-tips.org/java-se-tips-100019/120-javax-sound/917-capturing-audio-with-java-sound-api.html我不'我想写所有以前的文章中的代码... 我需要澄清我的理解,我需要解释有关ByteArrayInputStream和ByteArrayOutputStream的用法...... 基于完整的代码: 在captureAudio()方法中关注循环while while (running) { int count = line.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length); if (coun
I'm still working of my small project to create a mixing console in JAVA and I have a new obstacle. I'm trying to create an audioInputStream from a byteArray and then, read it to hear the sound. But there's something wrong in my code : I don't hear anything. Here is my code : import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; impor
我仍然在为我的小型项目工作,在JAVA中创建混音控制台,并且我有一个新的障碍。 我试图从byteArray创建一个audioInputStream,然后阅读它来听到声音。 但是我的代码有问题:我什么都没听到。 这是我的代码: import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.OutputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.Audi
I'm quite a newbie in JAVA and I am trying to read a clip. Here is my code : import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.Clip; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; imp
我是JAVA的新手,我正在尝试阅读一个剪辑。 这是我的代码: import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.Clip; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.L