Reasons for java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection from Oracle?? java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(Physica
java.sql.SQLException的原因:从Oracle关闭连接? java.sql.SQLException:关闭连接oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException( oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError .throwSqlException( oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(
I am working with a swing application and the initial part of the application is "user authentication" ..for that module i want to authenticate(verify) the user but the problem is that my database is remotly located with different port(not 1521). everytime i try to connect through some easy and simple jdbc,a well designed exception occures to decorate my console something like this &
我正在使用一个swing应用程序,并且应用程序的最初部分是“用户身份验证”..对于那个模块,我想验证(验证)用户,但问题是我的数据库远程位于不同的端口(而不是1521) 。 每次我尝试通过一些简单而简单的jdbc进行连接时,设计良好的异常会导致我的控制台像这样 “SEVERE:null java.sql.SQLException:Io异常:网络适配器无法在oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(上建立连接,位于
I am working on my bachelor thesis (this is my first research project) and trying to evaluate different possibilites to monitor a developers work during a day, aggregate it and illustrate it later. For this purpose, I defined some metrics, I want to measure (they might change over time and there might come more). My questions are related to the monitors. To start, I have decided to monitor th
我正在研究我的学士论文(这是我的第一个研究项目),并试图评估不同的可能性来监控开发人员在一天中的工作,并将其聚合并稍后进行说明。 为此,我定义了一些指标,我想衡量(它们可能会随着时间而改变,而且可能会有更多)。 我的问题与显示器有关。 首先,我决定监视开发人员在Eclipse中的工作(仅在以后添加TFS实现): 工作项目 :我想知道开发人员解决,编辑和创建了多少工作项目。 如果可能,我想从MyLin访问数据,
UPDATE 3 Done. Below is the code that finally passed all of my tests. Again, this is modeled after Murilo Vasconcelo's modified version of Steve Hanov's algorithm. Thanks to all that helped! /** * Computes the minimum Levenshtein Distance between the given word (represented as an array of Characters) and the * words stored in theTrie. This algorithm is modeled after Steve Hanov's
更新3 完成。 以下是最终通过我所有测试的代码。 再次,这是仿照Murilo Vasconcelo修改后的Steve Hanov算法。 感谢所有帮助! /** * Computes the minimum Levenshtein Distance between the given word (represented as an array of Characters) and the * words stored in theTrie. This algorithm is modeled after Steve Hanov's blog article "Fast and Easy Levenshtein * distance using a Trie" and Murilo Vasc
I'm working on calling functions from a Delphi compiled *.so file from a Java program. After some research it seems like JNA is he way to go. Before diving into some complex Delphi code, I'm trying to play with some "Hello World" code but am having trouble getting a string returned by a Delphi function. The Delphi code (helloworld.pp): library HelloWorldLib; function Hello
我正在从Java程序的Delphi编译* .so文件中调用函数。 经过一番研究,看起来JNA是他的出路。 在深入研究一些复杂的Delphi代码之前,我正在尝试使用一些“Hello World”代码,但无法获得由Delphi函数返回的字符串。 Delphi代码(helloworld.pp): library HelloWorldLib; function HelloWorld(const myString: string): string; stdcall; begin WriteLn(myString); Result := myString; end; exports HelloWorld; begin
I am planning to build a web application with Java Server Faces but i am unsure how to handle the persistence of my entities. For php projects i am using the Symfony framework with Doctrine 2. I call the persist method of the entity manager mainly in the controllers. So there are no seperate classes for business logic. I tried Hibernate and i think that is a good replace for Doctrine. ;) Th
我打算用Java Server Faces构建一个Web应用程序,但我不确定如何处理我的实体的持久性。 对于php项目,我在Doctrine 2中使用Symfony框架。我主要在控制器中调用实体管理器的持久化方法。 所以没有业务逻辑的单独类。 我试过Hibernate,我认为这是一个很好的替代原则。 ;) java项目适用于大学,我想将业务逻辑从控制器/ bean转移到业务逻辑类。 我阅读了关于数据访问对象和存储库模式的文章和教程(http://docs.spring.i
I was reading a Java EE book recently, and apparently entity beans were recently removed from the EJB specification. You are supposed to use JPA instead. But I want entity beans!! What I am really looking for is a JPA persistent entity that is remotely accessible, like an EJB. Something like this: @Entity @Remote(MyEntityRemote.class) @LocalBean public class MyEntityEJB implements MyEntityRe
我最近在读一本Java EE书,显然最近从EJB规范中删除了实体bean。 你应该使用JPA。 但我想要实体豆! 我真正想要的是一个可远程访问的JPA持久化实体,如EJB。 像这样的东西: @Entity @Remote(MyEntityRemote.class) @LocalBean public class MyEntityEJB implements MyEntityRemote { public void doSomething() { // actually do something } } 这是否可能,而不删除bean注释并编写会话bean,如下所示:
Directly from this oracle article about the J2EE DAO Pattern: Everything is very clear indeed but the Business Object "participant" (as they call it). Here I quote the bit I would like more insights about (especially would be useful a real life example (an easy one)). BusinessObject The BusinessObject represents the data client. It is the object that requires access to the data
直接从这篇关于J2EE DAO模式的oracle文章中: 一切都非常清楚,但业务对象“参与者”(他们称之为)。 在这里我引用了一些我想要更多的见解(尤其是对现实生活中的例子(一个简单的例子))。 BusinessObject的 BusinessObject表示数据客户端。 这是需要访问数据源来获取和存储数据的对象。 除了访问数据源的servlet或helper bean之外,BusinessObject还可以实现为会话Bean,实体Bean或其他Java对象。 我试图用这种模
i'm writing a JEE6 application using EJB3.1, CDI and the persistent domain object pattern. In some cases i need so have an instance of an session bean inside an entity (jpa2.0). Injecting it using @Inject or @EJB does not work. its always a null reference. The only possible solution was to do a lookup via InitialContext. But this is really bad. Does any one knows a solution how to acce
我正在使用EJB3.1,CDI和持久域对象模式编写一个JEE6应用程序。 在某些情况下,我需要在一个实体内部拥有一个会话bean实例(jpa2.0)。 使用@Inject或@EJB注入它不起作用。 它始终是一个空引用。 唯一可能的解决方案是通过InitialContext进行查找。 但这真的很糟糕。 有没有人知道如何从实体访问会话bean的解决方案? 我读过无状态会话bean工厂,但无法找到任何示例。 实体是由你创建的,如果你想将bean注入到它们中
I have a simple test for maven plugin: public class SimpleMavenTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // code } public void testCase() throws Exception { // test case } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // code super.tearDown(); } } with
我有一个简单的测试maven插件: public class SimpleMavenTest extends AbstractMojoTestCase { @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // code } public void testCase() throws Exception { // test case } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // code super.tearDown(); } } 有了这样的ma