I have a maven program, it compiles fine. When I run mvn test it does not run any tests (under TESTs header says There are no tests to run. ). I've recreated this problem with a super simple setup which I will include below as well as the output when run with -X . The unit tests run fine from eclipse (both with its default junit package and when I instead include the junit.jar downloaded
我有一个maven程序,它编译得很好。 当我运行mvn test它不运行任何测试(在TESTs标题下说There are no tests to run. )。 我用一个超级简单的设置重新创建了这个问题,我将在下面包含以及使用-X运行时的输出。 单元测试在eclipse中运行良好(包括默认的junit包,以及包含由maven下载的junit.jar)。 另外,mvn test-compile正确地创建了测试类下的类。 我在OSX 10.6.7上运行Maven 3.0.2和java 1.6.0_24。 这是目录结构
Is there a Maven "phase" or "goal" to simply execute the main method of a Java class? I have a project that I'd like to test manually by simply doing something like "mvn run". See the exec maven plugin. You can run Java classes using: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" [-Dexec.args="argument1"] ... The invocation can be a simple as mvn exec:j
有没有一个Maven“阶段”或“目标”来简单地执行Java类的主要方法? 我有一个项目,我想通过简单地执行诸如“mvn run”的方式进行手动测试。 请参阅exec maven插件。 您可以使用以下方式运行Java类: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" [-Dexec.args="argument1"] ... 如果插件配置在您的pom.xml中,调用可以像mvn exec:java一样简单。 Mojohaus的插件网站有一个更详细的例子。 <project> <build
I have a question regarding the Http and FTP. I have already wrote the utility to download the image file from the Server(images are stored on these servers) using FTP protocol. The utility class is getting invoked from the Spring mvc controller. The utility is working fine but is usage of FTP protocol correct in the case or should I rewrite the utility and use the HTTP protocol image download
我有一个关于Http和FTP的问题。 我已经编写了实用程序以使用FTP协议从服务器下载映像文件(映像存储在这些服务器上)。 该实用程序类正在从Spring mvc控制器中调用。 该实用程序工作正常,但正确使用FTP协议的情况下还是应该重写实用程序并使用HTTP协议图像下载? 哪种协议在这种情况下会更快? 在使用HTTP或FTP协议传递的额外信息方面没有特别的差别。 所以两种协议之间的选择并不取决于性能。 如果你正在写一个客户
I have a stage , a scene and a WebView node. When I expand the window to a larger size - things get pretty sluggish due to WebView . What I want to do is fill the new space for WebView only when the resizing of the window has been finished (this is me releasing left mouse button on the resizable control/edge of the window). For now I can just set the max. size of this node to what it is by de
我有舞台 , 场景和WebView节点。 当我将窗口扩大到更大的尺寸时 - 由于WebView,事情变得非常缓慢。 我只想在窗口大小调整完成时(这是我在窗口的可调整大小的控件/边缘上释放鼠标左键),为WebView填充新的空间。 现在我可以设置最大值。 这个节点的大小与默认情况下的大小有关 - 这会阻止它扩展。 但是,如何在窗口上检测完成的调整大小操作的实际事件? 通过绑定,我可以验证调整大小是否发生 - 但它是即时的(W&D变
I have written code for color formatting for excel using Apache POI. The formatting for color and font came nicely in MS Excel 2010. But it does not have compatibility with excel 2003. The formatting is not there when the file opened in MS Excel 2003. Here the sample code: CellStyle style = getWorkbook().createCellStyle(); Font font = wb.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLD
我已经使用Apache POI编写了用于excel的颜色格式化代码。 颜色和字体的格式在MS Excel 2010中很好地显示出来,但它与Excel 2003没有兼容性。当在MS Excel 2003中打开该文件时,格式不存在。 这里的示例代码: CellStyle style = getWorkbook().createCellStyle(); Font font = wb.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)11); style.setFillForeg
just joined this awesome site… Ive recently been working in XNA on C#, making a library for that framework. Ive gotten interested in java at was going to try making a similar library for java. Thats when the problem arrived, there doesnt seem to be a standard 3d renderer on it. Ive heard of JOGL, but it seemed to be discontinued (project inactive), and i prefet high level anyway, Then I s
刚刚加入了这个真棒网站......我最近一直在CNA上为XNA工作,为该框架制作一个库。 我对java感兴趣的是想尝试为java创建一个类似的库。 这就是问题到来时,似乎没有一个标准的3D渲染器。 我听说过JOGL,但它似乎已经停止(项目不活动),而且我仍然预设高水平, 然后,我看到了jMonkey和espresso 3D,但两者看起来都不那么有效,并且不那么漂亮。 JavaFX通过说它为丰富的互联网内容而感到沮丧。 我的问题是,这些都是
I was going through the tutorial shared by RabbitMQ here I am assuming that the client code below while (true) { var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue(); if (ea.BasicProperties.CorrelationId == corrId) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body); } } Would receive all messages on the queue and wil
我正在阅读由RabbitMQ在这里共享的教程 我假设下面的客户端代码 while (true) { var ea = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue(); if (ea.BasicProperties.CorrelationId == corrId) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body); } } 会收到队列中的所有消息,并且会不必要地遍历未指定给它的消息。 无论如何,我们可以避免
So basically my Widget updates, according to my LogCat, and the TextView in my Widget's Layout is not. It updates when it first starts, but what I am trying to do is update it artificially using an intent after a BrocastReceiver. The intent works fine, the onUpdate runs after the onReceive, but the text is not updated. I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that a different context, A
所以基本上我的Widget更新,根据我的LogCat,并且我的Widget的布局中的TextView不是。 它首次启动时会更新,但我想要做的是在BrocastReceiver之后使用意图人为更新它。 意图工作正常,onUpdate在onReceive之后运行,但文本未更新。 我有一种感觉,它与使用不同的上下文,AppWidgetManager或appWidgetIds这一事实有关。 这是我的方法: String sent = "0"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent
I would like to validate both the @RequestBody as well as path parameters. Ideally, I'd like to create my own @CustomValid annotation instead of the @Valid one. In addition to doing checks like @NotNull on the DTO itself, I want to actually check if say, the id of the object to be updated actually exists in the database. For example for this request: { "id": "2348291983918", "name":
我想验证@RequestBody以及路径参数。 理想情况下,我想创建自己的@CustomValid注释而不是@Valid注解。 除了在DTO本身上执行像@NotNull这样的检查之外,我想实际检查是否说要更新的对象的id实际上存在于数据库中。 例如对于这个请求: { "id": "2348291983918", "name": "Carol" } 我想查看用户mongo集合是否实际上包含一个传入或拒绝该ID的对象。 有谁知道如何做到这一点?
I am trying to check whether the input value already exists in the database and let the user know about it using this Jquery validator. it has a example for checking the uniqueness of a input value here. In my case I use Java with Spring MVC . This is how I do it. In my jsp page var agrmntNo = jQuery('#agreementNo').val(); $("#myform").validate( { rules: {
我试图检查输入值是否已经存在于数据库中,并让用户使用这个Jquery验证器了解它。 它有一个例子来检查输入值的唯一性。 在我的情况下,我使用Java和Spring MVC 。 这就是我的做法。 在我的jsp页面中 var agrmntNo = jQuery('#agreementNo').val(); $("#myform").validate( { rules: { agreementNo: { required: true, remote:'/TFP