I have gone through jama and colt(I code in java) . Both of them expect me to use arrays such that the number of rows are more than the number of coloumns . But in case of the Latent semantic analysis (LSA) i have 5 books and there are a total of 1000 odd words . When i use a term document matrix i get a 5*1000 matrix. Since this does not work , i am forced to transpose the matrix . On tra
我经历了jama和小马(我用java编码)。 他们都期望我使用数组,使得行数多于coloumns的数量。 但在潜在语义分析(LSA)的情况下,我有5本书,总共有1000个单词。 当我使用术语文档矩阵时,我得到一个5 * 1000的矩阵。 由于这不起作用,我不得不调换矩阵。 在转置我使用1000 * 5。 用1000 * 5当我执行svd时,我得到一个5 * 5的S矩阵。 为了执行降维,5 * 5矩阵看起来很小。 可以做什么? 您使用的文本片段大小太大。
I have a SVD library implemented in C. But I want to call its functions in a Java program. Is there a easy way to do that? Or someone please suggest a link for a SVD implementation in Java. Colt是另一个带有矩阵和SVD的Java数学库。 There's also the Apache commons Math library: http://commons.apache.org/math/ which has matrices and SVD algorithms. And lots of other useful stuff! If it&
我有一个以C语言实现的SVD库,但是我想在Java程序中调用它的函数。 有没有简单的方法来做到这一点? 或者有人请建议在Java中使用SVD实现的链接。 Colt是另一个带有矩阵和SVD的Java数学库。 还有Apache公共数学库:http://commons.apache.org/math/ 其中有矩阵和SVD算法。 还有很多其他有用的东西! 如果它是直的C,你可以看看JNA,这将允许你从java中相对容易地调用C语言。 还有JNI和/或SWIG,但他们更多参与。
I'm trying to set up a program to record a portion of an internet audio stream, and save it to a file (preferably mp3 or wav). I've looked everywhere and I can't find any decent ways to do this. I found two different libraries that seemed like they'd work (NativeBass and Xuggle), but neither supported 64-bit windows which is what I need. Does anyone know of any simple ways to
我试图设置一个程序来记录互联网音频流的一部分,并将其保存到一个文件(最好是mp3或wav)。 我到处寻找,我找不到任何体面的方法来做到这一点。 我发现了两个不同的库,它们看起来像是在工作(NativeBass和Xuggle),但都不支持我需要的64位窗口。 有谁知道任何简单的方法来保存一部分互联网音频流使用Java? (如果它很重要,它是一个“音频/ mpeg”流)。 编辑:好吧,我找到了一种似乎工作的方式。 但我仍然有一个问题
I would like to track how much time is spent in GC and how much memory has been collected, but not by analysing GC logs (ie. analyzing what I got from -XX:+PrintGCWhatever). I found that I can use Sun's ManagementFactory to get a GarbageCollectorMXBean that can give me some GCInfo object containing memory information but I have no guarantee I can collect all GC through this mean. Does any
我想追踪在GC中花了多少时间以及已经收集了多少内存,但不是通过分析GC日志(即分析我从-XX获得的信息:+ PrintGCWhatever)。 我发现我可以使用Sun的ManagementFactory来获取一个GarbageCollectorMXBean,它可以给我一些包含内存信息的GCInfo对象,但我无法保证我可以通过这种方式收集所有的GC。 有没有人知道在代码中执行此操作的方法? GarbageCollectorMXBean是我在Sun JVM上能够找到的最佳选择。 根据我的经验,它实
I'd like to write a simple program that reads a barcode, and makes a note of the barcode as well as the time it was scanned in. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee that the program will have focus when the code is scanned. My understanding is that most barcode scanners act like a keyboard so if the program does not have focus I will have issues. What are the ways to deal with this? Note I'
我想编写一个简单的程序来读取条形码,并记下条形码以及扫描的时间。不幸的是,我不能保证在扫描代码时程序将具有焦点。 我的理解是,大多数条码扫描仪的行为就像一个键盘,所以如果该程序没有焦点,我会遇到问题。 有什么办法来解决这个问题? 注意我更喜欢用Java编写这个代码,但如果库更容易,我可以使用.net。 我也没有特别的扫描仪,所以如果一个模型会更好地工作,这个信息将不胜感激。 我已经看到这个问题,但它假定
i'm thinking if i really need a service layer. I'm using spring + hibernate for a desktop swing application and at this moment i have gui/swing layer->service layer->dao layer. I use spring only for @Transactional support and for IOC-injection Best practice say that i have to write a service to use my daos, and put all transactions management in the service. But i'm reali
我在想如果我真的需要服务层。 我为桌面摆动应用程序使用spring + hibernate,此时我有gui / swing图层 - >服务图层 - > dao图层。 我仅在@Transactional支持和IOC注入中使用弹簧 最好的做法是说我必须编写一个服务来使用我的daos,并将所有的事务管理放入服务中。 但我非常经常意识到,服务层只能复制dao方法,例如: // a DAO example @Repository public class CustomerHibernateDAO extends BaseHibernateDAO i
The Git plugin in TeamCity (v9.1.1) cannot connect to a Git repository over HTTPS. I get the following error: Failed to collect changes, error: List remote refs failed: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure I doubt that the problem is with the SSL certificate. It is signed by a DigiCert root CA and also exists in the java keystore in use. The Java str
TeamCity(v9.1.1)中的Git插件无法通过HTTPS连接到Git存储库。 我收到以下错误: 无法收集更改,错误:List remote refs failed:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:收到致命警报:handshake_failure 我怀疑问题出在SSL证书上。 它由DigiCert根CA签署,也存在于正在使用的java密钥库中。 https://stackoverflow.com/a/29273505中提到的Java强密码库也已安装。 有关完整堆栈跟踪,请参阅https://youtrack.jetbrains
I have a java class. Which is related to many other java classes. and I want to deserialize this class. Please help me to deserialize the class. My class is like this.. @Entity @Table(name = "A", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "name" })) @JsonIdentityInfo(generator=ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class, property="@_refid") @JsonDe
我有一个Java类。 这与许多其他Java类有关。 我想反序列化这个类。 请帮助我反序列化这个类。 我的班就是这样.. @Entity @Table(name =“A”,uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {“name”}))@JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.IntSequenceGenerator.class,property =“@_ refid”)@JsonDeserialize(using = ADeSerializer。类)public class A { @Column(name = "name") private St
This question already has an answer here: When would you use a WeakHashMap or a WeakReference? 10 answers You must not use String literals with WeakHashMap (well you can but there would be no point in it): String myKey = "somekey"; instead you must use: String myKey = new String("somekey"); In the latter case String is not pooled. The word 'obsolete' is imprecise. The conditio
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你什么时候使用WeakHashMap或WeakReference? 10个答案 你不能在WeakHashMap中使用字符串文字(你可以,但是没有意义): String myKey = "somekey"; 相反,你必须使用: String myKey = new String("somekey"); 在后一种情况下,字符串不合并。 “过时”一词不够精确。 有问题的情况是'垃圾收集'。 当密钥被垃圾收集时,值将从WeakHashMap中移除。 期。
I'm currently facing a problem with error codes and messages using Spring WS. We are using Spring WS 2.0 with a JAXB2 binding and the @Endpoint and @PayloadRoot annotations for convenience. Our endpoint looks like this: @Endpoint public class MyEndpoint() { private static final String MY_NAMESPACE=...; @PayloadRoot(namespace=MY_NAMESPACE, localPart="myPart") public MyPartRes
我目前面临使用Spring WS的错误代码和消息的问题。 为了方便起见,我们使用带有JAXB2绑定的Spring WS 2.0和@Endpoint和@PayloadRoot注释。 我们的端点如下所示: @Endpoint public class MyEndpoint() { private static final String MY_NAMESPACE=...; @PayloadRoot(namespace=MY_NAMESPACE, localPart="myPart") public MyPartResponse handleMyPart(MyPart myPart) { .... } } 我们仅使用soap