How to resolve android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException?

This question already has an answer here: How do I fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49 answers The Android OS does not allow heavy process to execute in the main thread/UI Thread because the application will slow down, decreasing performance and the application will lag. However, you can execute it in an AsyncTask as shown here. Do your process/call your function in the doInBa


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我该如何解决android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49个答案 Android操作系统不允许繁重的进程在主线程/ UI线程中执行,因为应用程序会减慢速度,降低性能并且应用程序会滞后。 但是,您可以在AsyncTask中执行它,如下所示。 在doInBackground的doInBackground中执行你的进程/调用你的函数。 private class Download extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> { ProgressD

Android sending post data to webservice

This question already has an answer here: How do I fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49 answers Call sendPostRequest(String username, String pass) method with parameters. You can call this method from the UI thread, the request will be sent from a different thread ( AsyncTask is embedded). private void sendPostRequest(String givenUsername, String givenPassword) { class Send


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我该如何解决android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49个答案 使用参数调用sendPostRequest(String username, String pass)方法。 您可以从UI线程调用此方法,请求将从不同的线程(嵌入AsyncTask )发送。 private void sendPostRequest(String givenUsername, String givenPassword) { class SendPostReqAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> { @Ov

How to fix NetworkonMainThreadException in Android?

This question already has an answer here: How do I fix android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49 answers Your Exception actually tells you exactly what you are doing wrong. You are not using another thread to perform NetworkOperations . Instead, you perform the network operation on your UI-Thread, which cannot (does not) work on Android. Your code that connects to the url should be exe


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我该如何解决android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException? 49个答案 你的Exception实际上告诉你到底你做错了什么。 您没有使用另一个线程来执行NetworkOperations 。 相反,您在您的UI线程上执行网络操作,但无法(不)在Android上工作。 连接到url的代码应该在AsyncTasks doInBackground()方法内执行,例如在UI线程之外。 看看如何使用AsyncTask的这个问题: 如何使用AsyncTask 使用

Problem Writing Files problem in Android Emulator

I am trying to write some simple data to External storage using the following code. I am missing something here but not sure what. Thanks RobD public class TimeCard extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final Button button = (Bu


我正在尝试使用以下代码将一些简单数据写入到外部存储中。 我在这里错过了一些东西,但不知道是什么。 谢谢 RobD 公共类TimeCard延伸活动{/ **首次创建活动时调用。 * / @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 的setContentView(R.layout.main); final Button button = (Button) findViewById(; final EditText edittext = (Edit

Android Retrofit I don't receive JSON

I'm new with Android development and I'm trying to use Retrofit with Gson in an Android Studio project to pull data from the Flickr API. But I'm getting a 200 response but the body is empty. However if I use the debugger and copy the URL of the response and paste it in to my browser I can see a lot of JSON. I have these model classes which should be the java equivalent of the JSON

Android Retrofit我没有收到JSON

我是Android开发新手,我试图在Android Studio项目中使用Gson的Retrofit来从Flickr API中提取数据。 但我得到了200的回应,但身体是空的。 但是,如果我使用调试器并复制响应的URL并将其粘贴到我的浏览器中,我可以看到很多JSON。 我有这些模型类应该是API的JSON的Java等价物: public class Photos { @SerializedName("page") @Expose public Integer page; @SerializedName("pages") @Expose public Integer pages; @Ser

Using Retrofit 2.0 to extract information from a network API

I'm a newcomer in Java programming and in the past few days i've been experimenting with a basic English to Greek speech translation app purely to help me learn some (more advanced) concepts. Here is a picture of the interface. So far I've gotten the speech recognition to work for both languages and I've decided to use MyMemory's API as a REST API for translation. I'm

使用Retrofit 2.0从网络API中提取信息

我是Java编程的新手,在过去的几天里,我一直在尝试使用基本的英语到希腊语的语音翻译应用程序,纯粹是为了帮助我学习一些(更高级的)概念。 这是一个界面的图片。 到目前为止,我已经获得了两种语言的语音识别功能,并且我决定使用MyMemory的API作为REST API进行翻译。 我正在使用Retrofit 2.0.0-beta2将HTTP API变成Java界面。 目前,我只是试图从MyMemory中提取单词/短语的翻译,并将其放置在我的应用程序中的文本字段

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

I'm trying to use Java (not XML) to create a LinearLayout with buttons that fill the screen, and have margins. Here is code that works without margins: LinearLayout buttonsView = new LinearLayout(this); buttonsView.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); for (int r = 0; r < 6; ++r) { Button btn = new Button(this); btn.setText("A"); LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLay


我正在尝试使用Java(不是XML)创建一个LinearLayout,其中包含填充屏幕的按钮并具有边距。 这是没有利润的代码: LinearLayout buttonsView = new LinearLayout(this); buttonsView.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); for (int r = 0; r < 6; ++r) { Button btn = new Button(this); btn.setText("A"); LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_P

Enum disassembled with javap doesn't show constructor arguments

When I disassemble an enum with javap, the enum's implicit constructor arguments seem to be missing, and I can't figure out why. Here's an enum: enum Foo { X } I compile and disassemble this (on Java 8u60) with this command: javac && javap -c -p Foo And here is the output I get: final class Foo extends java.lang.Enum<Foo> { public static final Foo X;


当我用javap反汇编一个枚举时,枚举的隐式构造函数参数似乎丢失了,我找不到原因。 这是一个枚举: enum Foo { X } 我用这个命令编译和反汇编(在Java 8u60上): javac && javap -c -p Foo 这里是我得到的输出: final class Foo extends java.lang.Enum<Foo> { public static final Foo X; private static final Foo[] $VALUES; public static Foo[] values(); Code: 0: gets

Better way to call Function multiple times

This question already has an answer here: Performance of static methods vs instance methods 3 answers the performance differences of the give two options is negligible. but the main difference is in the usage of the methods. if you need a method to do any general tasks independant of class objects then you will consider static methods in your design. else for object dependant tasks you sh


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 静态方法的性能vs实例方法3个答案 给出两个选项的性能差异可以忽略不计。 但主要区别在于方法的使用。 如果您需要一种方法来执行与类对象无关的任何常规任务,那么您将在设计中考虑静态方法。 否则对于依赖于对象的任务,您应该考虑实例方法。 如果您需要一些初始化,您应该创建一个对象,例如可能从数据源获取值或参数。 静态是你的例子,因为它们是原子函数,它返回的总是相同的结果

Issues to get end DayLight Saving time

I am trying check the DayLight Saving Time, for that I am using the US TimeZone. As DST start for US on 10 March 2013 at 2:00AM and will end on 3 November 2013 at 2:00AM. So we have to forward the clock 1 hour at 2:00AM and when it end then have to back the clock 1 hour at 2:00AM. I just wanted to check how time will be the actual time at 2:00AM when DST end. It is working fine for start of D


我正在检查DayLight节省时间,因为我使用的是美国时区。 由于DST于2013年3月10日凌晨2:00在美国开始,并将于2013年11月3日凌晨2:00结束。 所以我们必须在凌晨2点转发时钟1小时,当它结束时,必须在凌晨2点恢复时钟1小时。 我只是想检查DST结束时凌晨2:00的实际时间。 它在DST开始时工作正常,但DST结束时它不工作。 以下是我尝试过的代码示例: TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")); Calenda