Youtube api display limited videos from user's playlist android

I tried to display all videos from my youtube channel using below json url. But it only 25 videos display from this url. Actually user has uploaded more than 500 videos how to get all videos.give me json solution. I have refer Youtube Api to fetch all videos on

Youtube API显示来自用户播放列表android的有限视频

我试图使用下面的json url显示来自我的YouTube频道的所有视频。 但是从这个网址只显示25个视频。 其实用户已经上传了超过500个视频 如何获得所有videos.give me json解决方案。 我已经参考Youtube Api来获取这个链接上的所有视频,但是这里有解决方案 https://www.googleapis.c

how to add a contact to a group android

I have following code to add contact to a group into android's contact app / people app, it does add the group but not the contact in that group, what am i missing ? I am adding contact successfully also creating group, i do get the ids of both the things , im using following code to associate the contact with the group but its not working , group is always empty. public Uri addToGroup(lon


我有以下代码将联系人添加到Android的联系人应用/人的应用程序,它确实添加了该组,但不是该组中的联系人,我错过了什么? 我添加联系人也创建组,我确实得到了这两个东西的ID,即时通讯使用以下代码将联系人与组关联,但它不工作,组总是空的。 public Uri addToGroup(long personId, long groupId) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.RA

Difficult condition to understand on Java Specification

while reading on reference type casting in Java's SE specification: Given a compile-time reference type S (source) and a compile-time reference type T (target), a casting conversion exists from S to T if no compile-time errors occur due to the following rules. I keep finding the following kind of condition: If S is a class type: If T is a class type, then either |S| <: |T| |S| <:


同时阅读Java SE规范中的引用类型转换: 给定编译时引用类型S(源)和编译时引用类型T(目标),如果由于以下规则而没有发生编译时错误,则从S到T存在转换转换。 我一直在寻找以下几种情况: 如果S是一个类的类型:如果T是一个类的类型,则是|S| <: |T| |S| <: |T| ,或|T| <: |S| |T| <: |S| 。 否则,会发生编译时错误。 此外,如果存在T的超类型X和S的超类型Y,使得X和Y都是可证明的不同参数化类型(§

Find all IP addresses in local network

I want to find all IP addresses of devices in the local network I'm currently connected to using Java code. The useful utility Advanced IP Scanner is able to find various IP addresses in my subnet of 192.168.178/24 : According to this answer, I built my code the following way: import; import; public class IPScanner { public static void checkHo


我想查找当前使用Java代码连接到的本地网络中所有设备的IP地址。 有用的实用工具Advanced IP Scanner能够在我的子网192.168.178/24找到各种IP地址: 根据这个答案,我以如下方式构建我的代码: import; import; public class IPScanner { public static void checkHosts(String subnet) throws IOException { int timeout = 100; for (int i = 1; i <

How to test Spring @Scheduled

我如何测试我的spring-boot应用程序的Scheduled / cron作业任务? package com.myco.tasks; public class MyTask { @Scheduled(fixedRate=1000) public void work() { // task execution logic } } This is often hard. You may consider to load Spring context during the test and fake some bean from it to be able to verify scheduled invocation. I have such example in my Github repo.

如何测试Spring @Scheduled

我如何测试我的spring-boot应用程序的Scheduled / cron作业任务? package com.myco.tasks; public class MyTask { @Scheduled(fixedRate=1000) public void work() { // task execution logic } } 这通常很难。 您可能会考虑在测试期间加载Spring上下文,并从中伪造一些bean来验证调度的调用。 我在Github回购中有这样的例子。 有一个简单的计划例子,用上述方法测试。 如果我们假设您的作业

Any way to declare an array in

Let's say I have a method m() that takes an array of Strings as an argument. Is there a way I can just declare this array in-line when I make the call? ie Instead of: String[] strs = {"blah", "hey", "yo"}; m(strs); Can I just replace this with one line, and avoid declaring a named variable that I'm never going to use? m(new String[]{"blah", "hey", "yo"}); Draemon is correct. You ca


比方说,我有一个方法m(),它将一个字符串数组作为参数。 有没有办法在我打电话时在线声明这个数组? 即而不是: String[] strs = {"blah", "hey", "yo"}; m(strs); 我可以用一行替换它,并避免声明一个我永远不会使用的命名变量吗? m(new String[]{"blah", "hey", "yo"}); 守护进程是正确的。 你也可以声明m作为可变参数: void m(String... strs) { // strs is seen as a normal String[] inside the method }

Accessing a oracle sql field through java

I have connected the oracle to my Java program, and it is working fine but it gives a problem on a primary key field, when I try to access it it throws an java.sql.SQLException : select user_id from users where users.user_name = '"+username+"' and `users.user_role = (select user_roles.role_id FROM user_roles where `user_roles.role_name = '"+role+"')" The query works, when ran in the sqlD

通过java访问oracle sql字段

我已将oracle连接到我的Java程序,并且它工作正常,但它在主键字段上提供了一个问题,当我尝试访问它时,它将引发一个java.sql.SQLException : select user_id from users where users.user_name = '"+username+"' and `users.user_role = (select user_roles.role_id FROM user_roles where `user_roles.role_name = '"+role+"')" 查询在sqlDeveloper中运行时起作用。 代码如下: Statement st = null; ResultSet r

Unable to write XML 1.1 documents in Java

How do you write an XML version 1.1 document in Java? Java only seems to support version 1.0. I tried using the OutputKeys.VERSION output property, as shown below, but that had no effect: DocumentBuilderFactory fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = fact.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.newDocument(); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance(

无法使用Java编写XML 1.1文档

如何在Java中编写XML版本1.1文档? Java似乎只支持1.0版本。 我尝试使用OutputKeys.VERSION输出属性,如下所示,但没有任何效果: DocumentBuilderFactory fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = fact.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.newDocument(); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHO

How to make mock to void methods with mockito

How to mock methods with void return type? I implemented an Observer pattern but I can't mock it with Mockito because I don't know how. And I tried to find an example on the Internet, but didn't succeed. My class looks like public class World { List<Listener> listeners; void addListener(Listener item) { listeners.add(item); } void doAction(Actio


如何用void返回类型来模拟方法? 我实现了观察者模式,但我不能用Mockito来嘲笑它,因为我不知道如何。 我试图在互联网上找到一个例子,但没有成功。 我的课堂看起来像 public class World { List<Listener> listeners; void addListener(Listener item) { listeners.add(item); } void doAction(Action goal,Object obj) { setState("i received"); goal.doAction(obj)

@Pathvariable Map<String,String> is giving me HTTP Status 500

This question already has an answer here: Could not find @PathVariable [pathVars] in @RequestMapping Spring MVC 4 answers I have found the answer from this link. Could not find @PathVariable [pathVars] in @RequestMapping Spring MVC I need to add <mvc:annotation-driven /> in my dispatcher-servlet.xml

@Pathvariable Map <String,String>给我HTTP状态500

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在@RequestMapping中找不到@PathVariable [pathVars] Spring MVC 4的答案 我从这个链接找到了答案。 在@RequestMapping Spring MVC中找不到@PathVariable [pathVars] 我需要在我的dispatcher-servlet.xml中添加<mvc:annotation-driven />