How to declare an ArrayList with values?

This question already has an answer here: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line 32 answers You can create a new object using the constructor that accepts a Collection : List<String> x = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc")); Tip: The docs contains very useful information that usually contains the answer you're looking for. For example, here are the constructors


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在一行中初始化ArrayList 32个答案 您可以使用接受Collection的构造函数创建一个新对象: List<String> x = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc")); 提示:文档包含非常有用的信息,通常包含您要查找的答案。 例如,下面是ArrayList类的构造函数: ArrayList() 构造一个初始容量为10的空列表。 ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> c) (*) 按照集合迭代

How to quickly and conveniently create a one element arraylist

This question already has an answer here: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line 32 answers Fixed size List The easiest way, that I know of, is to create a fixed-size single element List with Arrays.asList(T...) like // Returns a List backed by a varargs T. return Arrays.asList(s); Variable size List If it needs vary in size you can construct an ArrayList and the fixed-size List lik


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 在一行中初始化ArrayList 32个答案 固定大小List 我知道的最简单的方法是创建一个固定大小的单元素List其中包含Arrays.asList(T...) // Returns a List backed by a varargs T. return Arrays.asList(s); 可变大小List 如果需要改变大小,你可以构造一个ArrayList和固定大小的List return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(s)); 和(在Java 7+中),您可以使用菱形运算符<

What's the difference between map and flatMap methods in Java 8?

在Java 8中, Stream.map和Stream.flatMap方法有什么区别? Both map and flatMap can be applied to a Stream<T> and they both return a Stream<R> . The difference is that the map operation produces one output value for each input value, whereas the flatMap operation produces an arbitrary number (zero or more) values for each input value. This is reflected in the arguments to each operati

Java 8中的map和flatMap方法有什么区别?

在Java 8中, Stream.map和Stream.flatMap方法有什么区别? map和flatMap都可以应用到Stream<T> ,它们都返回一个Stream<R> 。 区别在于map操作为每个输入值生成一个输出值,而flatMap操作为每个输入值生成任意数量(零个或多个)值。 这反映在每个操作的参数中。 map操作接受一个Function ,该Function为输入流中的每个值调用,并生成一个结果值,并将其发送到输出流。 flatMap操作采用了一个函数,它在概念

Using Spring as a dependency injection framework with play 2.4.x?

I am exploring play-scala 2.4.2 and trying to get the spring DI working with it. I see there are a lot of changes in play 2.4.x and old way of overriding the GlobalSettings.getControllerInstance seems to be no more an option. I came across this project, but it seems to be more of a POC proving that Spring DI is possible but does not seems to be as easy as


我正在探索play-scala 2.4.2并试图让春季DI与它一起工作。 我发现在2.4.x中有很多变化,覆盖GlobalSettings.getControllerInstance的旧方式似乎不再是一种选择。 我遇到了这个项目,但它似乎更像是一个POC,证明Spring DI是可能的,但似乎不像以前的游戏版本那么容易。 这是否会成为当前和未来游戏版本的弹簧整合机制,或者游戏社区很快就会有一个更简单的机制或框架? 请按照以下步

how to solve cos 90 problem in java?

This question already has an answer here: Is floating point math broken? 23 answers What you're getting is most likely very, very small numbers, which are being displayed in exponential notation. The reason you're getting them is because pi/2 is not exactly representable in IEEE 754 notation, so there's no way to get the exact cosine of 90/270 degrees. Just run your source and

如何解决在Java中的COS 90问题?

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 浮点数学是否被破坏? 23个答案 你得到的很可能是非常非常小的数字,它们以指数表示法显示。 你得到它们的原因是因为pi / 2在IEEE 754中不能完全表示,所以没有办法获得90/270度的精确余弦。 只需运行你的源代码并返回: cos 90 : 1.8369701987210297E-16 sin 90 : 4.0 这是绝对正确的。 第一个值接近0.第二个值如预期的那样。 3 * cos(90°) = 3 * 0 = 0 在这里,您必须阅读

point behaviour in a Java program

This question already has an answer here: Is floating point math broken? 23 answers The most common storage for floating-point values in programming languages - IEEE singles and doubles - does not have exact representations for most decimal fractions. The reason is that they store values in binary floating-point format, rather than decimal floating-point format. The only fractional values


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 浮点数学是否被破坏? 23个答案 编程语言中最常见的浮点值存储 - IEEE单数和双精度 - 对大多数小数不具有精确表示。 原因是它们以二进制浮点格式存储值,而不是十进制浮点格式。 唯一可以精确表示的小数值是两个负幂的和。 数字如下: 0.5(2 ^ -1) 0.125(2 ^ -3) 0.625(2 ^ -1 + 2 ^ -3) 等等。 你所看到的是这样一个事实,即像0.96这样的数字的表示不能完全表示,因为

Floating point arithmetic not producing exact results

This question already has an answer here: Is floating point math broken? 23 answers If you need exact decimal values, you should use java.math.BigDecimal . Then read "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" for the background of why you're getting those results. (I have a .NET-centric article which you may find easier to read - and certainl


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 浮点数学是否被破坏? 23个答案 如果你需要确切的十进制值,你应该使用java.math.BigDecimal 。 然后阅读“每个计算机科学家应该知道什么是浮点算术”,以了解为什么你会得到这些结果。 (我有一个以.NET为中心的文章,你可能会发现它更容易阅读 - 当然也更短。Java和.NET之间的差异大多与理解这个问题无关。) 浮点数使用二进制分数而不是小数。 也就是说,你习惯于由十分之一的数字,百

JPQL: cast Long to String to perform LIKE search

I have the following JPQL query: SELECT il FROM InsiderList il WHERE ( il.deleteFlag IS NULL OR il.deleteFlag = '0' ) AND il.clientId = :clientId AND ( LOWER( ) LIKE :searchTerm OR il.nbr LIKE :searchTerm OR LOWER( il.type ) LIKE :searchTerm OR LOWER( il.description ) LIKE :searchTerm ) The customer wants us to be able to search be the nbr field, which is


我有以下JPQL查询: SELECT il FROM InsiderList il WHERE ( il.deleteFlag IS NULL OR il.deleteFlag = '0' ) AND il.clientId = :clientId AND ( LOWER( ) LIKE :searchTerm OR il.nbr LIKE :searchTerm OR LOWER( il.type ) LIKE :searchTerm OR LOWER( il.description ) LIKE :searchTerm ) 客户希望我们能够搜索nbr字段,这是一个java.lang.Long 。 Q : 你如何使用JPQL在jav

How java G1 collected object for garbage collection?

I want know the difference between CMS (concurrent-mark-sweep) and G1. Does G1 mark the garbage collecting object as earlier CMS work or it is using some different algorithm. 此链接可能会帮助您Java GC Minbook

java G1如何收集垃圾回收对象?

我想知道CMS(并发标记扫描)和G1之间的区别。 G1是否将垃圾收集对象标记为较早的CMS工作或者正在使用一些不同的算法。 此链接可能会帮助您Java GC Minbook

How does Java Garbage Collection work with Circular References?

From my understanding, garbage collection in Java cleans up some object if nothing else is 'pointing' to that object. My question is, what happens if we have something like this: class Node { public object value; public Node next; public Node(object o, Node n) { value = 0; next = n;} } //...some code { Node a = new Node("a", null), b = new Node("b", a),


根据我的理解,Java中的垃圾收集会清除一些对象,如果没有其他东西“指向”该对象。 我的问题是,如果我们有这样的事情会发生什么: class Node { public object value; public Node next; public Node(object o, Node n) { value = 0; next = n;} } //...some code { Node a = new Node("a", null), b = new Node("b", a), c = new Node("c", b); = c; } //end of scope //...