I am currently developing a JavaFX application with Slovak language localization and inside the application I am using an Alert dialog for showing exceptions with expandable content pane as shown below on images: I would like to have this dialog completely translated which is going well with Header , Title or Content but I cannot find a way how to translate the Show/Hide details label of the ex
我目前正在开发一个斯洛伐克语言本地化的JavaFX应用程序,并且在应用程序内部,我使用了一个Alert对话框来显示可展开内容窗格的例外,如下图所示: 我希望完全翻译这个对话框,这与Header , Title或Content但我找不到如何翻译可扩展区域的Show/Hide details标签的方法。 所以我的问题可以有点泛化:如何更改/翻译JavaFX内部元素的文本? 预先感谢您的帮助。 PS:为了创建此异常警报对话框,我使用code.makery.ch上的代
I could fetch all the branch details using Git Rest api https://github.xxx.com/api/v3/repos/RepoName/ProjectName/branches/BranchName I want to understand whether this particular branch is merged with master or not. When I hit the URL above, I get JSON data.. Under the "commit"->"Message" I can identify whether the branch is merged to master or not. Is there any other
我可以使用Git Rest api获取所有分支的详细信息https://github.xxx.com/api/v3/repos/RepoName/ProjectName/branches/BranchName 我想了解这个特定分支是否与主人合并。 当我点击上面的URL时,我得到了JSON数据。在“提交” - >“消息”下,我可以确定分支是否合并到主人。 在JSON数据中是否有其他身份来查找分支是否与主人合并?
I am trying to draw a tree using recursion. The tree needs to look like this: A short summary of how I'm supposed to do it: The trunk of the tree has length of length and width width The trunk splits into two branches The left one has the 3/4 of the trunk length and the right one 2/3 of the trunk length Left branch width is 3/4 of the trunk width and the right branch width is 1/2 o
我正在尝试使用递归绘制一棵树。 树需要看起来像这样: 我应该怎么做的简短总结: 树的树干有length和宽度的width 主干分成两个分支 左边的是树干长度的3/4,右边是树干长度的2/3 左分支宽度是躯干宽度的3/4,右分支宽度是躯干宽度的1/2 我们收到的参数是长度,最小长度,宽度,alpha(所有双打) 分支长到分支比min_length长 以下是我如何解决问题。 我想画出树干,左枝和右枝。 我设法做到这一点,具有以下
Is there any way to Iterate all described services in routes file? URL and HTTP methods are needed. I need this feature for running some integration test. I am using Play for Java. Not easily. I managed to hack my way through it a while ago(no scala know-how). I'll post that code maybe it can be of use. public static List<String[]> parseRoutes() { scala.Option<play.core
有没有什么方法可以在routes文件中迭代所有描述的服务? 需要URL和HTTP方法。 我需要这个功能来运行一些集成测试。 我正在使用Play for Java。 不容易。 前段时间我设法破解了它(没有scala知识)。 我会发布该代码,也许它可以使用。 public static List<String[]> parseRoutes() { scala.Option<play.core.Router.Routes> option = Play.application().getWrappedApplication().routes(); if (op
Considering that: == should never be used to compare doubles/floats it appears from the docs that (beyond some type-checking and checking against NaN) that's all that Double/Float.equals does It would seem like Float.equals in its current form is almost completely useless. Am I missing something, or are there times when it is appropriate to use Float.equals, except in the staggeringly
考虑到: ==绝对不能用来比较双打/浮动 从文档中可以看出(除了某些类型检查和检查NaN)Double / Float.equals所做的一切 它看起来像目前形式的Float.equals几乎完全没用。 我是否错过了某些东西,或者是否有适合使用Float.equals的时间,除非您想要测试二进制相等性的极其罕见的情况除外? 如果是这样的话,真的已经完成了自己的identikit epsilon函数(如第一个链接中推荐的),还是有一个用于这个惊人的常见操作的
For a number of years now I have been unable to get a decent answer to the following question: why are some developers so against checked exceptions? I have had numerous conversations, read things on blogs, read what Bruce Eckel had to say (the first person I saw speak out against them). I am currently writing some new code and paying very careful attention to how I deal with exceptions. I am
多年来,我一直无法得到一个体面的答案,以下问题:为什么有些开发人员如此反对检查异常? 我曾经进行过多次对话,在博客上阅读,阅读布鲁斯·艾克尔(Bruce Eckel)所说的话(我看到的第一个人反对他们)。 我目前正在编写一些新的代码,并且非常小心地注意我如何处理异常。 我试图看到“我们不喜欢检查过的例外”观点的观点,但我仍然看不到它。 我所有的谈话都以相同的问题结束了,而且没有得到答复......让我设置它:
I have the following driver/main class encapsulating my Akka program: // Groovy pseudo-code class FizzBuzz { ActorSystem actorSystem static void main(String[] args) { FizzBuzz d = new FizzBuzz() d.run() } void run() { Initialize initCmd = new Initialize() MasterActor master = actorSystem.get(...) // Tells the entire actor system to initi
我有以下驱动程序/主类封装我的Akka程序: // Groovy pseudo-code class FizzBuzz { ActorSystem actorSystem static void main(String[] args) { FizzBuzz d = new FizzBuzz() d.run() } void run() { Initialize initCmd = new Initialize() MasterActor master = actorSystem.get(...) // Tells the entire actor system to initialize itself and start doing s
In Java, I have text from a text field in a String variable called "text". How can I save the contents of the "text" variable to a file? If you're simply outputting text, rather than any binary data, the following will work: PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("filename.txt"); Then, write your String to it, just like you would to any output stream: out.println(text);
在Java中,我从一个称为“文本”的字符串变量中的文本字段中获取文本。 如何将“文本”变量的内容保存到文件中? 如果您只是输出文本而不是任何二进制数据,则以下内容将起作用: PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter("filename.txt"); 然后,写下你的字符串,就像你对任何输出流一样: out.println(text); 您将需要异常处理,一如既往。 当你完成写作时,一定要调出out.close() 。 如果您使用的是Java 7或更高版本,则可
I'm writing a new app, using Guice for dependency injection, and Guava's Preconditions for attribute validation. I'm using the factory pattern to create beans based on external input. The question is, what would be the preferred way to validate the input? (In terms of maintainability, clarity, etc.) Let's assume these classes: Bean.java public interface Bean { public
我正在编写一个新的应用程序,使用Guice进行依赖注入,以及番石榴的属性验证前提条件。 我使用工厂模式根据外部输入创建bean。 问题是, 验证输入的首选方法是什么? (就可维护性,清晰度等而言) 我们假设这些类: Bean.java public interface Bean { public Object getFoo(); } BeanImpl.java public class BeanImpl implements Bean { private final Object foo; public BeanImpl(Object param) {
i have this json POST url'http://localhost:8080/demo/test' from PHP '{"postby_id":"1","title":"ftkjhg","is_private":"0","status":"1","post_type_id":"1","type":"2","p_id":"1","ve_id":"3","link":"1111111"}' my webController @RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody void creMysqlCall() throws Exception { creativityService.creMysqlCa
我有这个json POST url'http:// localhost:8080 / demo / test'from PHP '{"postby_id":"1","title":"ftkjhg","is_private":"0","status":"1","post_type_id":"1","type":"2","p_id":"1","ve_id":"3","link":"1111111"}' 我的webController @RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody void creMysqlCall() throws Exception { creativityService.creMysq