I'm trying to use JDBC Realm Form Authentication to set security for my application, but it doesn't work. When i'm trying to login the page just reloads I don't get errors, there is nothing in logs. Here is web.xml <error-page> <error-code>403</error-code> <location>/faces/views/errors/403.xhtml</location> </error-page> <login-co
我试图使用JDBC领域表单身份验证来为我的应用程序设置安全性,但它不起作用。 当我试图登录页面只是重新加载我没有得到错误,没有在日志中。 这里是web.xml <error-page> <error-code>403</error-code> <location>/faces/views/errors/403.xhtml</location> </error-page> <login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <realm-name>jdbcRe
I am trying to create a jdbc realm in Glassfish 4.0 but it gives me the following error. Creation of Authrealm realmforsuggestboard failed. java.lang.SecurityException: java.io.IOException: Configuration Error: Invalid control flag, REQUİRED java.lang.SecurityException: java.io.IOException: Configuration Error: Invalid control flag, REQUİRED I tried to ping the connection pool and it works f
我试图在Glassfish 4.0中创建一个jdbc领域,但它给了我以下错误。 创建Authrealm realmforsuggestboard失败。 java.lang.SecurityException:java.io.IOException:配置错误:无效的控制标志,REQUIRED java.lang.SecurityException:java.io.IOException:配置错误:无效的控制标志REQUİRED 我试图ping连接池,它工作正常。 这是日志输出。 [2014-07-01T10:21:44.674 + 0300] [glassfish 4.0] [INFO] [realm.loaded.
What's the difference between the Password encryption algorithm and the Digest Algorithm in Glassfish 4? Because Password encryption algorithm cannot be blank, I used MD5, and for Encoding, Hex. The Digest Algorithm is blank, so the default is SHA-256. But if I made a simple login application with JAAS, and create the tables, insert one user, and the password is encrypted with MD5, the us
密码加密算法和Glassfish 4中的摘要算法有什么区别? 由于密码加密算法不能为空白,所以我使用了MD5,而对于Encoding,Hex。 摘要算法是空白的,所以默认是SHA-256。 但是,如果我使用JAAS创建了一个简单的登录应用程序,并创建表,插入一个用户,并使用MD5加密密码,则用户无法登录。如果我使用SHA-256加密密码,用户可以登录。 那么,什么是密码加密算法字段? 文档在这一点上不是很清楚,但我的解释如下。 这是基于G
I created jdbcRealm in Glassfish 3.1.1: <auth-realm name="db-realm" classname="com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.jdbc.JDBCRealm"> <property name="user-name-column" value="username"></property> <property name="password-column" value="userpassword"></property> <property name="group-name-column" value="groupname"></property> &l
我在Glassfish 3.1.1中创建了jdbcRealm: <auth-realm name="db-realm" classname="com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.jdbc.JDBCRealm"> <property name="user-name-column" value="username"></property> <property name="password-column" value="userpassword"></property> <property name="group-name-column" value="groupname"></property> <
I have been storing my passwords in plain-text for development purposes but want to start storing the hashes instead, but have so far not yet succeeded in having GlassFish properly authenticate against a hashed password due to the following SecurityException: SEVERE: jdbcrealm.invaliduserreason WARNING: WEB9102: Web Login Failed: com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.login.common.LoginException: Logi
为了开发目的,我一直以纯文本格式存储密码,但是希望开始存储哈希值,但由于以下SecurityException,迄今尚未成功让GlassFish正确验证哈希密码: SEVERE: jdbcrealm.invaliduserreason WARNING: WEB9102: Web Login Failed: com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.login.common.LoginException: Login failed: Security Exception 首先,我正在运行GlassFish 3.1,并将我的JDBC领域的摘要设置为SHA-256。 我的User类具有以下注
I use jdbcRealm for security in my glassfish v3.0.1 b22. It is set up so that it use the USER table inside my database for authentication by following this blog: http://blogs.oracle.com/foo/entry/mort_learns_jdbc_realm_authentication. I got it working fine, if I leave the digest algorithm as plain text. However when i try to use SHA-256 for digest algorithm, it stop working. What I did is spe
我在我的glassfish v3.0.1 b22中使用jdbcRealm进行安全性测试。 它的设置是为了使用我的数据库中的USER表进行身份验证,方法是访问以下博客:http://blogs.oracle.com/foo/entry/mort_learns_jdbc_realm_authentication。 如果我将摘要算法作为纯文本保留,我就能正常工作。 但是,当我尝试使用SHA-256摘要算法时,它停止工作。 我所做的是在Glassfish - Security - Realm中指定 - jdbcRealm - 摘要说明我需要SHA-256
I've written some code for my Android device to login to a web site over https and parse some data out of the resulting pages. An HttpGet happens first to get some info needed for login, then an HttpPost to do the actual login process. The code below works great in a Java project within Eclipse which has the following Jar files on the build path: httpcore-4.1-beta2.jar , httpclient-4.1-alp
我已经为我的Android设备编写了一些代码,通过https登录到一个网站,并从结果页面中解析出一些数据。 HttpGet首先会获得登录所需的一些信息,然后是HttpPost来执行实际的登录过程。 下面的代码在Eclipse中的Java项目中很好用,它在构建路径中具有以下Jar文件: httpcore-4.1-beta2.jar , httpclient-4.1-alpha2.jar , httpmime-4.1-alpha2.jar , commons-logging-1.1.1.jar httpmime-4.1-alpha2.jar commons-logging-1.1.1
Well, I'm pretty much trying to figure out how to pull information from a webpage, and bring it into my program (in Java). For example, if I know the exact page I want info from, for the sake of simplicity a Best Buy item page, how would I get the appropriate info I need off of that page? Like the title, price, description? What would this process even be called? I have no idea were to
好吧,我非常想弄清楚如何从网页中提取信息,并将其带入我的程序(使用Java)。 例如,如果我知道我想要的信息的确切网页,为了简化百思买商品页面,我将如何从该网页获取我需要的相应信息? 像标题,价格,描述一样? 这个过程甚至会被称为什么? 我不知道甚至开始研究这个。 编辑:好的,我正在对JSoup(BalusC发布的那个)进行测试,但我一直得到这个错误: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
Searching SO and Google, I've found that there are a few Java HTML parsers which are consistently recommended by various parties. Unfortunately it's hard to find any information on the strengths and weaknesses of the various libraries. I'm hoping that some people have spent some comparing these libraries, and can share what they've learned. Here's what I've seen: JTi
通过搜索SO和Google,我发现有几个Java HTML解析器一直被各方推荐。 不幸的是,很难找到任何有关各个图书馆的长处和短处的信息。 我希望有些人花了一些时间比较这些图书馆,并分享他们学到的东西。 以下是我所看到的: JTidy NekoHTML jsoup TagSoup 如果有一个我曾经错过的重要解析器,我也很乐意听到它的优点和缺点。 谢谢! 一般 几乎所有已知的HTML解析器都实现了W3C DOM API(JAXP API的一部分,用于XM
I have a REST Jersey web service. My question is about the answer of this question, please check; token based authentication in php In that answer its mentioned that; "It then sends a hash of this token and certain characteristics of the request to authenticate the request, eg sha1(Token + Timestamp + Request URL + Request Body). Your server can validate this without the client havin
我有一个REST Jersey web服务。 我的问题是关于这个问题的答案,请检查; PHP中基于令牌的身份验证 在那个答案中提到了那个; 然后它发送一个这个令牌的散列和请求的某些特征来验证请求,例如sha1(令牌+时间戳+请求URL +请求正文)。你的服务器可以验证这一点,而不需要客户端以纯文本发送令牌在每个请求上“。 任何人都可以解释服务器如何验证“客户端不需要在每个请求上以纯文本发送令牌”? 客户应该每次向服务器发送