I am trying to write ResultSet to Excel (*.xlsx) Table using Apache Poi. Invalid Table Object Error in Office Excel However, even though it writes the Excel file without any error, when I try to open it in Office Excel 2013, it shows an error and removes the table object to give only plain data view. Here is the rough Sample Code using this example: public static void writeExcel(ResultSet
我正在尝试使用Apache Poi将ResultSet写入Excel(* .xlsx)表 。 Office Excel中的表格对象错误无效 但是,即使它在没有任何错误的情况下写入Excel文件,但当我尝试在Office Excel 2013中打开它时,它会显示错误并删除表格对象以仅提供纯数据视图。 以下是使用此示例的粗略示例代码: public static void writeExcel(ResultSet rs, int sqliteRowCount, String dir) { System.out.println("Writing Excel(*.xlsx) File
Eclipse 4.4.0 on Mac OSX 10.9, JVM 8 gives an alert when I try to run it: "The JVM shared library "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachine/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/.../jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib" does not contain the JNI_CreateJavaVM symbol" The application does not start. I edited the Info.plist per Shan's instructions of 8/25, but I still get the same error. I
在Mac OSX 10.9上的Eclipse 4.4.0,当我尝试运行它时,JVM 8会发出警报: “JVM共享库”/ Library / Java / JavaVirtualMachine / jdk1.8.0_20.jdk / Contents / Home / 该应用程序无法启动。 我按照Shan的8/25指令编辑了Info.plist,但我仍然得到相同的错误。 我也从Apple的网站下载并安装了Java,但我仍然遇到同样的错误。 谢谢您的帮助。 如果您使用Eclipse安装程序安装eclipse,则可能会在安装程序未指向正确的jvm
I am trying to write a groovy script (java code is welcome as well ;)) which should allow me to perform the Digest authentication. The need being it is to be able to use Digest auth in SOAPUI becauer SOAP doesn't support native this kind of authentication. To test my script I used an URL: https://postman-echo.com/digest-auth First I access the page via web browser to get the WWW-Authenti
我正在尝试编写一个groovy脚本(也欢迎java代码;)),它应该允许我执行摘要式身份验证。 需要的是能够在SOAPUI中使用摘要身份验证,因为SOAP不支持本地这种身份验证。 为了测试我的脚本,我使用了一个URL:https://postman-echo.com/digest-auth 首先,我通过网络浏览器访问该页面以获取WWW-Authenticate标题。 Digest realm =“Users”,nonce =“81lEQmJGxRb3Us9jVJPYlDpjw11On7zW”,qop =“auth” 然后输入正确的用户名
I have read every guide possible, from wikipedia to other implementations, but cannot for the life of me get this to work! I'm attempting to connect to my Calibre Content Server from my android application, using okhttp3 and a simple header. key[0] is the username (calibre), key[1] is the password(test). HashMap<String, String> digestHeader = parseHeader(response.header("Www-Authenti
我已经阅读了每一个可能的指南,从维基百科到其他实现,但不能为我的生活得到这个工作! 我试图用我的android应用程序连接到我的Calibre Content Server,使用okhttp3和一个简单的头文件。 键[0]是用户名(口径),键[1]是口令(测试)。 HashMap<String, String> digestHeader = parseHeader(response.header("Www-Authenticate")); String ha1 = FileHelper.convertToMD5(key[0] + ":" + digestHeader.get("realm") +
I am running the sample Apache hc (http client) for digest authentication. I didn't change anything, just using the provided sample: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HttpHost target = new HttpHost("httpbin.org", 80, "http"); CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials( new AuthScope(target.
我正在运行示例Apache hc(http客户端)进行摘要式身份验证。 我没有改变任何东西,只是使用提供的示例: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HttpHost target = new HttpHost("httpbin.org", 80, "http"); CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials( new AuthScope(target.getHostName(), target.getPort()),
Can I run my own authentication provider(ie OpenId based) and let the users authenticate against it with OAuth? The provider will server as SSO point for multiple web-application. The reason to do it is, that I will need only one applicationID(from each OAuth provider supported) for all my webapps. The provider will serve JSON security token, that will be use for secure access. UPDATE I wil
我可以运行自己的身份验证提供程序(即基于OpenId)并让用户使用OAuth进行身份验证吗? 提供者将作为SSO点服务于多个Web应用程序。 做到这一点的原因是,我只需要一个applicationID(来自每个支持的OAuth提供者)为我的所有webapps。 该提供商将提供JSON安全令牌,这将用于安全访问。 更新我将只添加用例的例子 用户想要登录到我的一些webapp 用户被重定向到我的身份提供者 用户选择他想要登录的方式(pasword或某些
I was trying to learn JAAS , then i came up with the terms SAML and Realm , and now I am confused. In any of the basic tutorials of JAAS , we are pretty much configuring the basic that a normal Realm configuration is. If I read configuration of SAML then it looks similar as JAAS . I have absolutely no idea why different names. May be SAML is built on Realm and JAAS on SAML , not sure can any
我试图学习JAAS ,然后我想出了SAML和Realm这两个术语,现在我感到困惑。 在JAAS任何基本教程中,我们几乎都配置了一个普通的Realm配置。 如果我阅读SAML配置,那么它看起来与JAAS类似。 我完全不知道为什么不同的名字。 可能SAML是建立在Realm和JAAS上的SAML ,不确定任何机构能否清楚说明差异。 如果您分享任何链接,请提出谦虚的要求,请定义一下它,以便在我阅读时帮助我。 我已经在JBOSS和Glassfish上成功配置了JA
I'm writing a small web application in Java and my idea is to use database users as application users. Oracle recommends this approach in this document in case you never heard of it. Basically, the user will authenticate with their database credentials and I will forward these credentials to the dbms for the actual athentication process. My problem is that every time I need to open a conn
我正在用Java编写一个小型Web应用程序,我的想法是将数据库用户用作应用程序用户。 如果您从未听说过,Oracle在本文档中建议采用这种方法。 基本上,用户将使用他们的数据库凭证进行身份验证,并且我会将这些凭据转发给实际的验证过程的dbms。 我的问题是,每次我需要为用户打开连接时,我都需要他们的凭据。 我提出了两个想法,但对我来说这两个想法都不是完全合适的: 将jdbc连接对象存储在用户会话中,因此每次用户必
I'm trying to create a REST API following the HTTP method semantics but I got stuck with the DELETE method. In my use case, the service is behind a gateway that authenticates the user. This service uses a SSO token that then is used to authenticate the user and get his details. From this point, I'm trying to make a call to my service where I use the id of the resource I want to delete
我试图在HTTP方法语义之后创建一个REST API,但我被DELETE方法困住了。 在我的用例中,该服务位于验证用户身份的网关之后。 此服务使用SSO令牌,然后用于验证用户并获取他的详细信息。 从这一点上,我试图打电话给我的服务,我使用我想要删除的资源的id作为路径变量,但是我不知道如何传递用户ID进行验证。 我读过很多关于向DELETE方法添加正文的问题。 我也认为添加自定义标题来标识用户不是正确的方法。 在我有的选择
I am having trouble grasping the idea of authorization in PlayFramework (version 2.5). My situation is I have a REST API method getUser and I want to restrict its access by performing authorization with a token that is coming in custom request header named "X-Authorization" . Now my controller code looks like that: package controllers; import models.User; import org.bson.types.Objec
我无法在PlayFramework(版本2.5)中掌握授权的概念。 我的情况是我有一个REST API方法getUser ,我想通过使用名为"X-Authorization"自定义请求标头中的令牌执行授权来限制其访问。 现在我的控制器代码如下所示: package controllers; import models.User; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import play.mvc.*; import org.json.simple.*; import views.html.*; public class ApiController extends Controller {