
My goal is starting JSR-352 batch jobs through a Quartz scheduler on a GlassFish server, but there's a big issue. First of all, here's my code. My JSR-352 job: <job id="myJob" ...> <step id="myBatchlet"> <batchlet ref="mypackage.MyBatchlet" /> </step> </job> The corresponding Java code: public class MyBatchlet implements Batchlet {


我的目标是通过GlassFish服务器上的Quartz调度程序启动JSR-352批处理作业,但存在一个大问题。 首先,这是我的代码。 我的JSR-352工作: <job id="myJob" ...> <step id="myBatchlet"> <batchlet ref="mypackage.MyBatchlet" /> </step> </job> 相应的Java代码: public class MyBatchlet implements Batchlet { @Override public String process() throws Excepti

Quartz Scheduler: Maintain processed files list in the event job metadata

We use Quartz scheduler in our application to scan a particular folder for any new files and if there is a new file, then kick off the associated workflow in the application to process it. For this, we have created our custom listener object which is associated with a job and a trigger that polls the file location every 5 min. The requirement is to process only the new file that arrives in tha

Quartz Scheduler:在事件作业元数据中维护已处理的文件列表

我们在我们的应用程序中使用Quartz调度程序来扫描特定文件夹中的任何新文件,如果有新文件,则启动应用程序中的相关工作流程以处理它。 为此,我们创建了与作业和触发器关联的自定义侦听器对象,每5分钟轮询文件位置。 要求只处理到达该文件夹位置的新文件,而忽略已处理的文件。 另外,我们不希望文件夹位置在大量文件中大量增长(否则会减慢文件夹扫描速度) - 所以在工作流程结束时,我们实际上会删除源文件。 为了实现

JobListener issue [JAVA]

I just set up QUARTZ to use with our enterprise applications. The following code snippets are just examples and not taken from the real web applications. My Trigger/Scheduler class looks like this: import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory; import org


我只是将QUARTZ设置为与我们的企业应用程序配合使用。 以下代码片段仅仅是示例,并不是来自真实的Web应用程序。 我的触发器/调度器类看起来像这样: import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.impl.matchers.GroupMatcher; public class TriggerXM

run backgroud task using Quartz scheduler

We are presently using the org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean and org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean to acheive the job scheduling for a specific cronExpressions and we have a requirement now to trigger a background process on some action ie similar to JMS. I am looking for options using the quartz scheduler and can i add the task as a job in Scheduler


我们目前使用org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean和org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean来实现特定cronExpressions的作业调度,现在我们有一个要求来触发后台进程的某些动作,即类似于JMS。 我正在寻找使用石英调度程序的选项,并且可以将任务作为SchedulerFactoryBean中的作业添加(无需指定cronexpression)并从Java类调用它? 探索此选项需要帮助。 提前致谢 谢谢回复。

Quartz scheduler interrupting job?

I have a quartz job. i need to stop its processing through UI. we provide a button where in user can click STOP button then current running process should be stopped. but further scheduling should resume. i googled and found InterruptableJob of quartz. My question is, consider the job has triggered a stored procedure execution and stored procedure might take long time to complete its execut


我有一个石英工作。 我需要通过UI来停止它的处理。 我们提供了一个按钮,用户可以点击STOP按钮,然后STOP当前的运行过程。 但应该恢复进一步的调度。 我google搜索到了石英的InterruptableJob 。 我的问题是,考虑到作业已触发存储过程执行,存储过程可能需要很长时间才能完成其执行。 我相信InterruptableJob不能使用InterruptableJob的中断方法来终止存储过程的执行。 请有人解释在哪种情况下interrupt() of Interrupt

Multiple Quartz schedulers to run same job

I searched around looking for my situation but found many threads on making multiple quartz schedulers on different machines run a job once. My situation is the opposite. We have multiple web servers behind a load balancer, all are using quartz and connect to the same database. One of the jobs is to load log files from a third party app into the database. When the job is triggered only one of


我搜索了四处寻找自己的情况,但发现许多线程让不同机器上的多个石英调度程序只运行一次。 我的情况恰恰相反。 我们在负载均衡器后面有多个Web服务器,都使用石英并连接到同一个数据库。 其中一项工作是将来自第三方应用程序的日志文件加载到数据库中。 当作业被触发时,只有其中一个Web服务器将其选中。 我试图找到一个解决方案来安排一个计划任务,当它被触发时,所有连接的Web服务器都会启动并开始处理来自第三方应用程

Aviary crashes on Android L (5.0)

Was just testing my app and found out that after I upgraded my Nexus 5 to Lollipop/5.0, the Aviary SDK I use in it crashes big time. In a google search I found an SO question asked yesterday with the exact same problem, but that question has been deleted by the user (I was able to view it through Googles cache). It said: When I run my project on Android L it crash every time with error: 11-

Aviary在Android L上崩溃(5.0)

只是测试我的应用程序,发现在将Nexus 5升级到Lollipop / 5.0后,我使用的Aviary SDK崩溃时间很长。 在谷歌搜索中,我发现了一个SO问题,问题与昨天完全相同,但该问题已被用户删除(我可以通过Google Googles缓存查看它)。 它说: 当我跑我在Android l项目会崩溃每次错误:11-20 09:27:38.560:A /艺术(13974):艺术/运行/] JNI检测到的错误应用:JNI GetFieldID叫与现行异常 'java.lang.NoSuc

Jenkins's builds are blocked "Option code: 65002"

My jenkins can't build our project , here's the logs : Jenkins is fully up and running déc. 02, 2014 12:34:35 PM Infos hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner run SCM changes detected in ADRIA_LIVE_BUILD. Triggering #2487 déc. 02, 2014 12:37:02 PM Avertissement javax.jmdns.impl.DNSIncoming readAnswer There was an OPT answer. Not currently handled. Option code: 65002 data: 38F74FF84C6CD8A3 déc


我的詹金斯不能建立我们的项目,这里是日志: Jenkins is fully up and running déc. 02, 2014 12:34:35 PM Infos hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner run SCM changes detected in ADRIA_LIVE_BUILD. Triggering #2487 déc. 02, 2014 12:37:02 PM Avertissement javax.jmdns.impl.DNSIncoming readAnswer There was an OPT answer. Not currently handled. Option code: 65002 data: 38F74FF84C6CD8A3 déc. 02, 2014 12:37:16

Opening new connection after Connection Draining. Google Cloud Messaging

I am somewhat new to Google Cloud Messaging. We have been working with it for a couple of months but just recently we have been getting "Connection Draining" messages. When this happens all communication stops. Google says: When you receive a CONNECTION_DRAINING message, you should immediately begin sending messages to ano

连接排空后打开新的连接。 Google云消息传递

我对Google Cloud Messaging有点新鲜。 我们一直在使用它几个月,但最近我们得到了“连接排水”信息。 发生这种情况时,所有通信都会停止 Google说: 当您收到CONNECTION_DRAINING消息时,应立即开始将消息发送到另一个CCS连接,并根据需要打开一个新连接。 但是,您应该保持原始连接处于打开状态,并继续接收可能通过连接发送的消息(并确认它们)--CSCS将在

Load sound from memory in Android

Is there any way to load a sound samples from memory using SoundPool.load method? Unfortunatelly, all methods provided in SoundPool are using arguments for real files. The problem is that I want to load sounds from zip file on SDcard, and extracting zip (like in this solution) is not an option. Furthermore, there is a solution for loading from uncomressed zip files, but my files is comressed


使用SoundPool.load方法有什么办法从内存中加载声音样本? 不幸的是, SoundPool中提供的所有方法都是使用真实文件的参数。 问题是我想从SD卡上的zip文件加载声音,并且提取zip(如在此解决方案中)不是一个选项。 此外,还有一个从未压缩的zip文件加载的解决方案,但我的文件受到了注释(并且将使用密码)。 那么有没有办法让代表一个虚拟文件,所以我可以实现一些放置我自己的流的抽象类? 最