Connect to Hbase on Cloudera VM using the Java Client API :

I am using the following JAVA code to establish the connection : Configuration hConfig = null; hConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create(); hConfig.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", **zookepperQuorum**); hConfig.set("", **zookepperClientPort**); HBaseAdmin.checkHBaseAvailable(hConfig); This is my ipConfig from CmdLine on windows : Ethernet ad

使用Java客户端API连接到Cloudera VM上的Hbase:

我正在使用以下JAVA代码来建立连接: Configuration hConfig = null; hConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create(); hConfig.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", **zookepperQuorum**); hConfig.set("", **zookepperClientPort**); HBaseAdmin.checkHBaseAvailable(hConfig); 这是我在windows上的CmdLine的ipConfig: 以太网适配器本地连接: 链路本地IPv6地址。 。

Java ip address proxy

I have openVPN Connect configured on a vista laptop, so that connecting with a web browser allows the computer to change its ip address. What are the steps necessary to allow the following networking code in java to use this new ip address: import*; public class A { public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { InetAddress kj=InetAddress.getLocalHost();


我在vista笔记本电脑上配置了openVPN Connect,以便与网络浏览器连接,使计算机可以更改其IP地址。 在java中允许以下网络代码使用这个新的IP地址需要什么步骤: import*; public class A { public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { InetAddress kj=InetAddress.getLocalHost(); System.out.println(kj.getHostAddress()); } } 从命令提示符运行ipconfig:

Find network adapter name for ethernet connection

This question already has an answer here: How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java? 15 answers Take a look at this tutorial: Listing Network Interface Addresses And use getDisplayName() instand of getName(). See Heer to get the Gateway: How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java?


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何确定我的路由器/网关在Java中的IP? 15个答案 查看本教程:列出网络接口地址并使用getName()的getDisplayName()实例。 请参阅Heer获取网关:如何确定我的路由器/网关在Java中的IP?

Get the IPaddress of the computer in an Android project using java

I am using ksoap2-android and i need to get the IP address using java so that I don't have to type it manually everytime. What i mean by IP address is , for example if I do ipconfig using the command shell: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : f0::ed2:e3bf:8206:44%13 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : <--THIS ONE S


我使用的是ksoap2-android,我需要使用java获取IP地址,这样我就不必每次都手动输入。 我的意思是IP地址是,例如,如果我使用命令shell执行ipconfig: 连接特定的DNS后缀。 : 链路本地IPv6地址。 。 。 。 。 :f0 :: ed2:e3bf:8206:44%13 IPv4地址。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 : < - 这一个 子网掩码 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 : 默

Can somebody explain in Manhattan dstance for the 8 puzzle in java for me?

i am writing an A* algorithm which can solve the 8-puzzle in Java, so far i have implemented DFS, BFS, A* using the number of tiles out of place and i just need to implement it using the heuristic for the Manhattan distance. As you are probably aware the Manhattan distance is the sum of each tiles displacement in relation to its current position and its index in the goal state. I have googled


我正在编写一个A *算法,它可以解决Java中的8-puzzle问题,到目前为止,我已经实现了DFS,BFS,A *使用不同位置的磁贴数量,我只需要使用曼哈顿距离的启发来实现它。 正如你可能知道曼哈顿距离是每个瓷砖位移相对于其当前位置和其在目标状态下的指数的总和。 我搜索了一下,发现了这些堆栈流转主题: 计算曼哈顿距离曼哈顿A * 其中返回了以下代码: int manhattanDistanceSum = 0; for (int x = 0; x < N; x++) //

Manhattan Distance Clarification

I would like to know the difference in calculating the manhattan distance of the following code snipets. I have 2D array int[][] state and want to calculate the manahattan distance from a current node to the goal node: example: current node 0 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 6 0 == empty tile I must now calculate the manhattan distance from this node to the goal node: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 These are some of th


我想知道计算下面的代码snipets曼哈顿距离的区别。 我有二维数组int[][] state并且想要计算从当前节点到目标节点的曼哈顿距离:例如: 当前节点 0 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 6 0 ==空砖 我现在必须计算从该节点到目标节点的曼哈顿距离: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 这些是我发现的一些例子: 1)这个使用x和y坐标来计算距离 public int manhattan(Node currentNode, Node goalNode) { return Math.abs(currentNode.x - goalNode.x) +

Spring SimpleJdbcCall default (optional) arguments

I am trying to invoke a stored procedure which has default (optional) arguments without passing them and it is not working. Essentially the same problem as described here. My code: SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("ownname", "USER") .addValue("tabname", cachedTableName) .addValue("estimate_percent", 20) .addValue("method_opt", "FO

Spring SimpleJdbcCall默认(可选)参数

我试图调用一个存储过程有默认(可选)参数而不传递它,它不工作。 基本上与此处所述的问题相同。 我的代码: SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource() .addValue("ownname", "USER") .addValue("tabname", cachedTableName) .addValue("estimate_percent", 20) .addValue("method_opt", "FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1") .addValue("degree", 0) .addValue("granu

How does copying/passing instances of a WebDriver work, and is it dangerous?

I've been working on a team that's been developing a Selenium WebDriver infrastructure for a few months now, and something about the way we access the driver object from test cases and page objects is bugging me. Our test cases create a new WebDriver instance and open the browser. This new instance is stored in the test case class. Then, the test case instantiates a page object. Fol


我一直在为一个团队开发Selenium WebDriver基础设施几个月,而我们从测试用例和页面对象访问驱动程序对象的方式让我感到困惑。 我们的测试用例创建一个新的WebDriver实例并打开浏览器。 这个新实例存储在测试用例类中。 然后,测试用例实例化一个页面对象。 以下是Selenium的页面对象模式,这些页面对象将WebDriver作为其构造函数的参数(尽管我注意到在我们的版本中它不是最终的)。 各种页面对象方法使用在页面对象的构

Can SWT get the location of the blinking cursor in windows

I'm a beginner in java programming and I want to get location of the blinking cursor in Windows not in Java windows. How to get it? Does Java have any API to do it? I tried this code, but it gets the current mouse cursor. import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; public class CursotLocationDemo{ public static void main(String[] args){ Displa


我是java编程的初学者,我想在Windows中获取闪烁光标的位置,而不是在Java窗口中。 如何得到它? Java是否有任何API来执行它? 我试过这段代码,但它获取当前的鼠标光标。 import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; public class CursotLocationDemo{ public static void main(String[] args){ Display d = new Display(); while(true){ Point p = d.getCu

GWT RichTextArea not Capturing onBrowserEvent (Event.ONPASTE)

I'm trying to get the Event.ONPASTE event on my RichTextArea, but for some reason this event NEVER gets called. I already tried with Ctrl + V and using mouse -> Right Click -> Paste and still nothing happens. To help me diagnose this, I've started printing the events that are being captured and it realy does looks like the ONPASTE event is completely ignored. The code that I

GWT RichTextArea不捕获onBrowserEvent(Event.ONPASTE)

我试图在我的RichTextArea上获取Event.ONPASTE事件,但由于某种原因,这个事件永远不会被调用。 我已经尝试了Ctrl + V并使用鼠标 - >右键单击 - >粘贴,但仍然没有任何反应。 为了帮助我诊断这一点,我已经开始打印正在捕获的事件,并且它真的看起来像ONPASTE事件完全被忽略。 我正在使用的代码: import; import; public class Custo