I have an application where I would like to have mixed Java and Scala source (actually its migrating a java app to scala - but a bit at a time). I can make this work in IDEs just fine, very nice. But I am not sure how to do this with maven - scalac can compile java and scala intertwined, but how to I set up maven for the module? Also, does my scala source have to be a different folder to the
我有一个应用程序,我想混合使用Java和Scala源代码(实际上它将一个java应用程序迁移到scala--但每次都是这样)。 我可以在IDE中完成这项工作,很好,非常好。 但我不知道如何用maven做到这一点 - scalac可以编译java和scala交织在一起,但是如何为模块设置maven? 另外,我的Scala源必须是不同的文件夹到Java? 使用maven scala插件,像下面这样的配置可以用于混合了java和scala源代码的项目(scala源当然会在/ scala目
old code Currently, I am trying to make a game in which the mouse controls a block that will move around, gathering little balls. Every time a ball spawns, an enemy will appear, moving in a linear path. My program attempts to implement that, however the enemies all spawn at once and are moving right only. The food, when eaten, does not disappear. Instead, when I move the mouse, the food fl
旧代码 目前,我正在尝试制作一款游戏,其中鼠标控制一个可以移动的区块,收集小球。 每当一个球产生时,敌人就会出现,并沿直线移动。 我的程序试图实现这一点,但是所有敌人都立刻产生并且只向右移动。 食物在食用时不会消失。 相反,当我移动鼠标时,食物在整个地方闪烁,敌人全部移向右侧。 我不确定如何让食物出现一次并留在那里,然后当玩家吃掉它时,它会消失并产生另外一种食物,并产生一个敌人以及左右或上下弹
I'm having some difficulty implementing very basic collision within libGDX. The update code for the "player" is as so: private void updatePosition(float _dt) { Vector2 _oldPos = _pos; _pos.add(_mov.scl(_dt*50)); _bounds.setPosition(_pos.x-8, _pos.y-12); if(_game.getMap().checkCollision(_bounds)) { System.out.println("Collision Detected"); _pos
我在libGDX中实现非常基本的碰撞有一些困难。 “玩家”的更新代码如下: private void updatePosition(float _dt) { Vector2 _oldPos = _pos; _pos.add(_mov.scl(_dt*50)); _bounds.setPosition(_pos.x-8, _pos.y-12); if(_game.getMap().checkCollision(_bounds)) { System.out.println("Collision Detected"); _pos = _oldPos; _bounds.setPosition(_pos.x-8, _pos.y-12); }
EDIT: Found solution. I've added it after the question. I'm designing a game for Android and I'm trying to come up with ways to reduce the calculations at the render stage. I've got a method at the moment which takes all the metal and rubber blocks in the level and stores a texture id into a int[][] grid so that the renderer just reads that instead of calculating every blocks
编辑:找到解决方案。 我在问题后添加了它。 我正在为Android设计一款游戏,我正试图想出在渲染阶段减少计算的方法。 目前我已经有了一种方法,可以将所有金属和橡胶块放到关卡中,并将纹理ID存储到int [] []网格中,以便渲染器读取该值,而不是每帧计算每块块平铺纹理。 这工作正常,但现在我正在尝试创建一个关卡和关卡中的关卡和激光块的角落和直片。 水平边界和激光块是使用一组直线激光纹理和角落纹理绘制的。 我不
I've been studying for the SCJP, now Oracle Certified Professional Java SE Programmer exam. I've had a difficult time wrapping my head around all the different collections and when to use them. I'm also fond of flash cards. So I tried to create a set of classes that are essentially the same except which collection they're using. I'll have to identify how the output would
我一直在学习SCJP,现在是Oracle认证专业Java SE程序员考试。 我有一段困难的时光,围绕着所有不同的收藏品以及何时使用它们。 我也喜欢闪存卡。 所以我尝试创建一组基本相同的类,除了它们使用的是哪个集合。 我将不得不确定输出的结果以及每个集合的主要“特征”。 不幸的是我不相信自己。 我希望有人确认所有信息都是准确的或者是否有遗漏。 然后,经过一些反馈/更正之后,我认为对于试图理解Java集合的其他人来说,这
OK so I have this applet which lets a player move his 32x32 character between tiles ... and anytime he is on the edge of the map then MOVES anywhere else... I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception. Also, when this happens, the character can walk through blocked tiles! However, this only happens on the east and south edges but on the south edge, the character CANNOT walk through blocked tiles u
好吧,我有这个小程序可以让玩家在瓦片之间移动他的32x32字符......并且任何时候他在地图的边缘,然后在其他地方移动......我得到一个ArrayIndexOutOfBounds异常。 而且,当发生这种情况时,角色可以穿过阻塞的瓦片! 然而,这只发生在东部和南部的边缘,但在南部的边缘,角色不能在从边缘移开时穿过阻塞的瓷砖。 我不知道如何解决这个问题,也许你可以帮助我? 这是我解释我的问题的一个形象: 小程序http://i26.tinypi
I want to build HTML5 Offline Web Applications but want to code in pure Java. I have seen Sencha GXT 3 but I am unsure as it supports for offline cache HTML5 or not. If you have any experience with HTML5 Offline Web Applications then please let me know which one is better. More Detail: I want to host this HTML5 app to a webserver. User browse this app and it downloads itself into user'
我想构建HTML5离线Web应用程序,但希望使用纯Java编码。 我见过Sencha GXT 3,但我不确定它是否支持脱机缓存HTML5。 如果您有任何有关HTML5离线Web应用程序的经验,请让我知道哪一个更好。 更多详情: 我想将这个HTML5应用程序托管到网络服务器。 用户浏览这个应用程序,它将自己下载到用户的手机中。 有了这个应用程序用户可以填写报告,报告GPS坐标,捕捉并将它们保存在移动设备的每个单独的文件夹中,当移动设备连接
I'm currently implementing my own math parser - and i have a few questions on how to proceed. So far my parser is converting an input string into Tokens: public class Token { final public String expression; final public int value; public Token(String expression, int value) { this.expression = expression; this.value = value; } } Each String, expre
我目前正在实现我自己的数学解析器 - 并且我有几个关于如何继续的问题。 到目前为止,我的解析器将输入字符串转换为令牌: public class Token { final public String expression; final public int value; public Token(String expression, int value) { this.expression = expression; this.value = value; } } 每个字符串表达式都是一个有效的条目号,运算符或函数。 Intege
I am looking at this piece of code. This constructor delegates to the native method "System.arraycopy" Is it Thread safe? And by that I mean can it ever throw a ConcurrentModificationException? public Collection<Object> getConnections(Collection<Object> someCollection) { return new ArrayList<Object>(someCollection); } Does it make any difference if the collec
我正在看这段代码。 这个构造函数委托给本地方法“System.arraycopy” 线程安全吗? 我的意思是它可以抛出一个ConcurrentModificationException? public Collection<Object> getConnections(Collection<Object> someCollection) { return new ArrayList<Object>(someCollection); } 如果要复制的集合是ThreadSafe,例如CopyOnWriteArrayList,它有什么区别吗? public Collection<Object> getC
I was reading the official Oracle documentation about Concurrency in Java and I was wondering what could be the difference between a Collection returned by public static <T> Collection<T> synchronizedCollection(Collection<T> c); and using for example a ConcurrentHashMap . I'm assuming that I use synchronizedCollection(Collection<T> c) on a HashMap . I know that i
我正在阅读关于Java中的并发性的官方Oracle文档,我想知道返回的Collection之间可能有什么区别 public static <T> Collection<T> synchronizedCollection(Collection<T> c); 并使用例如a ConcurrentHashMap 。 我假设我在HashMap上使用synchronizedCollection(Collection<T> c) 。 我知道通常一个同步集合本质上只是我的HashMap一个装饰器,所以很明显ConcurrentHashMap在其内部有不同的东西。